Category: New Zealand Kiwi (Page 6 of 6)

Air New Zealand Supports ESR to Get Smart with Saliva

Air New Zealand is teaming up with the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) to look at the effectiveness of saliva testing in detecting COVID-19.

Starting next week, Air New Zealand employees who are currently undertaking regular surveillance testing under the Ministry of Health testing order will be invited to participate in the study.

The purpose of this study is to see if a saliva sample is an accurate, easy and acceptable method of detecting COVID-19 compared to the current nasopharyngeal swab test. The study has recently been given the go ahead by the Ministry of Health National Health and Disability Ethics Committee.

Air New Zealand Chief Medical Officer Dr Ben Johnston says the airline is keen to investigate how to make the testing process as simple, easy and comfortable as possible for its crew, pilots and airport staff who are tested on a regular basis.

“It’s great to team up with ESR on this trial to see if a faster and more non-invasive option is available as it’s likely surveillance testing for COVID-19 will be required for some time into the future.”

“This study will bring us one step closer to looking at the effectiveness of saliva testing, which would greatly improve the experience for our people who are committed to keeping New Zealanders safe.”

ESR Chief Scientist Dr Brett Cowan says Air New Zealand is an ideal partner to test the science of saliva testing.

“Air New Zealand is joining us on this scientific exploration for the benefit of all New Zealanders, so that we may unpack how this tool can or can’t be used in our unique situation and context. This study will go a long way to determining if saliva testing can be added to New Zealand’s toolbox as we look to strengthen our defense against COVID-19.”

The study will run over two to three months and will take place alongside the existing nasopharyngeal swab. ESR will compare the accuracy of both the saliva and regular nasopharyngeal in their laboratories.

Air New Zealand Aircrew to Overnight in Honolulu, Hawaii

As part of ongoing efforts to reduce the COVID-19 risk to aircrew, Air New Zealand will re-route its North America flights to allow aircrew to overnight in Honolulu rather than Los Angeles or San Francisco.

From Monday 11 January, aircrew on all cargo flights between New Zealand and the United States will overnight in Honolulu. North America passenger services will be routed via Honolulu from 2 February.

The changes mean flights from New Zealand will make a brief stop in Honolulu to change crew before continuing onto Los Angeles or San Francisco. Aircrew operating into those ports will then remain airside and operate the return flight to Honolulu where there will be a further crew change to operate back to New Zealand.

Re-routing North American flights through Honolulu means aircrew can overnight in a lower risk destination while still maintaining vital connections into North America.

Air New Zealand Chief Executive Officer Greg Foran says operating in a pandemic means the airline is constantly assessing the risks to its people and operation.

“While it’s important to keep trade routes open and passenger services operating for our customers, looking after our people is our first priority.

“I’d like to thank everyone who has helped us to move so quickly in re-routing our flights, from officials in New Zealand and the United States, to our ground partners and our teams who have worked through the holiday break to make this happen.”

Air New Zealand has worked closely with the unions representing aircrew to progress these operational changes rapidly for the safety and wellbeing of those aircrew operating into high risk destinations.

The airline also continues to work closely with the Government and Ministry of Health officials on safe travel protocols to protect employees, customers and the community.

Air New Zealand currently operates eight cargo and two passenger and cargo services per week between New Zealand and Los Angeles in addition to four cargo services between New Zealand and San Francisco and one cargo service from Australia to North America. Customers will not be able to end their journey in Honolulu. The airline will be contacting cargo customers and passengers affected by the changes in flights directly.

Eva Air Addresses COVID-19 Infected Pilot Dismissed for Cause

On behalf of EVA Air, we offer our sincere apology to frontline epidemic prevention teams, health-care workers and the general public for the impact on public epidemic prevention efforts our dismissed pilot’s regulation violations have caused.

We treat all our employees equally and apply the same standard to each and everyone who works at EVA, no matter what rank or title. If anyone is found to have violated epidemic prevention rules, we will immediately investigate and take disciplinary action if it’s warranted.

On December 23, 2020, after a thorough evaluation of facts and evidence, EVA’s Disciplinary Committee dismissed a Captain for violating epidemic prevention rules and filing an untruthful report. He disregarded Taiwan Civil Aeronautics Administration and Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) Operational Principles, requiring Air Crew Members of Taiwan-based airlines to comply with health controls in addition to Article 43, Paragraph 2 of the Communicable Disease Control Act, stating “relevant personnel shall not refuse, evade or obstruct the laboratory testing, diagnosis, investigation…, jeopardizing the good name and reputation of the company.”

The dismissed pilot’s irresponsible disregard for the well-being of First Officers in the cockpit with him, ground crew and others he came in contact with also meets criteria for disciplinary termination under Article 12, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 4 of Taiwan’s Labor Standards Law. Following Articles 13.3.6 and 14.3 of its Pilot Administration Manual, EVA’s Disciplinary Committee made a unanimous decision to terminate the pilot, effective immediately.

The dismissed pilot failed to mention his own noncompliance or epidemic prevention rule violations by any other crew member in reports he submitted for the cargo flights he commanded. On the evening of December 17, a female First Officer who had flown with the dismissed pilot notified EVA that she had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and mentioned that the dismissed pilot had not worn a mask when they were on duty in the cabin. Following Central Epidemic Command Center guidelines, we began investigating the dismissed pilot on December 18. Another First Officer who had flown with the dismissed pilot tested positive for COVID-19 on December 19. EVA contacted both First Officers to ensure their wellbeing and verify details of the situation. The First Officers confirmed that the dismissed pilot had not worn masks when he was on duty in the cockpit with them though he was asked to do so. The EVA Disciplinary Committee considered this information within the evidence they reviewed.

The dismissed pilot is from New Zealand, the female First Officer is Taiwanese and the other First Officer, Japanese.

We also immediately began improving our epidemic prevention practices and management procedures. For example, we established more rigorous rules for crew members when they collect food during overseas layovers in hotels. We now require everyone to wear masks, goggles and gloves when they receive food. During flights, only one pilot at a time can remove his or her mask to eat or drink. We equipped our dormitories with new door locks that record all entries and exits. We also created a new reporting mechanism to make it easy for employees to report violations they may witness, regardless of the offender’s position in the company. EVA will investigate all reports of violations and take disciplinary action whenever it is warranted.

EVA strictly complies with all government epidemic prevention policies and requires all crew members and staff to follow applicable rules. Unfortunately, one irresponsible employee’s thoughtless behavior spoiled the hard-earned success that other EVA pilots, crew members and staff have worked so hard to achieve. While EVA does not ever cut corners in practices or procedures, this situation exposed vulnerabilities in our epidemic prevention efforts. We met with Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center and Civil Aeronautics Administration to discuss additional measures we can take to make our operations more secure. And we will use what we learned from this situation as we continue to do our best to strengthen and improve our epidemic prevention practices and management procedures.

Hyundai Mipo Shipyard Chosen to Build New Interislander Ferries

KiwiRail has named world-renowned Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) based in Ulsan, South Korea as its preferred shipyard to build the two new Interislander ferries.

KiwiRail Chief Executive Greg Miller said the decision to work with HMD was a significant step forward for the new Interislander project and the culmination of a robust, competitive, year-long selection process.

“Our ship procurement team and the evaluation panel, including naval architects, ship brokers and maritime lawyers, have undertaken a rigorous process to select the right shipyard and this announcement, on schedule, is a great end to the year for our team,” Mr Miller said.

“KiwiRail has specified a Makers’ List of components – predominantly American and European, including the engines, propulsion system and navigation system – to ensure the new ships will serve New Zealand well for the next 30 years.

“The two new ferries and the upgraded terminals in Waitohi Picton and Wellington are a major investment in the future of the Cook Strait freight and passenger services, with a significant taxpayer contribution. It’s crucial that we deliver the best outcome for New Zealand and for our passengers and customers and with the selection of HMD shipyard, I am confident we have achieved that.”

Once commissioned and built, the two new ferries will replace KiwiRail’s three ageing Interislander ferries,which are nearing the end of their working lives. KiwiRail operates around 3800 services a year, transporting about 850,000 passengers, 250,000 cars and up to $14 billion worth of freight, but with significant growth predicted.

New terminals and berths in Waitohi Picton and Wellington are planned to accommodate the new ferries and improve the Interislander service for customers and staff.

HMD is the world’s sixth-largest shipbuilder globally with decades of experience building complex ships, including HMNZS Aotearoa for NZDF.

It is over 20 years since New Zealand introduced a brand-new purpose-built ferry to its fleet. Once built, the two new ferries will be more efficient and support KiwiRail’s goal to reduce carbon emissions by 30 per cent by 2030 and be carbon neutral by 2050. The new ferries will be designed to use different energy sources through their life if these are available in New Zealand, and at day one will provide for battery operations when docking and plug into local power supply at each port.

The Government committed $400 million in Budget 2020 to the New Interislander project, building on a $35 million-dollar investment in Budget 2019.

Massimo Soprano, Ships Programme Manager at KiwiRail, said the selection process had been highly competitive with some of the best shipyards in the world putting in tenders for the contract.

Mr Miller said that despite the complexity and number of parties involved in the purchase of the two new ferries and the terminal upgrades in both Waitohi Picton and Wellington, things were progressing well with the new Interislander project.

A Letter of Intent (LOI) has now been signed with HMD. A LOI is a non-binding agreement that allows KiwiRail and HMD to progress to more detailed contract negotiations and is a normal step in the procurement process for large-scale ship building.

Boeing Awarded U.S. Navy Contract for New Zealand P-8 Training

The U.S. Navy recently awarded Boeing [NYSA: BA] a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) contract, valued at $109 million, to provide P-8A Poseidon training for the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF). A suite of training systems and courseware will prepare RNZAF aircrew and maintainers to safely and effectively operate and maintain the world’s premier maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft for decades to come.

Boeing’s holistic P-8 training system will enable the RNZAF to conduct up to 70 percent of all Poseidon-related training in a simulated environment. As part of the contract, Boeing will provide:

Operational Flight Trainer (OFT) – Full-motion simulator incorporates all P-8 unique displays and switches.

Weapons Tactics Trainer– Simulates mission systems and tactical operations, and when coupled with the OFT, forms a Weapons Systems Trainer that enables multi-crew, high-fidelity mission rehearsal training in the same simulated environment.

Virtual Maintenance Trainer – Enables training of maintenance professionals to properly perform maintenance tasks and procedures on the P-8A aircraft.

Scenario Generation Station – Creates custom scenarios for mission training.

Brief/Debrief Station – Provides post-mission analysis and playback.

In addition, Boeing’s Electronic Classroom will give RNZAF instructors and students access to courseware and testing capabilities. Boeing also will provide initial Instructor Cadre Training to a group of RNZAF instructors, enabling them to continue training additional RNZAF P-8A instructors and aircrews following delivery of the training system in early 2024.

“This holistic training system will enable aircrew to safely train for all aspects of flying and maintaining the P-8A Poseidon,” said Tonya Noble, director of International Defense Training for Boeing. “We look forward to bringing these training capabilities in-country and working alongside the RNZAF to ensure readiness of aircrew and maintenance personnel.”

All training will be conducted in Ohakea, New Zealand. In March 2020, the RNZAF acquired four P-8A Poseidon aircraft through the U.S. Navy FMS process, with expected delivery beginning in 2023. New Zealand is one of seven nations operating the P-8.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As a top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries, leveraging the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

Auckland Metro Network Announces Christmas Shutdown

Infrastructure work across the Auckland metro rail network is set to ramp up over the Christmas period during a network wide shut down.

As Aucklanders head out of the city on holiday, work on several projects is scheduled across the network to take advantage of the quieter period.

KiwiRail Chief Operating Officer Todd Moyle says work will focus on track repairs.

“We’ll have more than 100 people working over the Christmas and New Year period across the network. Additionally, preliminary work on Papakura to Pukekohe electrification, the Westfield and Wiri junction and the construction of a third main will be getting underway.”

All of the projects are part of the Auckland Metro Rail Programme and once complete will deliver Auckland a resilient train infrastructure network for improved reliability of passenger train services provided by Auckland Transport and freight trains.

Earlier in the year, testing uncovered damage to more than 100km of track which required urgent upgrading.

“Our teams have put in a lot of hours and have already completed over 50 percent of the required work.

“The upgrade has been a massive task and KiwiRail has worked with Auckland Transport throughout the project to try to minimise the impact on commuters.”  

The network shutdown will take place from Saturday 26 December to Sunday 10 January. During that period only freight trains will operate on the tracks.

Commuters on the Western line between Fruitvale Road and Swanson will need to prepare for a longer period of disruption, with work starting earlier, on December 20, and continuing along the entire Western Line until the end of January 2021.

“We have planned the repairs on the Western line to minimise the impact when the school year begins in February.”

“KiwiRail appreciates the level of cooperation and understanding from the public as this necessary work continues. The progress that will be made during the shutdown is an investment which will make the network more resilient and reduce future outages.”

AT Executive General Manager Integrated Networks Mark Lambert says “Once again AT wishes to acknowledge the disruption that these works have had on our customers. We will continue to provide Rail Replacement Bus services across the network throughout the shutdown, including New Year’s Eve, when many Aucklanders will be wanting to spend time with their friends and loved-ones.”

COVID-19 Impacts KiwiRail’s Fiscal Year 2020 Result

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on KiwiRail’s bottom line for the past financial year, but rigorous operational changes and cost savings measures have helped stabilise the business, KiwiRail chairman Brian Corban says.

KiwiRail Holdings Limited, New Zealand’s national rail provider, which also operates the Interislander ferry service across Cook Strait, today reported an operating surplus of $40 million1in FY20 for the KiwiRail Group, down $15 million compared with FY192.

FY20 was also notable for the additional $1.2 billion of Crown funding allocated in Budget 2020, including $400 million to progress the iReX project to replace the three ageing Interislander ferries with two brand new ones. When they arrive, they will be the first new purpose-built ferries in Interislander’s fleet for 25 years. The Budget 2020 allocation also allows the purchase of new locomotives.

Mr Miller explains that COVID-19 interrupted progress on some significant projects including the rejuvenation of the North Auckland Line where $35.5 million of $164.5 million allocated by the Provincial Growth Fund was spent during the year. More than 400 staff, contractors and sub-contractors are at work building tracks, replacing bridges and making tunnels suitable for wagons carrying hi-cube containers in Northland.

Other highlights during the year included the full return to service of the Main North line through Kaikōura and, in Wellington, work advanced on upgrading the metro network including construction starting on a second 2.7km track between Trentham and Upper Hutt.

1 Operating surplus represents earnings before depreciation & amortisation, interest, impairment, capital grants and fair value changes.

2 FY19 Operating surplus of $55m excludes impact of non-recurring items ($29m Holidays Act remediation).

KiwiRail Announce Trains Have Resumed Service on Wairoa-Napier Line

Log trains are running again on the Wairoa-Napier line from this weekend.

Services were suspended earlier this year as a result of COVID-19’s impact on the forestry industry.

KiwiRail Chief Operating Officer Todd Moyle says the first train will run tomorrow (November 21).

“We’re pleased to get the service up and running again.

“However, with the track now back in regular use, people travelling in the area will need to take special care around level crossings. Those crossing the tracks should expect trains at any time and from either direction.

“Initially there will be two return trains each weekend. Each train is expected to consist of 24 wagons, the equivalent of 24 truckloads of logs.

“Over time, as log volumes increase, we expect to run trains daily.

“There are significant numbers of forests in the Wairoa catchment that are reaching maturity.

“Harvest volumes in the Hawke’s Bay region are predicted to reach 3.3 million tonnes per annum in the next few years and remain at high levels until the mid-2030s, so we know there is a demand for rail.

“Rail infrastructure investment has multiple, long-term benefits, some of which are not immediately obvious.

“For example, moving more logs by rail instead of trucks reduces road maintenance costs and congestion and improves road safety – particularly on regional roads like those between Napier and Wairoa which were not designed for heavy trucks.

“Given trains have 70 per cent fewer emissions than trucks per tonne of freight, it also helps reduce transport emissions.”

The line was rebuilt with $6.2 million provided to the project through the Provincial Growth Fund.

Delta builds employee diversity and inclusion strength during ‘Day of Understanding’

By Emma Kate Protis

Core to Delta’s mission of connecting the world is our work to first reflect and respect the world. Often, misunderstanding can be one of our biggest barriers to connection.

To broaden understanding of ourselves, our world, our differences and all that we share, Delta hosted our second Day of Understanding with over 300 guests at the Delta Flight Museum in Atlanta.

The day was one pin on Delta’s map to seek diversity and promote inclusion, following Ed Bastian’s commitment to the CEO Action for Diversity & inclusion, a movement including more than 850 of the country’s leading CEOs and presidents to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Bastian hosted the event in partnership with the Office of Global Diversity and Inclusion and the Diversity and Inclusion Council.

“Our journey of diversity and inclusion at Delta is one of continuous progress. And it is not a journey we will win alone, nor a milestone that can be achieved overnight. Like the value diversity places on unique perspectives, it will take each of our unique commitments to seeing this succeed at Delta,” said Bastian. “I am personally invested in seeing Delta continue to grow and improve in this space, but it will truly take a shared responsibility from each member of the Delta family to make this a success.”

Eric Phillips, Senior Vice President – Pricing and Revenue Management and Chairman of Delta’s Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Council, added: “Diversity and inclusion is not this altruistic term. It’s a business imperative, and importantly, it’s a skill and a capability. We want to be world-class in diversity & inclusion the same way we’re world-class in operational reliability, the same way we’re world class in revenue generation, the same way that we’re world class in taking care of our customers.”

The event included a moderated training on how to have “R.I.C.H.” dialogues – which Reggie Butler, CEO of Performance Paradigms, calls conversations around race, identity, culture and heritage. Within the next 18 months, Delta is aiming to train people at every level of the organization with programs for employees and leaders at every level of the company to engage in a similar dialogue in smaller groups.“It’s our differences that add perspective and value that Delta needs,” said Keyra Lynn Johnson – Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer. “As we talk about our similarities, I don’t ever want us to overshadow that our differences are an important part of what makes Delta unique. And we are going to put those differences to work today.”

D&I teams and employees from Coca-Cola, Expedia, The Home Depot, Korn Ferry, PwC, and UPS joined Delta’s event. Special guests also included Delta Board of Directors members Kathy Waller, William “Bill” Easter, and David Taylor.

“We have heard time and time again that it is the Delta people that make [diversity and inclusion] happen. And you ought to know that that is authentically said because in the boardroom we hear it each meeting,” said David Taylor, Chairman, President and CEO of The Procter & Gamble Company.

“To create a culture that’s truly inclusive, that unlocks the potential in this room and throughout the company… it’s going to be a force to be reckoned with. More than just the best company in your industry, you’ll impact so many people.”

Take the “I Act On” pledge to check your bias, speak up for others and show up for all here. Learn more about how Delta is seeking diversity, promoting inclusion and celebrating Black History this month here.

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