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Alstom Delivers its First Series Electric Bus to Strasbourg

Alstom is delivering the very first 100% electric Aptis bus to Strasbourg transport operator Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS). This constitutes a major new step for Alstom, which aims to be the most innovative world actor for sustainable, smart mobility. Following the groundbreaking delivery, CTS will train 150 drivers in the operation of the new vehicles. During this initial training phase, the bus will run on the streets of Strasbourg with the livery that the Aptis fleet will adopt when in high-level service on the H line. With a length of 12 metres and equipped with 3 doors, Aptis buses were designed at the Hangenbieten Eurométropolis. They are the first electric buses to join CTS’s fleet of vehicles.

Thanks to its innovative design, Aptis offers an unparalleled passenger experience. Its berthing system for perfect alignment with the pavement, its low, completely flat floor and wide double doors allow easy movement and convenient boarding for people with reduced mobility and prams. Equipped with large bay windows along its entire length, Aptis offers 25% more glass surface area than a standard bus and a rear seating area with panoramic views of the city.

The vehicles requested by the city of Strasbourg are designed for slow charging at night at the depot. Aptis is also available for occasional recharging at the end of each line, using either ground-based charging solutions (SRS) or pantograph charging. Aptis was designed to have an optimised total cost. This is possible thanks to reduced maintenance and operating costs and a longer service life than that of standard buses. The aim for local authorities, therefore, is to have a total cost equivalent to that of existing standard diesel buses.

Aptis was also chosen by RATP and Île-de-France Mobilités, and by the areas of Greater Grenoble, Greater La Rochelle, and Greater Toulon, where commercial operations are due this year. As of September 2018, Aptis is also referenced by the CATP for public purchasing by local authorities. This referencing allows member authorities to order Aptis vehicles directly and simply from the CATP without having to embark on long and costly procedures.

Aptis also received the Origine France Garantie in January 2019. The certificate guarantees that at least 50% of Aptis’s value is French.

Design, production and testing will be carried out at Aptis Alstom’s site of Hangenbieten, in Alsace. Six other Alstom sites in France are involved in the design and manufacture of Aptis: Reichshoffen for the flanks, Saint-Ouen for the system integration, Tarbes for the traction, Ornans for the motors and Villeurbanne for the electronic components of the traction chain. Finally, Alstom’s site in Vitrolles is developing one of the charging solutions (SRS).

CP Completes Central Maine & Quebec Railway Acquisition

CALGARY, Dec. 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ – Canadian Pacific (NYSE: CP) has closed the transaction related to the acquisition of the Central Maine & Quebec Railway. The acquisition of CMQ in the U.S. remains subject to Surface Transportation Board approval.

The acquisition, first announced on November 20, 2019, will provide CP customers with seamless, safe and efficient access to ports at Searsport, Maine and to Saint John, New Brunswick, via Eastern Maine Railway Company and New Brunswick Southern Railway, thereby preserving and enhancing competition.

Alstom to Construct the New Metro for the Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence

Alstom is to carry out the renewal and automation of Marseille metro for the sum of 430 million euros financed by Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence. As part of this contract, Alstom will develop, supply and install the operating system and equipment for the automatic operation of the network’s two lines. Alstom will also commission 38 new rubber-tyred metros (4 cars) and modernise all the audiovisual passenger information inside the stations. The new trains are scheduled to enter service in early 2024.

The trains will run in semi-automatic mode with drivers until mid-2025 on line M2 and until 2026 on line M1, before switching to full automation. 

“It is a great honour for us to contribute to modernising the mobility offer of Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence. Our metro experts are already at work on several of our French sites to get started quickly with developments,” says Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, Senior Vice-President France at Alstom.

 The new trains, based on Alstom’s rubber-tyred metro solutions, will incorporate the latest technological developments to increase comfort, availability, accessibility and passenger information, as well as facilitate maintenance.

Each 4-car train, 65 metres long and in “boa”[1] configuration, will be able to carry up to 500 passengers[2]. The sleekly designed trains will feature large bay windows, a highly efficient air conditioning system and modern passenger information systems, providing a pleasant on-board experience. Alstom called on Marseille designers Ora-ïto and Fabien Bourdier for the design and the sound conception of the new trains. 

Three designs were proposed to the Metropole Aix-Marseille-Provence, which chose to set up an Internet consultation to give residents the opportunity to give their opinion on the design they would like to see selected.

The new metros for Marseille are environmentally friendly and will be eco-designed, enabling them to be 96% recoverable at the end of their lifespan. They will consume 25% less energy than the metros currently in service, thanks in particular to electric braking (up to 0 km/h), LED lighting and other optimisations.

For the automation system, Alstom will provide its Urbalis 400 solution, already deployed on more than 1,500 kilometres of metro lines worldwide. The Marseille metro will benefit from a proven, continuously improved system (on-board computers equipped with the latest technology, vital computers that are over 99% available, beacon tracker, etc.).

Alstom currently equips 25% of the CBTC[3] metro automations in service (60 lines, including 28 fully automated lines).

In total, more than 400 people in France will work on this project, including more than 60 in Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence. Jobs will also be generated at our suppliers in France, but also in the Métropole for the installation and deployment of the signalling system.

Alstom will draw on the excellent skills of six of its French sites: Aix-en-Provence for the project management, Valenciennes for the design, interior layout, assembly, tests and validation of the trains, Ornans for the engines, Le Creusot for the bogies, Villeurbanne for the on-board electronics, passenger information, predictive maintenance and signalling system equipment, and Saint-Ouen for the coordination of the artistic design, development and integration of the signalling system.

métro fourragère

Canadian Pacific to Acquire Central Maine & Quebec Railway from Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC

CALGARY and NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ – Canadian Pacific (CP) and Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC (FTAI) announced they have entered into a definitive agreement whereby CP will acquire the Central Maine & Quebec Railway (“CMQ”).

CMQ owns 481 miles (774 kilometres) of rail lines primarily in Quebec and Maine. The end-to-end transaction will provide CP customers with seamless, safe and efficient access to ports at Searsport, Maine and to Saint John, New Brunswick, via Eastern Maine Railway Company (EMRY) and New Brunswick Southern Railway (NBSR), thereby preserving and enhancing competition.

“This strategic acquisition gives CP a true coast-to-coast network across Canada and an increased presence in the eastern U.S.,” said CP President and CEO Keith Creel. “With additional port access, more dots on the map, and our proven precision scheduled railroading operating model we are confident this transaction will bring benefits to all stakeholders moving forward.”

As part of the transaction, FTAI will retain ownership of Katahdin Railcar Services (KRS), a tank car cleaning and repair facility, and the contract to operate at a 12-mile branch line at FTAI’s Long Ridge Energy Terminal in Monroe County, Ohio. FTAI intends to continue to develop and grow both the KRS and Long Ridge branch line businesses. 

“We are excited about this transaction as it brings value to our shareholders, while ensuring that the CMQ continues to provide safe and reliable rail transportation options,” said Joe Adams, FTAI CEO.

CP invests in its people and its assets to ensure it can provide service safely and efficiently. CP has been the safest railway in North America for 13 consecutive years, as measured by train accident frequency and meets all regulatory requirements.

The transaction is currently expected to close at the end of 2019 and remains subject to customary closing conditions. Over the coming weeks, CP, FTAI and other stakeholders will move towards closing.

French Navy Received First Two “Standard 6” ATL2’s

(Saint-Cloud, October 29, 2019) – This summer, Lann-Bihoué French naval air station received the first two ATL2 maritime patrol aircraft upgraded by Dassault Aviation.

Last week, Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces, flew on one of these aircraft.

These two events demonstrate the progress made on the upgrade program which is designed to modernize the ATL2 combat system to standard 6.

The contract for the upgraded (standard 6) ATL2 combat system was awarded by the defense procurement agency DGA on October 4, 2013. The program covers a fleet of 18 aircraft. Dassault Aviation will deliver a further five upgraded ATL2s in the period 2020-2023. In parallel, the SIAé aeronautical maintenance center will upgrade 11 aircraft.©  Dassault Aviation – C. Cosmao

Standard 6 includes:

  • new radar: Thales Search Master with active antenna,
  • new Thales acoustic subsystem to gather and process signals from the latest-generation air-dropped sonobuoys for submarine detection,
  • new navigation console designed by Dassault Aviation,
  • new consoles for the tactical display subsystem, developed by SIAé.

The upgrade work is performed by Dassault Aviation and Thales (co-contractors), in association with Naval Group and in cooperation with SIAé. Architect of the combat system, Dassault Aviation is as well responsible for development of the core system including LOTI software designed by Naval Group. Dassault Aviation is also in charge of overall integration of all subsystems.

All the specifications for this program were established using the PLM Systèmes tool as part of a Dassault Aviation-Thales-Naval Group-SIAé collaborative work platform installed at St-Cloud in the Dassault Aviation design office.

The standard 6 upgrade will improve the ATL2s’ capability to support the Strategic Ocean Force, to deal with modern threats (future nuclear or conventional submarines, naval forces at sea, etc.) and to support air-land missions, until 2030.

France is one of the very few countries producing high-technology maritime patrol aircraft combining detection (optronics, radar, acoustics) with a variety of weapons (anti-ship missiles, torpedoes, laser-guided weapons).

“This expertise as an architect of maritime patrol solutions, both for the platform and for systems integration, is the result of experience dating back to the late 1950s and the launch of the ATL1 program, the predecessor of the ATL2. Dassault Aviation has extended this experience, from the 1970s onwards, with the maritime surveillance Falcons, the latest version of which is the Falcon 2000 MRA-based Albatros program. As we have shown once again with the standard 6, this maritime patrol/maritime surveillance expertise builds largely on the trust and the excellent working relations between our company, the DGA and the French Navy, to which I express my sincere gratitude. We will leverage this know-how to prepare together maritime patrol solutions beyond 2030”, declared Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.

Alstom to Supply 39 Additional Coradia Polyvalent Trains to the Grand Est Region

  • contract worth over 360 million euros in France

22 October 2019 – Alstom will supply 39 additional Coradia Polyvalent trains to the Grand Est region for the sum of approximately 360 million euros[1]. The region had already ordered 40 Coradia Polyvalent trains, of which 36 have already been delivered. Deliveries of these new trains will be staggered between 2022 and 2024.

Firstly, this new order covers 30 trains intended for cross-border circulation in Germany. These 4-car trains, which are dual mode – dual voltage 25 kV / 15 kV and comply with German safety requirements, will run at 160 km/h, serving the German states of Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg. The 30 Coradia Polyvalent cross-border trains will offer a first-class zone and an area for bicycles, and will incorporate the new TSI PRM[2] 2014 standard, notably offering more spacious toilets to facilitate movement for passengers with reduced mobility. The first cross-border trains will be delivered at the end of 2023.

Secondly, nine additional Coradia Polyvalent trains, consisting of five 4-car and four 6-car trains, have been added to the existing fleet for domestic connections. These new trains will benefit from the same special features as those already in operation in the Grand Est region. 

“Alstom is proud of this new sign of trust from the Grand Est region. The expertise and innovation capacities of our French teams are mobilised to support the region in developing cross-border mobility. This order also contributes to the activity of Alstom’s Reichshoffen site,” says Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, President of Alstom in France.

Coradia Polyvalent belongs to Alstom’s Coradia range of trains. With its modular architecture, it can be adapted to the requirements of each public transport authority as well as to different types of use: suburban, regional and intercity. It comes in three lengths (56, 72 or 110 metres) and offers optimal comfort to passengers, whatever the length of the journey. The train is both ecological and economical due to its low energy consumption, its compliance with the latest emissions standards in thermal mode and its reduced maintenance costs. Coradia Polyvalent is the first French regional train to comply with all European standards, in particular with regard to access for people with reduced mobility.

To date, 387 Coradia Polyvalent trains have been ordered as part of the contract awarded to Alstom by SNCF in October 2009, including 320 Coradia Polyvalent for Régiolis by 9 French regions and 67 Coradia Liner by the French state, the authority responsible for the country’s TET (intercity) trains. Régiolis has already covered nearly 85 million kilometres in commercial service.

The Coradia Polyvalent train also meets the needs of the export market: 17 trains have been ordered by SNTF (Algeria) and 15 trains by APIX (Senegal). 

This is Coradia Polyvalent’s second cross-border application as the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has ordered 17 Léman Express Coradia Polyvalent trains, to be commissioned on the CEVA cross-border line between France and Switzerland in mid-December 2019.

The manufacturing of Coradia Polyvalent secures more than 4,000 jobs in France for Alstom and its suppliers. Six of Alstom’s 12 sites in France are involved in the project: Reichshoffen for the design and assembly, Ornans for the engines, Le Creusot for the bogies, Tarbes for the traction chains, Villeurbanne for the on-board electronics and signalling products, and Saint-Ouen for the design.

[1] Booked in the second quarter of the current fiscal year

[2] Technical Specifications for Interoperability relating to Persons with Reduced Mobility

Alstom Presents First Aptis Serial Vehicle at Busworld 2019

14 October 2019 – Alstom will present the first serial vehicle of its Aptis electric bus at Busworld 2019, being held in Brussels from 17 to 23 October. After the four prototypes that have been on the roads of many French and European cities for the past two years, this new design incorporates feedback from passengers and transport operators.

This first serial vehicle is based on an optimised global architecture requiring fewer spare parts references and considerably facilitating maintenance operations. Thanks to a wheel steering angle of more than 40°, its ease of insertion increases significantly. The 15% reduction in the total weight of the vehicle, combined with the use of new, more efficient and state of the art batteries, substantially increases range. Aptis now accommodates more passengers while still offering them more fluidity thanks to large sliding doors. 

In addition to the technical improvements, Aptis can also boast significant improvements to passenger comfort. A new air-conditioning system that (fully electrical heat-pump) maximises thermal comfort and the panoramic rear lounge has been enhanced to give a feeling of increased space. The new hydraulic suspension allows superior comfort and sound insulation, making Aptis one of the quietest and most innovative buses on the market. 

Alstom and its teams are very proud to be presenting the first series version of Aptis. This concentration of innovations perfectly represents what we always envisaged the production version of the 100% electric mobility solution would be. This clean, green bus, with its elegant design and optimised technical performance, will offer a new experience to passengers and drivers while meeting the new mobility challenges of urban areas,” underlines Benjamin Bailly, head of Alstom’s electric bus platform.

Aptis has already been chosen by Paris in the context of Europe’s largest call for tender for electric buses, as well as by the cities of Strasbourg, Grenoble, La Rochelle and Toulon. Upcoming milestones include ongoing tests in Spain with the ground-based recharge solution SRS and the training of hundreds of drivers in a new driving experience ahead of the first traffic releases, scheduled for the end of the year in Strasbourg. 

Manufacturing and testing of Aptis will be carried out at Alstom’s two sites in Alsace. The Hangenbieten site oversees manufacturing of the end modules (driver’s cab and rear lounge). Manufacturing of the central passenger module, final assembly and tests will be carried out at the Reichshoffen site. This scheme will allow serial production from the end of 2019 onwards. Five other Alstom sites in France contribute to the design and manufacture of Aptis: Saint-Ouen for system integration, Tarbes for traction, Ornans for engines, Villeurbanne for electronic components of the traction chain. 

In order to complete Alstom’s vison of road electromobility, exhibited alongside Aptis at Busworld will also be SRS, a completely safe, ground-level, conductive, static recharge system allowing the charging of buses along their route or within depots. As a ground-based solution, it eliminates the need for overhead infrastructure in cities, preserving the aesthetics of the urban landscape. In depots, SRS avoids the infrastructure costs associated with overhead charging systems. SRS for e-buses is based on Alstom’s SRS static recharge technology for trams, a proven solution already in operation in Nice, France. It is developed at Alstom’s Vitrolles site.

Dassault Aviation Acquires RUAG Maintenance and FBO Ops

Saint-Cloud, France, July 2nd 2019 – Dassault Aviation and RUAG announced the acquisition by Dassault Aviation of the maintenance and FBO activities of RUAG in Geneva and Lugano.

“The acquisition of the business aviation activities of RUAG is part of our strategy to develop a worldwide MRO network of excellence and will allow Dassault Aviation to reinforce its footprint in Switzerland. RUAG has been a long-time partner of Dassault Aviation as an authorized Falcon service center. This acquisition will consolidate our network in Geneva and Lugano. Both Geneva and Lugano FBO activities will complement the full range of services offered by Dassault Aviation in Switzerland”, declared Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.

“We are extremely satisfied that we have completed this transaction with Dassault Aviation, a leader in manufacturing and maintaining aircraft”, said Urs Breitmeier, CEO of the RUAG Group. “They are an experienced partner of RUAG and can provide a strong foundation for successfully continuing operations in Geneva and Lugano, as well as for the future of the members of our staff at both sites”.

Air Antilles to be First Caribbean Operator of Viking Twin Otters

Paris, France, June 18th, 2019: Viking Air Limited of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and Air Antilles, of Guadeloupe, French West Indies, have signed an agreement for the purchase of two Viking Twin Otter Series 400 aircraft, making Air Antilles the first commercial operator of the Series 400 in the Caribbean. Also forming part of the purchase agreement, Air Antilles will become the first Series 400 Twin Otter operator to receive European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification for steep approach operations.

The two Viking-built Series 400 Twin Otters are scheduled for delivery to Air Antilles in the last quarter of 2019 and will be configured as 19-passenger regional commuter landplanes to replace the two legacy de Havilland Series 300 aircraft currently in commercial service with the airline.

With delivery of the Series 400 aircraft, Air Antilles will become the first commercial operator to receive EASA certification for steep approach landings, providing the airline with procedures to operate at approach angles in excess of 4.5 degrees. This is essential for Air Antilles’ scheduled operations to Gustaf III airport in Saint Barthelemy in order to satisfy EASA’s requirements for all commercial aircraft that access the airport to have factory certification for steep approach landings due to the surrounding mountainous terrain.

Eric Kourry, chairman of Guyane Aero Invest, the holding company of Air Antilles, commented, “As an operator of legacy de Havilland Series 300 aircraft for more than a decade, our knowledge of the Twin Otter’s exceptional flight capabilities, ease of maintenance, high dispatch reliability and suitability for our operations made selection of the Viking Series 400 a natural choice for upgrading our fleet.

“As travel tourism in the Caribbean expands, improvements to safety are becoming increasingly important for airlines to retain a competitive advantage. The innumerous improvements made to the new Series 400 will help Air Antilles increase safety and bring added value to their flight operations,” said David Caporali, Viking regional sales director for the Americas. He added, “The Caribbean shows encouraging market opportunities for Series 400 Twin Otter due to its low operating costs, ability to access the many short runways throughout the region, and its ability to support growth of an inter-island commercial transportation network. We highly value Air Antilles’ initiative to be the launch customer for the Series 400 in the region and are confident this relationship will yield many good results for both parties.”

About Air Antilles:

Compagnie Aerienne Inter Regionale Express (CAIRE), created in 2002, is an airline that operates under the name Air Guyane in the French Guiana, and under the name Air Antilles in the Caribbean. Air Antilles is one of the main regional airline companies in the Caribbean with more than 20 destinations in the area. The Twin Otter aircraft essentially serve from Guadeloupe to Saint Barthelemy, with Dominica soon to be added.

Pictured above: Proposed paint scheme for Air Antilles’ new Series 400 Twin Otters scheduled for delivery at the end of 2019.

Newest Delta Sky Club Evokes Eclectic Austin

The new Delta Sky Club is the latest investment Delta is making for Austin travelers.

​Just in time for summer travel, the newest Delta Sky Club and first at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport will open for business on May 21.

“Building on our unmatched operational excellence, award-winning customer service and the ability to easily connect to cities around the globe, the first Delta Sky Club at Austin will give business and leisure travelers yet another best-in-class offering to enjoy,” said Erik Snell, Delta’s Senior Vice President — Operations & Customer Center, who first shared the news of the new Club during a visit to the Austin Chamber of Commerce last year.

On the mezzanine level of the Barbara Jordan Terminal, this 9,000 sq. ft. Delta Sky Club conveniently located near the Delta gates features:

• Covered Sky Deck, an outdoor patio that can be enjoyed year-round.
• Full-service bar that includes seasonal cocktails and wine,
selected by Delta’s Master Sommelier Andrea Robinson, which
will be stored in a temperature-controlled custom glass tower,
along with the Agave Experience — an extensive selection of tequila
and mezcal that can be sampled in individual pours or tasting
flights — on the premium bar menu.
• Beer to try from around Texas, like Thirsty Planet Thirsty Goat,
Hi Sign Violet the Blueberry Blonde and Saint Arnold Fancy Lawnmower,
and rotating, seasonal food offerings inspired by the region, like
handcrafted tacos and barbecue dishes.
• Unique, eclectic interior style inspired by Austin with warm walnut
surfaces, metal finishes and rich fabrics.
• Select artwork from well-known and up-and-coming artists with
connections to Texas.
• Comfortable seating areas, high-speed Wi-Fi and power outlets at
nearly every seat.

“We’ve put care into every detail — from the curated, local artwork to the Club design to the seasonal food and beverage offerings,” said Claude Roussel, Managing Director — Delta Sky Club. “We look forward to welcoming guests traveling through Austin — they will be wowed by the experience and incredible service.”

The new Delta Sky Club is the latest investment Delta is making for Austin travelers. Delta offers 28 peak-day departures with nonstop service to all of its U.S. hubs, including three daily flights to both Los Angeles and New York City, easily connecting customers to the airline’s global network of more than 300 destinations. Delta also offers nonstop daily service to other key Austin destinations including Boston and Raleigh. In addition, Delta has hosted a “festival shuttle” from Los Angeles to the South by Southwest Conference and Festivals for the past five years, offering a curated travel experience to tech and entertainment leaders traveling to Austin. And, the airline continues to invest in the local workforce, recently insourcing dozens of airport operations jobs.

As a part of a long-term effort to expand the award-winning Delta Sky Club experience across the network, later this year Delta will debut a new Club at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport and several upgrades like more, comfortable seating and a completely redesigned food and bar experience at the John F. Kennedy International Airport Terminal 4 Club. Salt Lake International Airport will also see a new, nearly 28,000-square-foot Club in 2020 and Los Angeles International Airport will see a new Club in 2021 — both of which will feature a Sky Deck and breath-taking views. Over the past several years, Delta also opened a new Club at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and a refreshed Club at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, along with a new award-winning flagship clubs at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

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