Tag: Railways (Page 2 of 2)

Leading the Way for the Future of EGNOS

Airbus-led consortiums have recently won a series of contracts to shape the future of EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. EGNOS enhances Galileo and GPS signals to provide augmented safety of life services.

EGNOS V3, set to replace the current version, is already being developed by a consortium of 20 European companies led by Airbus. It will enable ‘Category I’ automatic landing of aircraft – with the flight crew supervising – in weather conditions where it would otherwise be dangerous or impossible to operate. 

To prepare EGNOS V3 Evolutions, the European Space Agency (ESA) has awarded a new study contract to Airbus.  The focus is on the use of the augmentation service for stringent operations like Category II approach and landing under very low visibility conditions going beyond the current EGNOS V3 performance requirements.

Preceding this, Airbus has been conducting an innovative study under the ESA NAVISP Programme to assess the potential of sensor fusion techniques, for aviation applications demanding stringent performance requirements aiding operations under low visibility conditions. The study assesses the fit and the benefits of this approach to the Positioning Navigation & Timing (PNT) requirement adherence, in particular for the Satellite Navigation.

In addition, Airbus, together with European partners, has won a series of contracts from the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA) and ESA to extend EGNOS service use for the safe operations of railways. The resulting projects are:

– CLUG (Certifiable Localisation Unit with GNSS): GNSS could prove a game changer for the European railway network by enabling a significant reduction of trackside equipment and by improving localisation performance. This project is performing mission analysis/needs identification and a preliminary feasibility study of an on-board localisation unit.

– GREET (GNSS for the Railway EnvironmEnT) ESA recently awarded Airbus a study for the development of a railway GNSS receiver chain to support the testing and validation of integrity concepts, algorithms, and techniques for receivers in railway environment.

– EGNSS-R (European GNSS for Rail): Rail signaling systems are used to safely control traffic in order to prevent train collisions.  The project aims to define a new GNSS augmentation service for improved rail signaling, along with an implementation roadmap.

Alstom Hydrogen Train Enters Regular Passenger Service in Austria

In Vienna, a new era in passenger rail starts today. Until the end of November, a hydrogen train will run for the first time in regular passenger service for ÖBB, the Austrian Federal Railways. The Coradia iLint, built by Alstom in Salzgitter, Germany, uses on-board fuel cells to convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, thus reducing operating emissions to zero. 

Following successful test operation in Northern Germany between 2018 and 2020, the Coradia iLint train will now demonstrate its worth in Austria over three months during which it will transport passengers on geographically challenging routes.

“With its use in regular passenger operations for ÖBB, our innovation train Coradia iLint has reached the next milestone,” said Dr. Jörg Nikutta, Alstom’s CEO in Germany and Austria, at the launch event in Vienna. “The train’s emission-free drive technology offers a climate-friendly alternative to conventional diesel trains, especially on non-electrified lines. I am particularly pleased that ÖBB, a strong and long-term partner in the European mobility market, is convinced of our technology and its advantages.” 

“We clearly see ourselves as pioneers in testing hydrogen technology on rail. As the largest climate protection company in Austria, we are actively shaping the mobility of the future with technological alternatives,” emphasizes Andreas Matthä, CEO of ÖBB-Holding AG on the occasion of the premiere of the hydrogen train.

The operational success of Alstom’s fuel cell train started in September 2018, when two pre-series vehicles began regular passenger service in Lower Saxony, Germany. After 1.5 years of trial operation and more than 180,000 kilometres covered, the way was cleared for the delivery of 14 series trains beginning in 2022. Now, the Austrian ÖBB will test the Coradia iLint on regional railway lines in the country’s south, where they could replace diesel trains. Passengers can look forward to a low-noise train with a top speed of 140 km/h and zero emissions.

Wasserstoff-Zug Copyright: ÖBB/Marek Knopp

Amtrak Downeaster Resumes Limited Service June 15

PORTLAND, MAINE – The Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) announced yesterday that the Amtrak Downeaster will begin Phase 1 of Service Restoration beginning June 15, 2020.   Service will resume with one round trip on weekdays only between Brunswick, ME and Boston, MA:  southbound Train 680 and northbound Train 685.  Downeaster service has been suspended since April 13, 2020.

A number of protocols and procedures have been implemented to protect the health and safety of passengers and crews. 

Highlights of Phase 1 Service Restoration Plan:

  • Amtrak has implemented new cleaning and disinfecting protocols nationwide, and train equipment used in Downeaster service will undergo enhanced cleaning before and after each trip.
  • Crews and passengers will be required to wear face covering while boarding and moving about the train
  • The number of passengers per train will be limited to no more than 50% of available seating capacity so riders are able to adhere to physical distancing guidelines. 
  • Advance reservations are required and cash sales will not be accepted.
  • Station facilities will not be open; passengers should go directly to the outdoor platform to wait for their train.
  • Café service will not be available, however complimentary water will be available upon request. 
  • Stations are being updated with signage and other enhancements to promote public health and physical distancing.

While NNEPRA expects Downeaster increase service throughout the summer months, no date has been set for subsequent phases.  The NNEPRA Board of Directors plans to meet later this month to evaluate the potential for adding more daily trips.

Pan Am Railways has expedited a series of track improvement and maintenance projects along the Downeaster corridor to take place this spring to avoid construction-related service interruptions later in the year.  The schedule for Train 680 has been modified slightly to adjust for construction-related delays.  Passengers on travelling on Train 685 to stations north of Haverhill should expect delays of approximately 15 minutes.  

Complete information about the steps Amtrak is taking to protect the health and safety of their passengers and crews is available at

For additional Amtrak Downeaster information visit:

Amtrak Downeaster, Boston, MA, BON, Amtrak Conductor The Downeaster is a 145-mile regional passenger train service, managed by the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority, and operated by Amtrak.

Alstom’s Prima Electric Locomotive Begins Indian Railways Operation

The first of the 12000-horsepower, Prima T8 electric locomotives has been put into commercial service by Indian Railways. Built by Alstom and certified by the Ministry of Railways and Commissioner of Railway Safety/RDSO, the electric locomotives – known locally by the designation WAG-12 – are the most powerful locomotives to run on Indian rails. The 2015 contract will see a total of 800 locomotives built for Indian Railways. 

Set to revolutionise freight logistics in the country, the e-locos will allow faster and safer movement of heavy freight trains, capable of hauling 6000 tonnes at a top speed of 120 km/h. Planned for deployment on Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs), they will increase the average speed of freight trains in India by approximately 25 km/h. Equipped with Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) propulsion technology, the e-locos will also allow considerable savings in energy consumption thanks to the use of regenerative braking. 

“Alstom is very pleased to be delivering these electric locomotives to Indian Railways. The introduction of the Prima locomotives into the IR fleet demonstrates our commitment to the country. This revolutionary product which will be faster, safer and more environmentally friendly, and it will help write a new chapter for India’s sustainable mobility journey. We are immensely proud to be a partner in this,” said Ling Fang, Senior Vice President of Alstom Asia-Pacific.

In line with the Make-in-India mandate, all the 800 Prima locomotives are being manufactured locally. Designed at Alstom’s Engineering Centre in Bengaluru, the Prima T8 WAG-12 are being built in one of India’s largest integrated greenfield manufacturing facilities at Madhepura in Bihar. Spread across 250 acres, with a production capacity of 120 locomotives per year, the Madhepura site is built to international standards of safety and quality. Two ultra-modern maintenance depots in Saharanpur and Nagpur will ensure the high service availability of the locomotives. The Saharanpur depot is already operational and the one in Nagpur is under construction. Equipped with the latest features, these depots will play a critical role in maintaining India’s most advanced freight locomotives at significantly lower costs. 

As part of the largest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) project of Indian Railways, in 2015 the Ministry of Railways and Alstom signed a contract worth €3.5 billion (INR 25,000 crore) and created a joint venture for the project. The contract allowed for the manufacture of 800 double-section, 12000-horsepower electric locomotives for freight service and associated maintenance for a period of 11 years. The scope also included the set-up of a manufacturing plant at Madhepura (Bihar) for building the e-locos and two maintenance depots at Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) and Nagpur (Maharashtra). A true embodiment of India’s vision, the project will create more than 10,000 direct and indirect jobs in the country (primarily in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra).

Alstom Provides its Series 100 Renewed Cars to Line E of Buenos Aires City Metro

Alstom will provide new cars for service to the enlarged Line E of Buenos Aires City metro, which represent a notable improvement for the metro cars of this line and an increase in passengers comfort.

The modernized cars of the series 100 produced by Alstom are incorporated into this line in which around more than 100,000 passengers travel per day, from the Plaza de los Virreyes station to Retiro in the centre of Buenos Aires. This modernization is in addition to the installation and validation of the signalling system in the three new stations of the E Line, completed successfully at the beginning of June.

Those metro cars are subject to a general review after 15 years to ensure their safety and efficiency. This “half-life” maintenance includes the disassembly, polishing, cleaning, profiling and painting or absolute replacement of all cars pieces and parts that are sent to Los Hornos workshop, in Las Plata. In that, full repair and maintenance’s are done by fifty professionals and workers, mostly from the same city, who works daily in the renovation of the cars that are part of the Buenos Aires metro network.

“The modernization of these series 100 cars for Line E is another proof of the enormous efforts that Alstom makes daily in its factory of Los Hornos to improve the travel´s quality of the thousands of users of the Buenos Aires city metro. To this we must add the activities that we have carried out recently in the expansion of Line E, with the incorporation of our state-of-the-art signalling system. We are proud of our customer’s trust in our experience, and we continue to bet on transforming the Argentine transport system” says Ernesto Garberoglio, General Director of Alstom Argentina.

Alstom has been present in Argentina since 1993, maintaining its presence over the years, which demonstrates a strong commitment to the country and its inhabitants. Dedicated to the transport sector on rails, it provides products and services to the metro operator of the City of Buenos Aires (Metrovías) and to the owner of the metro infrastructure (SBASE). It also has projects with Argentine Railways Infrastructure (formerly ADIFSE) and with the Railway Operator State’s Society (SOFSE) in the implementation of technological solutions for passenger and commercial transport.

SBB’s New Double-Deck Train is Getting Better and Better

  • Significant increase in reliability and ride comfort

The introduction of the new “FV-Dosto” double-deck long-distance train on the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) route network is making significant and measurable progress.  As the manufacturer Bombardier Transportation explained at its Swiss headquarters in Zurich, the reliability of the 25 trains available to the SBB has been increased by a factor of seven, and ride comfort has been substantially improved thanks to newly installed software. This and the train’s highly energy-efficient drive concept, also led to a significant improvement in punctuality on the routes operated with the FV-Dosto. With the help of software developed and adapted by Bombardier, it has been possible to reduce the previously noticeable vibrations, particularly in the upper decks of trains by up to 75 per cent, thereby substantially increasing ride comfort.

As Stéphane Wettstein, the Swiss Managing Director of Bombardier Transportation, explained, the technical reliability of the FV-Dosto trains used, once again significantly increased to 6,914 km of trouble-free operation in October. This corresponds to an improvement by a factor of seven over the last 11 months. Approximately 34 per cent of service disruptions are caused by operational and passenger-triggered incidents and accordingly affect the overall reliability of operations. Wettstein put the increase in the technical reliability of the trains down to the effectiveness of the agreed actions and the increasing mileage of the Dosto fleet, which has now covered a total of around 2.27 million kilometres. He is therefore confident that technical and operational reliability will continue to improve steadily. Since the timetable change in December 2018, around 75 per cent of the technical causes of disruptions have been eliminated.

Reliability and drive concept have a positive effect on punctuality

The greater reliability and increasing trouble-free availability of the trains also have a positive effect on the punctuality of the IR and IC services operated by the FV-Dosto. According to the surveys on the statistics website pü, it is better in eastern Switzerland than in other parts of the country. This is not only due to higher reliability of the FV-Dosto trains, but also to their drive concept: unlike conventional trains, the FV-Dosto is not pulled or pushed by a locomotive, but driven by high energy-efficient and permanent magnet motors on the axles of the individual carriages. This allows long-distance trains to accelerate much faster, which positively contributes to timetable adherence.

Substantial improvement of ride comfort

In recent weeks, great progress has also been made in terms of ride comfort. With the new software installed in September 2019, it has been possible to eliminate the vibrations that used to be felt, mainly in the upper deck, to such an extent that some of them are now lower than in conventional double-deck trains. However, Stéphane Wettstein pointed out that, although Bombardier’s mechatronic bogies had been able to improve ride comfort, railway infrastructure, which also influences passengers’ level of comfort, has not gotten any better.

The technologically complex system for eliminating vibrations is based on stabilizing the carriage body in every driving situation, in such a way that the passenger feels less of the centrifugal forces in curves and changes of direction when passing over points than in conventional double-deck or tilting trains. While the ICN tilting train, which was also built by Bombardier as the consortium leader, tilts inwards in curves up to 7°, the FV-Dosto stays perpendicular to the track level. Together with the drive system and the pressure-tight carriage body, which prevents unpleasant pressure on the ears, especially when travelling through tunnels, this system is one of the major innovations of what is currently the world’s most modern long-distance train.

SBB already has 25 new trains

“The FV-Dosto is technologically a leading product in the industry in terms of its energy efficiency and the wide range of comfort it offers its passengers, even on a global scale – something Switzerland can be proud of, especially since important systems such as the traction or the bogies were developed in Switzerland and are largely manufactured in Switzerland,” says Swiss Managing Director of Bombardier Transportation Stéphane Wettstein.

Bombardier has now delivered a total of 25 of the FV-Dosto trains, which corresponds to SBB’s planning for the timetable change in 2019. By summer 2021, the entire fleet of (62) trains will have been delivered. The great public interest in the FV-Dosto has also prompted Bombardier to intensify communication regarding this high-tech train. The company has launched a website at which provides continually updated information on the introduction and operation of the train on the Swiss rail network.

Bombardier creates considerable value in Switzerland

Bombardier Transportation is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of public transport vehicles, mainly rail vehicles. The company is headquartered in Montreal, Canada and employs around 40,000 people around the world. More than 100,000 Bombardier vehicles are in service worldwide, carrying some 500 million passengers every day. In Switzerland, Bombardier’s roots go back some 120 years; many of the famous Swiss railway manufacturers from Secheron and MFO to BBC, ABB and Schindler Waggonbau to SLM have been combined under Bombardier over the decades. Today, around 870 employees work for Bombardier in Switzerland, 340 of them at the headquarters and global development centre in Zurich and 530 at the Villeneuve (VD) plant. Numerous Swiss suppliers are also involved in the development and production of the FV-Dosto, and their order volume accounts for around 50 per cent of the total external investment volume of CHF 600 million for the (62) ordered trains. After all, Bombardier is not only the supplier of FV-Dosto for SBB, but also of locomotives, technical services and the BOMBARDIER FLEXITYtram, which is already being used successfully in Geneva and Basel and the first of which will also be handed over to the Zurich public transport operator VBZ on November 15, 2019.

Delta Might Pull Out of Alitalia Bid Consortium

MILAN (Reuters) – Delta Air Lines <DAL> could pull out of a consortium looking to rescue Italy’s Alitalia as it is unwilling to enter a possible bidding war with Lufthansa <DLAKY>, newspaper Il Corriere della Sera reported on Sunday, citing two sources.

Delta is expected to say it will not raise its offer to invest about 100 million euros ($112 million) in Alitalia in a letter to be sent in the middle of this week to its consortium partners, Italy’s state railways firm Ferrovie and infrastructure group Atlantia, Il Corriere reported.

It said the rough investment figure could go as high as 120 million euros.

But Germany’s Lufthansa might invest about 150 million euros, Il Corriere said.

Lufthansa is seeking up to 6,000 job cuts, however, versus 2,500 envisaged by a plan drafted by the Delta consortium, the newspaper reported.

A source said last week Lufthansa was ready to invest up to 200 million euros in Alitalia which is running out of cash and scrambling to find new funds.

Italy’s industry ministry has extended to Nov. 21 a deadline for binding bids after an Oct. 15 deadline passed without an agreement among potential rescuers.

Alitalia’s temporary administrators said last month that the company’s liquidity amounted to 310 million euros at the end of September.

But that figure was inflated by advanced payments on pre-paid tickets, Sunday’s Il Sole 24Ore newspaper reported, citing unidentified sources.

The report added that adjusted for future costs, the cash amounted to just 160 million euros, and that it would run out in December.

($1 = 0.8957 euros)

(Reporting by Giulio Piovaccari; editing by Jason Neely)

New ‘Flugzug’ Rail Service Between Lugano and Zurich Airport

A new ‘Flugzug’ rail service between Lugano Station and Zurich Airport is bookable now for travel from 16 October. The cost of the rail journey is included in the SWISS flight ticket.

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) and Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) now offer customers a ‘Flugzug’ rail service between Lugano Station and Zurich Airport for travel on or after 16 October. Selected SBB rail connections between Lugano and Zurich Airport will be issued with a SWISS flight number, and the cost of the rail journey is included in the SWISS flight ticket price.

The ‘Flugzug’ timetable offers 14 daily services in each direction between Lugano Station and Zurich Airport. The new rail service thus provides travellers between the two points with even more flexibility than the present four daily flights. The rail services concerned also cover all the relevant SWISS connecting flights from and to its Zurich hub. The new ‘Flugzug’ services are bookable now for travel on or after 16 October, on the SWISS website or at any travel agency.

SWISS is keen to ensure that the Ticino region is well connected with its Zurich Airport air travel hub. The present arrangement is an interim solution, and SWISS and SBB are working closely on optimising the ‘Flugzug’ rail service which as a SBB feeder rail service until now only existed between Basel and Zurich Airport.

Bombardier to Provide 74 Additional Coaches to Israel Railways

  • Seventh consecutive order will increase Israel Railways’ fleet of Bombardier-built double-deck TWINDEXX Vario coaches to 586

Mobility solution provider Bombardier Transportation has signed a contract to provide 74 additional BOMBARDIER TWINDEXX Vario double-deck coaches to Israel Railways (ISR). This call-off is part of a framework agreement signed in October 2010 and is valued at approximately 147 million euro ($166 million US). Delivery of the new coaches is scheduled to be completed by December 2021.

Michael Fohrer, President Central and Eastern Europe and Israel at Bombardier Transportation said, “We are very proud to have signed a seventh consecutive order with Israel Railways, a result of exemplary collaboration and customer intimacy. It is testimony to the superior quality and reliable performance in customer service of all coaches delivered up to this point.”

Eran Cohen, Chief Country Representative Israel at Bombardier Transportation, said, “Sustainability over the entire lifecycle, safety, reliability, higher capacity and performance; those are the ingredients that make our double-deck TWINDEXX Vario trains so successful. We are grateful that Israel Railways has once more decided to put their trust into this well-proven product and the team behind it.”

“This order will strengthen and also benefit from the ongoing transformation of our two sites in Saxony, Germany,” added Michael Fohrer. “Görlitz, as the competence center for carbody production, and Bautzen, as our industrial lead site for serial production, will decisively contribute to the successful execution of this order. In addition, we will continue progressively developing our local supply base and the railway industry in Israel, in particular through the increased involvement of our final assembly site of M.T.R. Dimona, Israel.”

The new order consists of eleven control cars for operation with TRAXX electric locomotives, also compatible with diesel locomotives, eleven intermediate coaches with dedicated space for people with reduced mobility and 52 trailer cars. Additionally, the driver’s desk in the control car will be re-designed to be identical to one in the TRAXX electric locomotives.

This single-car concept enables ISR to configure the loco-hauled trainsets according to the required capacity. Each of the eight-car trains currently in-service feature seating capacity for 1,000 passengers. The popular trainsets, based on a proven platform concept in operation across Europe, are in daily service in Israel and compliant with all current safety, comfort and efficiency standards. They represent great strides in helping alleviate congestion in Israel. As a full solution provider, Bombardier Transportation operates a service depot in Haifa where 293 double-deck coaches out of ISR existing fleet are being upgraded for a speed of 160 km/h and for electric traction.

About Bombardier Transportation

Bombardier Transportation is a global mobility solution provider leading the way with the rail industry’s broadest portfolio. It covers the full spectrum of solutions, ranging from trains to sub-systems and signalling to complete turnkey transport systems, e-mobility technology and data-driven maintenance services.

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