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Embraer Announces CEO Succession

Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva concludes his tenure at the end of April and will support the transition process of the company as Senior Advisor of the Board of Directors.

São Paulo, Brazil, March 18, 2019 – Embraer, following shareholder approval of the transaction with Boeing, announces that the current President and CEO of the company, Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva, concludes a successful professional cycle with the company on April 22, 2019 which is the end of his current two year elected term.

“Paulo Cesar idealized the partnership with Boeing and led the negotiation process of the transaction that will bring Embraer and Brazil to a much more competitive and prominent level in the global aviation industry,” said Alexandre Silva, Chairman of the Board.

For 22 years at Embraer, Paulo Cesar came from the financial market to structure the company’s sales financing area. For six years he was President and CEO of Commercial Aviation and in 2013 launched the E2 Program, the medium-sized commercial jets considered today to be the most efficient in the market.

In 2016, Paulo Cesar became President and CEO of the Embraer Group, with a mission to make the company more efficient, competitive and better prepared to face structural changes in the global aviation market.

His administration established three key initiatives focused on value creation and the sustainability of the company. The first was the transaction with Boeing. The second was the creation of the Passion for Excellence program, a structural transformation project focused on reducing costs and increasing operational efficiency, generating significant annual recurring savings. The third was the creation of EmbraerX, responsible for disruptive innovation and the development of opportunities for the future, such as eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle), a project that will revolutionize urban transport in partnership with Uber.

“Without the support of the Board and Embraer’s 18,000 employees and colleagues, none of our achievements would have been possible”, noted Paulo Cesar. “We are challenged to remain at the forefront of engineering and operations. In Executive Aviation and Defense, and with the KC 390 joint venture with Boeing, we will expand our international competitiveness and everything indicates that we will have another 50 years of success ahead.” And he added: “I am sure that the new leadership of the company will find fertile ground ahead to expand and consolidate Embraer.”

Paulo Cesar was invited to be a Senior Advisor to the Board, with the task of facilitating the integration of the future President and CEO and advising the Board on the monitoring of assets and resources segregation, an integral part of the process of concluding the partnership with Boeing. As it was reported, 96.8% of Embraer’s shareholders approved an agreement with the North American company last February, which should be concluded after obtaining all approvals of the Regulatory and Competitive Agencies in Brazil and abroad.

Embraer also informs that the future President and CEO, to be elected for the next term, will be recruited externally and announced on or before the Ordinary General Assembly on April 22nd.

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About Embraer

Embraer is a global company headquartered in Brazil with businesses in commercial and executive aviation, defense & security. The company designs, develops, manufactures and markets aircraft and systems, providing customer support and services. Since it was founded in 1969, Embraer has delivered more than 8,000 aircraft. About every 10 seconds an aircraft manufactured by Embraer takes off somewhere in the world, transporting over 145 million passengers a year.

Embraer is the leading manufacturer of commercial jets up to 150 seats. The company maintains industrial units, offices, service and parts distribution centers, among other activities, across the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe.

Boeing CFO Greg Smith (left), Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg (center), and Embraer CEO Paulo Cesar Silva

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Airbus A380: From European Dream to White Elephant

TOULOUSE, France (Reuters) – Loved by passengers, feared by accountants, the world’s largest airliner has run out of runway after Airbus decided to close A380 production after 12 years in service due to weak sales.

The decision to halt production of the A380 superjumbo is the final act in one of Europe’s greatest industrial adventures and reflects a dearth of orders by airline bosses unwilling to back Airbus’s vision of huge jets to combat airport congestion.

Air traffic is growing at a near-record pace but this has mainly generated demand for twin-engined jets nimble enough to fly directly to where people want to travel, rather than bulky four-engined jets forcing passengers to change at hub airports.

And while loyal supporters like top customer Emirates say the popular 544-seat jet makes money when full, each unsold seat potentially burns a hole in airline finances because of the fuel needed to keep the huge double-decker structure aloft.

“It’s an aircraft that frightens airline CFOs; the risk of failing to sell so many seats is just too high,” said a senior aerospace industry source familiar with the program.

Once hailed as the industrial counterpart to Europe’s single currency, the demise of a globally recognized European symbol coincides with growing political strains between Britain, France, Germany and Spain where the plane is built.

That’s in stark contrast to the display of European unity and optimism when the engineering behemoth was unveiled in front of European leaders under a spectacular light show in 2005.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair called the A380 a “symbol of economic strength” while Spanish premier Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero called the rollout “the realization of a dream”.

Passengers marveled at the European giant with room for 70 cars on its wings, looking rather like the hump-backed Boeing 747 but with the top section stretching all the way to the back.

Airlines had initially rushed to place orders, expecting it to lower operating costs and boost profits as the industry crawled out of a slowdown in tourism since September 2001.

Airbus boasted it would sell 700-750 A380s, which nowadays cost $446 million at list prices, and render the 747 obsolete.

In fact, A380 orders barely crossed the 300 threshold and the 747 has outlived its rival, after reaching the age of 50 this week.


The seeds of the A380’s fall from grace were already present behind the scenes of the 2005 launch party, insiders say.

Despite public talk of unity, the huge task was about to expose fractures in Franco-German co-operation that sparked an industrial meltdown. When the delayed jet finally reached the market in 2007, the global financial crisis was starting to bite. Scale and opulence were no longer wanted. Sales slowed.

At the same time, engine makers who had promised Airbus a decade of unbeatable efficiencies with their new superjumbo engines were fine-tuning even more efficient designs for the next generation of dual-engined planes, competing with the A380.

Finally, a restless Airbus board started demanding a return and stronger prices just when the plane desperately needed an aggressive relaunch and fresh investment, insiders said.

“It was a triple whammy,” said a person close to the debate.

As demand see-sawed, so did the plane’s marketing: starting with luxuries including showers, then vaunting its green credentials with the messianic slogan ‘Saving The Planet One A380 at a Time” before joining the race to squeeze in more people and cut costs.

Yet despite its own deep industrial problems, Boeing was winning the argument with its newest jet, the 787 Dreamliner. It was designed to bypass hubs served by the A380 and open routes between secondary cities: a strategy known as “point to point”.

Airbus fought back, arguing that travel between megacities would nonetheless dominate air transport.

But economic growth would splinter in ways Airbus did not predict. Intermediary cities are growing almost twice as fast as megacities, according to a 2018 paper posted by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

That’s a boon for twinjets like the Boeing 787 and 777 or Airbus’s own A350, which has outsold the A380 three to one.

Airbus Chief Executive Tom Enders, who was rarely seen as an enthusiastic backer of the A380, toyed with ending the project about two years ago but was persuaded to give it a last chance.

But with Emirates unable to hammer out an engine deal needed to confirm its most recent A380 order, time had finally run out.

“Airbus tends to think of it as a flagship; Enders looks at it and sees a lack of orders,” said a person close to the German-born CEO, who steps down in April.

Some insiders worry that Airbus will lose a valuable symbol of pride and commercial audacity when production ends in 2021.

Now, airline bosses are seeking assurances that Airbus will support the A380 with spare parts for years to come. Many invested in the A380 as their flagship while airports also spent heavily on new facilities.

Some customers like Air France and Lufthansa may not shed too many tears, analysts say.

They too invested in the A380 but may also be relieved to see a potent weapon removed from Gulf rivals like Emirates, whom they accuse of flooding the market.

Emirates insists it plays fairly and has called the A380 a “passenger magnet,” misunderstood and badly marketed by rivals.

Its chairman said on Thursday he was disappointed in the A380’s demise, but added “we accept that this is the reality of the situation”.

(Reporting by Tim Hepher; Editing by Keith Weir)

IranAir Looking For Planes Not Needing US Sales Permit

DUBAI (Reuters) – IranAir is looking to buy planes from any company not requiring U.S. sales permits and may consider Russia’s Sukhoi Superjet 100, the flag carrier’s head was quoted as saying, as Iran tries to renew its ageing fleet despite facing U.S. sanctions.

The U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)revoked licences for Boeing Co and Airbus to sell passenger jets to Iran after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement in May and reimposed sanctions.

“We welcome any (company) which is able to provide the planes needed by IranAir. We even have gone after planes such as Sukhoi 100 or planes made by non-European countries,” said IranAir Chief Executive Farzaneh Sharafbafi, quoted by Iran’s Roads Ministry website.

Most modern commercial planes have more than 10 percent in U.S. parts, the threshold for needing U.S. Treasury approval. But Russian officials have been reported as saying Sukhoi is working on reducing the number of U.S. parts in the hopes of winning an Iranian order for up to 100 aircraft.

“We will consider plane purchases if these companies can sell planes to Iran without an OFAC licence, and are willing to negotiate,” Sharafbafi added. She gave no further details.

IranAir had ordered 200 passenger aircraft – 100 from Airbus, 80 from Boeing and 20 from Franco-Italian turboprop maker ATR. All the deals were dependent on U.S. licences because of the heavy use of American parts in commercial planes.

(Reporting by Dubai newsroom, Additional reporting by Tim Hepher in Paris; Editing by Edmund Blair)

Norwegian Air To Possibly Sell Its Airbus Aircraft

By Ole Petter Skonnord

OSLO (Reuters) – Norwegian Air (NWC.OL) expects to announce further aircraft sales by the end of the year including used Boeing 737s as well as some of the new Airbus planes it has on order to reduce it debt commitments.

Norwegian Air has committed to acquire 210 new aircraft from Boeing and Airbus by 2020.

“We have 90 neos (A320neo) from Airbus on order. The Airbus 320neos are for all practical purposes for sale. We have started a process where we will try to find a new home for those aircraft,” Chief Financial Officer Geir Karlsen told an investor presentation on Tuesday.

“The problem is not to sell them … but to get the price we want … Hopefully by the end of the year we should be able to disclose news on a transaction,” Karlsen said.

By the end of the year, Karlsen estimated Norwegian Air’s fleet of more than 150 planes to rise to 164-165. Taken into account planned aircraft sales, he said he expected a net increase in the fleet of 30-40 new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft by 2022-2023.

Of its Airbus aircraft on order, 33 of them are Airbus 321LR(long range) neos, which could be kept, depending on traffic development in Argentina.

“We are pretty excited about what we are doing in Argentina and depending on how that goes we will decide on the solution on the Airbus 321 and will possibly move some of them to Argentina,” Karlsen said.


He said Norwegian Air started to sell tickets in Argentina on Tuesday on two routes linking Buenos Aires with Cordoba and Mendoza.

The first flight is planned in mid-October and the plan is to have 4 aircraft in Argentina by year-end.

“We will look at ticket sales before we decide what to do,” Karlsen said.

Last week Norwegian Air announced the sale of six used aircraft and said as many as 140 planes could be sold over time as a part of the renewal of its fleet and to help reduce debt.

Karlsen said sales of used aircraft would continue.

Such sales would “probably to be sold plus/minus book value as it looks now. Hopefully a little bit above,” Karlsen said.

(Reporting by Ole Petter Skonnord; editing by Jason Neely)

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Tesla To Open Shanghai Plant

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Tesla Inc on Tuesday signed agreements with Shanghai authorities that will allow it to open a plant in the Chinese city with an annual capacity of 500,000 cars, local media reported.

Under the agreements, Tesla will independently open a plant integrating research and development, manufacturing and sales functions, according to news website Knews, which is affiliated to state-owned Shanghai Media Group.

Tesla and Shanghai authorities did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The signing was held at Shanghai’s Fairmont Peace Hotel but media attendance was limited, a Shanghai government official who declined to give his name told Reuters.

Tesla’s Chief Executive Elon Musk attended the signing, according to a Reuters witness. Bloomberg reported on Monday that Musk will visit Beijing on Wednesday and Thursday.

Tesla has been in protracted negotiations to open its own factory in China to help bolster its position in the country’s fast-growing market for electric cars and to avoid high import tariffs.

The plant will be based in the Lingang area, close to Shanghai’s Yangshan port, and will count as the largest foreign manufacturing project in the Chinese financial center’s history, Knews said.

Chinese financial magazine Caijing, citing sources close to the project, said the plant’s exact location had not been decided and construction would start early next year.

Tesla hiked prices in China over the weekend to a level more than 70 percent higher than in the United States amid mounting trade frictions between Washington and Beijing that have seen several U.S. imports, including cars, become subjected to retaliatory tariffs of 25 percent.

Tesla boss Elon Musk had previously criticized China’s tough auto rules for foreign businesses, which would have required it to cede a 50 percent share in the factory. The company was keen to maintain control of its own plant and protect its technology.

But it registered a new electric car firm in Shanghai in May after China announced that it planned to scrap rules on capping foreign ownership of new-energy vehicle (NEV) ventures by 2022.

The agreements signed on Tuesday also include a memorandum of understanding between Tesla and the Shanghai municipal government, under which Shanghai agreed to support Tesla to set up a research and development innovation center.

(Reporting by Brenda Goh; Additional Reporting by Shanghai and Beijing Newsrooms and Sweta Singh in Bengaluru Newsroom; Editing by Alexandra Hudson)

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