Tag: Station (Page 2 of 6)

Airbus to Show A350-1000 for First Time in Russia at MAKS 2021 Aerospace Show

Airbus will demonstrate its latest technological innovations and projects implemented in Russia at the International Aerospace Show which takes place in Zhukovsky from 20th to 25th July. Key attractions will be the last-generation widebody A350-1000, which will be shown in the country for the first time, and the twin-engine EC145 rotorcraft.

The A350-1000 is the largest member of the clean sheet design A350 widebody Family, with a seating capacity of up to 440 passengers in a single class. The aircraft’s state-of-the-art aerodynamics, inspired by nature, incorporates a unique morphing technology that continuously optimises the wing profile to reduce drag and lower fuel burn and CO2 emissions. The aircraft is powered by Rolls Royce Trent XWB 97 engines with 15% increased thrust, the aircraft can fly up to 16,100km. More than 70% of the airframe is made from advanced materials, including 53% composites. Aeroflot already operates 6 A350-900.

The Airbus A350-1000 will also take part in the flight programme of MAKS-2021 aerospace show from 20 to 22 of July.

Another highlight on static display will be the EC145 helicopter – one of the 5 EC145, owned by the city of Moscow and operated by the Moscow Aviation Centre (MAC). Airbus Helicopters and the Moscow Aviation Centre have been cooperating for more than 14 years. During this period, the MAC AH fleet has contributed to saving the lives of more than 6,400 patients in the territory of Moscow. Easy access to the cockpit through wide, side-sliding doors or through the rear doors, a spacious cabin, and high reliability make this helicopter the preferred choice for medical missions.

The Airbus Defence and Space division is known for its long-term cooperation with Russian enterprises. Together with Russian colleagues, they implemented several international projects under the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) and International Space Station programmes, as well as cooperation with the Russian OKB “Fakel” in terms of building the satellites for the OneWeb constellation. The Space division of Airbus is the only Western space division that has a proven track record in industrial localisation of production in the Russian Federation. Airbus Defence and Space will demonstrate samples of localised production and future power amplifiers proposed for further development. Another promising area, both international and Russian, is the global information system and services based on data from Earth Remote Sensing (ERS) satellites.

The Defence and Space division will also demonstrate space equipment produced by the joint venture Airbus DS and JSC Russian Space Systems, and the Airbus engineering centre in Moscow, ECAR, will demonstrate the results of its work and current projects.

Airbus Built European Robotic Arm Ready for Space

Airbus (OTC: EADSY) space engineers have installed ESA’s European Robotic Arm (ERA) onto the Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) and it is now ready for its flight to the International Space Station (ISS). Together with this module, known as ‘Nauka’, ERA and its two control stations will launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan, on a Proton rocket.

After a one-week journey the European Robotic Arm will arrive at the ISS, where it will service the Russian segment of the space station. With a total length of 11.3 metres, the symmetrical, two-handed intelligent robot arm can ‘walk’ around the exterior of the ISS, hand-over-hand from one fixed base-point to another. ERA’s seven robust and accurate joints, the lightweight limbs and the control computer in the middle of the arm give the robot arm its versatility.

Astronauts and cosmonauts can control the European Robotic Arm in real-time or pre-programme it from inside or outside of the ISS, to make it move payloads, inspect the space station with its infrared cameras and to support operations outside the ISS. From its tip, the robot provides electrical power, a data bus, a video line and a rotating drive machine. By connecting a tool to the tip, ERA can be equipped for one of the many tasks it can perform automatically or semi-automatically. ERA has a lightweight construction but thanks to the zero-gravity conditions in space, it can move very large masses: from 3,000 kg routinely up to 8,000 kg in slow modus. The robot arm operates with an accuracy of 5 millimetres.

ERA has been developed for European Space Agency (ESA) by a European consortium, led by Airbus Defence and Space in the Netherlands. Airbus designed the arm and its software functions, managed the development of subsystems throughout Europe and integrated and tested the system. In the last few months Airbus has integrated ERA on the MLM, together with ESA and Russian partners RSC/Energia.

French Navy Exercises Option for Two Additional Airbus H160 Helicopters

The French Armament General Directorate (DGA) has confirmed an option to Airbus Helicopters, Babcock and Safran Helicopter Engines for two more H160s for the French Navy. These aircraft will join the fleet of four H160s already contracted in 2020, the first of which is currently being assembled by Airbus Helicopters in Marignane, in the south of France. The six H160s will be delivered in a Search and Rescue (SAR) configuration and will gradually start operating from May 2022 from Lanveoc-Poulmic naval air station (Britany), Cherbourg airport (Normandy) and Hyères naval air station (Provence). Awaiting the H160M “Guépard” deliveries in the frame of the French Joint Light Helicopter (Hélicoptère Interarmées Léger: HIL) programme, these H160s will take over the SAR missions  currently conducted by the NH90s and Panthers , allowing these combat helicopters to fulfill their main tasks at sea on board combat vessels.

The French Navy’s operational feedback with these H160s will benefit the design of the military version of the aircraft and its associated support system.

The H160s were ordered by Babcock in 2018 and will be maintained and equipped in partnership with Airbus Helicopters, and Safran Helicopters Engines ensuring the highest level of availability for the French Navy and the continuity of SAR operations on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean coasts. Built by Airbus Helicopters, the six H160s will be equipped with a winch and a modular cabin that can be optimized for each mission. The H160s will be certified for use of night vision goggles which are necessary for winching operations at night.

The six H160s will be modified into a light military configuration by Babcock, a provider of critical, complex engineering services to governments, to answer to the needs of the French Navy. Babcock will integrate the Safran Electronics & Defense new generation electro-optical system, Euroflir 410.

The H160, as a next generation medium twin engine aircraft, powered by Arrano engines, is modular by design in order to address missions ranging from offshore transportation, private and business aviation, emergency medical services, and public services.

Icelandair Flies to Antarctica and Back

Last week, an Icelandair (Iceland: ICEAIR.IC) Boeing 767 (TF-ISN), landed at Troll airfield (QAT) at the Troll research station operated by the Norwegian Polar Institute in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The flight was operated by Loftleiðir (Icelandair’s charter-flight subsidiary) to offload provisions for the research station’s staff who will remain at Troll this winter, and to pick up scientists returning to Norway after their summer service. Some of the scientists had been at Troll for 16 months and were happy to be heading home.

The flight

The journey involved a lot of planning due to the unique conditions, and involved 6 pilots, 13 crew and 1 flight engineer.

From Keflavík airport in Iceland, the plane flew nonstop to Cape Town, South Africa, where it paused for a rest and refueling stop. Some of the team stayed in Cape Town and the remainder flew 4,332km south to Troll in 5 hours and 43 minutes.

After a 2-hour layover at Troll, the aircraft returned with the Norwegian passengers to Cape Town, picked up the fresh crew, and continued on to Oslo, then home to Iceland. 

According to flight commander August Hakansson, landing conditions at Troll were far better than forecast. And the worst weather of the entire trip was upon the return to Keflavík! 

The flight route was so unusual that it attracted worldwide attention from aviation fans and media, including over 30,000 followers on Flightradar. And although it might seem crazy, this isn’t Icelandair’s first time in the Deep South – back in 2015, Icelandair became the first commercial airline to land a plane on a blue-ice runway in Antarctica.

Click the link below to read the full story!

International Space Station Tests Virus Fighting Surface Coating Developed by Boeing & University of Queensland

BRISBANE, Australia, Feb. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are conducting experiments with an antimicrobial surface coating designed to fight the spread of bacteria and viruses, including the Earth-bound SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the current COVID-19 pandemic. Developed by Boeing [NYSE: BA] and The University of Queensland (UQ), the joint research project was tested aboard Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator last year as part of the company’s Confident Travel Initiative.

The ISS experiment tests two identical sets of objects, including an airplane seat buckle, fabric from airplane seats and seat belts, and parts of an armrest and a tray table. One set received the antimicrobial surface coating, the other did not. ISS crew members are touching both sets of objects every few days to transfer microbes naturally occurring on human skin; no microbe samples were sent to the station for this experiment. Later this year, the test objects will be returned to Earth for analysis at Boeing’s labs to measure the effectiveness of the surface coating in a space environment.

An antimicrobial surface coating in a spacecraft could help ensure the health of the crew and protect the spacecraft’s systems from bacteria – and ultimately may help prevent interplanetary contamination from Earth-borne or another planet’s microbes.

Boeing was selected by NASA as the prime contractor for the ISS in 1993. Since then, Boeing has provided round-the-clock engineering support – maintaining the station at peak performance levels through dynamic missions and ensuring that the full value of the unique research laboratory is available to NASA, its international partners and private companies for years to come.

Since 2003, Boeing and The University of Queensland have collaborated on a broad portfolio of joint research and development projects. In 2017, the Brisbane-based Boeing Research & Technology engineers relocated to the university in a first-of-its-kind partnership for the company’s Asia-Pacific region.

The Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) at UQ has been a driver for multidisciplinary research to tackle global problems. The AIBN houses over 400 researchers across a wide range of scientific disciplines.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As a top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

Leonardo Technology Chosen for Milan, Italy Airport Systems

Leonardo has strengthened its market position in the airport sector by signing contracts with SEA and SACBO, the respective management companies for Milan Malpensa and Milan Bergamo airports. Malpensa and Bergamo are the second and third busiest airports in Italy.

At Milan Malpensa, Leonardo will replace most of the existing baggage handling infrastructure with a high-tech new system. This will bring the Terminal 1 baggage handling system in line with the new European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) ‘Standard 3’, which requires baggage to be subject to rigorous security checks prior to being loaded onto the aircraft. Components of the system will be replaced gradually in order to ensure continuity of services for passengers.

Once fully operational, the system will comprise two MBHS® (Multisorting Baggage Handling System) cross-belt sorters, approximately two and a half kilometres of belts and associated equipment. The new technology will seamlessly interface with the existing system, ensuring that baggage is identified and tracked right from the collection phase at check in and transfers, through to delivery to the final sorting system.

SEA has also chosen Leonardo to provide a surveillance system at Milan Malpensa, primarily to support the management of aircraft and other vehicles in the ground manoeuvring area. The five-year project is based on an “Extended Squitter – Ground Station Network” ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast) system: 14 fixed stations integrated with 100 VeTWEET transponders on-board airport vehicles. The solution will include a redundant communication system based on the Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System (AeroMACS), a wireless broadband technology. AeroMACS has been developed under the SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) joint R&D initiative, the technological pillar of Europe’s ambitious Single European Sky (SES) initiative. The innovative technology being supplied by Leonardo is fully compliant with the specifications defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for a “Mission Critical” environment such as an airport.

In another new contract, Leonardo’s technology has also been chosen by management company SACBO to bring the baggage handling system at Milan Bergamo airport in line with ECAC ‘Standard 3’. This new system will include a Leonardo MBHS® cross-belt sorting machine, providing for the smooth and accurate handling of baggage.

Leonardo is committed to supporting and protecting people and communities all over the world and contributing to sustainable growth via latest-generation technologies, including those in air traffic management and airport logistics. In line with its “Be Tomorrow 2030” strategic plan, the company works towards these goals alongside governments, individuals and industrial partners nationally and internationally.

SEA continues to invest in technology to make passenger journeys ever safer and faster.

KiwiRail Announces New Auckland Southern Station Locations

KiwiRail and the Supporting Growth Alliance (Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi) have today confirmed their proposed sites for three new stations in southern Auckland and will now begin more detailed consultation with stakeholders about their development.

Over the next 30 years, an extra 120,000 people are expected to live in the area, which will also have 40,000 new houses and 38,000 new jobs. The development of the new stations and their associated facilities will be staged over time to coincide with demands from developments feeding each location. 

KiwiRail has been given funding through the Government’s NZ Upgrade Programme for the first phase of development.

The locations for the new stations are designed to maximise connections with future town centres, new housing, and other public transport routes.

The aim is ensure the wider area has a robust public transport system to enable long-term housing and business growth. Other factors considered included the existing railway track alignment, the distance between stations, and environmental and ecological features.

The fully developed stations will have a bus interchange and Park & Ride facilities along with other infrastructure. We are working to confirm the exact footprint which will be needed for the associated facilities for the fully developed stations and will then begin the process of protecting the land.

Waka Kotahi National Manager System Design Robyn Elston says: “We are focusing on how longer-term road and rail projects can give people more connected public transport choices and help them move around safely and easily. We’re looking forward to talking to communities about how to make these projects happen.”

The planned railway stations are part of the $2.39 billion of transport improvements in southern Auckland that Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail are delivering as part of the Government’s New Zealand Upgrade Programme.

Other improvements will include SH1 Papakura to Drury South, Mill Road and Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification. They are part of a longer term transport network being investigated and delivered to support growth in south Auckland.

Public information sessions on the rail developments in Southern Auckland are being held in Drury on February 18th and Pukekohe on February 20th.

The proposed locations for the three stations are:

  • Drury Central will be located on the existing rail line south of Waihoehoe Road, between Flanagan and Great South Roads.
  • Drury West will be located on the existing rail line, about 450 m south of the existing intersection of SH22 / Karaka Road and Jesmond Road.
  • Paerata will be located on the existing rail line, adjacent to the planned eastern extent of the Paerata Rise development.

Amtrak Seeking Contractors for New Carrollton Station Project

WASHINGTON – Amtrak is transforming Northeast Corridor train travel by enhancing the customer experience, both in stations and on board trains. As part of this effort, Amtrak is currently accepting Letters of Interest from interested contractors until Feb. 15, 2021, for construction associated work at New Carrollton Station in Maryland. The project involves work within the existing station and the construction of a side platform, and will be closely coordinated with Amtrak for minimal impacts to service.

This infrastructure work is underway in preparation for the introduction of the new Acela fleet scheduled to begin entering service in 2021. The project is necessary to support higher frequency Acela service by expanding the routing options available for high-speed trains in the busy triple-track territory between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, which is also heavily utilized by commuter trains.

Constructed in 1983 as an intermodal facility, the New Carrollton station serves Amtrak and Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) trains, Washington Metrorail, Metro buses, MTA buses and county transit, as well as many commuting drivers who connect to transit and Amtrak. The New Carrollton Station is served daily by Amtrak’s AcelaNortheast RegionalPalmetto and Vermonter trains. New Carrollton Staton is located on the Northeast Corridor (NEC), one of the busiest, most complex, and economically vital transportation systems in the world connecting eight states and the District of Columbia.

In an effort to make Amtrak the smarter way to travel, we are also upgrading our infrastructure and modernization efforts and improving track capacity and ride quality all along the Northeast Corridor. The New Carrollton Station project also complements other significant station expansion investments at New York Penn Station; the opening of the new Moynihan Train Hall in New York; and further development of stations in Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Philadelphia.

Visit to learn more about the Future of Rail and infrastructure improvements.

Lufthansa to Operate A350-900 Flight from Hamburg to the Falkland Islands

On February 1, 2021, Lufthansa will be departing on the longest passenger flight in the history of its company, marking one of the most unique flights the airline has ever carried out. On behalf of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven, the Lufthansa Group’s most sustainable aircraft, an Airbus A350-900, will be flying 13,700 kilometers nonstop from Hamburg to Mount Pleasant in the Falkland Islands. The flight time is calculated at around 15:00 hours. There are 92 passengers booked for this charter flight LH2574, half of which are scientists and the other half, being the ship crew for the upcoming expedition with the Polarstern research vessel.

“We are pleased to be able to support a polar research expedition during these difficult times. Commitment to climate research is very important to us. We have been active in this field for more than 25 years and have equipped selected aircraft with measuring instruments. Since then, scientists all around the world have been using the data collected during the voyage to make climate models more precise and improve weather forecasts,” says Thomas Jahn, fleet captain and project manager Falkland.  Since the hygiene requirements for this flight are extremely high, Captain Rolf Uzat and his 17-member crew entered a 14-day quarantine last Saturday, the same time that the passengers did. “Despite the crew restrictions for this particular flight, 600 flight attendants applied for this trip,” says Rolf Uzat.

The preparations for this special flight are immense. They include additional training for the pilots via special electronic maps for flight and landing as well as managing the kerosene available at the Mount Pleasant military base for the return flight. The Airbus A350-900 is currently stationed in Munich, where it is being prepared for the flight. In Hamburg, the aircraft is loaded with additional cargo and baggage, which has been extensively disinfected and will remain sealed until departure. Besides the catering, there are additional containers for the residual waste on board, since this can only be disposed after the aircraft arrives back in Germany. The Lufthansa crew includes technicians and ground staff for on-site handling and maintenance who will quarantine after landing in the Falkland Islands due to government requirements. The return flight LH2575, is scheduled to depart for Munich on 03 February and will be carrying the Polarstern crew, which had set out from Bremerhaven on December 20 to resupply the Neumayer Station III in Antarctica, and must now be relieved.

In order to make research as climate-friendly as possible, the Alfred Wegener Institute will offset CO2 emissions from business flights via the non-profit climate protection organization atmosfair – which is also the case for this particular flight.  The institute donates funds for biogas plants in Nepal for every mile flown, thereby reducing the same amount of CO2 emissions. This helps maintain the overall CO2 balance regardless of where in the world the CO2 emissions can be reduced. In addition to pure CO2 emissions, other pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and soot particles are also taken into account.

Preparations for the special flight began together with the Alfred Wegener Institute in the summer of 2020. The usual route via Cape Town was not feasible due to the infection situation in South Africa, leaving only the route via the Falkland Islands. After landing on the Falkland Islands, scientific staff and crew members will continue their journey to Antarctica on the research vessel Polarstern.

Boeing Awarded U.S. Navy Contract for New Zealand P-8 Training

The U.S. Navy recently awarded Boeing [NYSA: BA] a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) contract, valued at $109 million, to provide P-8A Poseidon training for the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF). A suite of training systems and courseware will prepare RNZAF aircrew and maintainers to safely and effectively operate and maintain the world’s premier maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft for decades to come.

Boeing’s holistic P-8 training system will enable the RNZAF to conduct up to 70 percent of all Poseidon-related training in a simulated environment. As part of the contract, Boeing will provide:

Operational Flight Trainer (OFT) – Full-motion simulator incorporates all P-8 unique displays and switches.

Weapons Tactics Trainer– Simulates mission systems and tactical operations, and when coupled with the OFT, forms a Weapons Systems Trainer that enables multi-crew, high-fidelity mission rehearsal training in the same simulated environment.

Virtual Maintenance Trainer – Enables training of maintenance professionals to properly perform maintenance tasks and procedures on the P-8A aircraft.

Scenario Generation Station – Creates custom scenarios for mission training.

Brief/Debrief Station – Provides post-mission analysis and playback.

In addition, Boeing’s Electronic Classroom will give RNZAF instructors and students access to courseware and testing capabilities. Boeing also will provide initial Instructor Cadre Training to a group of RNZAF instructors, enabling them to continue training additional RNZAF P-8A instructors and aircrews following delivery of the training system in early 2024.

“This holistic training system will enable aircrew to safely train for all aspects of flying and maintaining the P-8A Poseidon,” said Tonya Noble, director of International Defense Training for Boeing. “We look forward to bringing these training capabilities in-country and working alongside the RNZAF to ensure readiness of aircrew and maintenance personnel.”

All training will be conducted in Ohakea, New Zealand. In March 2020, the RNZAF acquired four P-8A Poseidon aircraft through the U.S. Navy FMS process, with expected delivery beginning in 2023. New Zealand is one of seven nations operating the P-8.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As a top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries, leveraging the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

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