Tag: Agency (Page 4 of 6)

Swiss Air Lines Cleared For More Types Of Cabin Cargo

Swiss International Air Lines is carrying a greater variety of cargo in passenger cabins after four months of only being allowed to use the upper deck for shipments of COVID-19-related medical supplies.

Swiss Air Lines’ cargo division said it recently received approval from the Swiss aviation agency to transport general cargo in the cabin. Swiss flew its first flight a week ago from Dubai International Airport to Zurich with garments and other fashion-related goods in the passenger area.

The Lufthansa Group subsidiary has used widebody aircraft exclusively for cargo purposes since late March, but nontraditional use of cabin space was limited to medical supplies such as face masks and surgical gloves, as well as medicines and related humanitarian goods used to combat the novel coronavirus. 

Swiss WorldCargo has the option of putting boxes of personal protective equipment, and now other products, in the seats and overhead bins of many aircraft or on the floor of three Boeing 777-300s that have had their Economy seats removed.

Click the link below for the full story!

Garmin Autoland Achieves EASA and FAA Certification on Daher TBM 940

Garmin International Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRMN), today announced European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification of Autoland in the Daher TBM 940. The Garmin Autoland system is available as part of the G3000™ integrated flight deck and is capable of taking control and landing the aircraft without human intervention1 in the event the pilot is unable to fly.

In the event of an emergency, the pilot or passengers on board the aircraft can activate Autoland to land the aircraft with a simple press of a dedicated button. Autoland can also activate automatically if the system determines it’s necessary. Once activated, the system calculates a flight plan to the most suitable airport, while avoiding terrain and adverse weather, initiates an approach to the runway and automatically lands the aircraft – without pilot or passenger intervention.

Autoland takes into account a breadth of information and criteria during an activation, including a wide range of performance, operational and environmental factors. The availability of a GPS approach with lateral and vertical guidance to the runway is also required when the system is considering various airports and runways. Even further, the system will automatically communicate with air traffic control (ATC), advising controllers and pilots operating near the aircraft of its location and its intentions.

Throughout an Autoland activation, the G3000 integrated flight deck provides passenger-centric visual and verbal communications in plain language so passengers in the aircraft know what to expect. The flight displays show the aircraft’s location on a map alongside information such as the destination airport, estimated time of arrival, distance to the destination airport and fuel remaining. Airspeed, altitude and aircraft heading are also labeled in an easy-to-understand format. Passengers also have the option to communicate with ATC by following simple instructions on the display using the touchscreen interface on the flight deck.

The Garmin Autothrottle system is used to automatically manage aircraft speed, engine performance and engine power so the aircraft can climb, descend or maintain altitude as needed during an Autoland activation. On approach to land, the system initiates a controlled descent to the airport. If the aircraft needs additional time to descend or slow down during the approach, the Autoland system initiates a standard holding procedure. When aligned with the runway, the landing gear and flaps are automatically extended and the aircraft continues its descent. On the runway, automatic braking is applied while tracking the runway centerline to bring the aircraft to a full stop. Engine shutdown is also automated so occupants can safely exit the aircraft.

At any time, a pilot can easily deactivate an Autoland activation. With a single press of the “AP” autopilot key on the autopilot controller or the autopilot disconnect button on the controls, an Autoland activation can be canceled. The flight display shows a message that confirms Autoland has been deactivated and in the event of an accidental deactivation, the system shows passengers how to reactivate Autoland if needed.

Airbus Five-Blade H145 Receives EASA Type Certification

  • Ready for customer deliveries later this year
  • Raising the bar in performance, comfort, simplicity and connectivity

Airbus Helicopters’ five-bladed H145 has been certified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), clearing the way for customer deliveries towards the end of summer 2020. The certification covers the full range of capabilities, including single-pilot and instrument flight rules (IFR) and single engine operations (Cat.A/VTOL), along with night vision goggles capability.

“Our new five bladed H145 is an excellent example of our quest for continuous improvement and providing incremental innovation that responds to our customers’ requirements”, said Bruno Even, Airbus Helicopters CEO. “This helicopter combines value-added features with the robustness and the reliability of a tried-and-tested bestseller, making it very competitive in the light twin-engine market.”

The new version of Airbus’ best-selling H145 light twin-engine helicopter was unveiled at Heli-Expo 2019 in Atlanta, GA, with launch customers announced for almost every market segment. Prior to the successful high-altitude test campaign in South America, where the aircraft set its skids down on the Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Southern hemisphere, the new H145 performed several test campaigns including in Spain at medium altitudes and Finland for cold weather.

This latest upgrade of the H145 family adds a new, innovative five-bladed rotor to the multi-mission H145, increasing the useful load of the helicopter by 150 kg (330 lb). The simplicity of the new bearingless main rotor design will also ease maintenance operations, further improving the benchmark serviceability and reliability of the H145, while improving ride comfort for both passengers and crew. Certification by the Federal Aviation Administration will follow later this year. The certification for the military version of the five-bladed H145 will be granted in 2021.

Powered by two Safran Arriel 2E engines, the H145 is equipped with full authority digital engine control (FADEC) and the Helionix digital avionics suite. It includes a high performance 4-axis autopilot, increasing safety and reducing pilot workload. Its particularly low acoustic footprint makes the H145 the quietest helicopter in its class.

Airbus Solar Orbiter Ready for Close-Up With The Sun

Currently traveling at some 105 million kilometres from Earth, the Airbus-built Solar Orbiter (SolO) is en route for an encounter to uncover the secrets of our closest star.

While humankind has been studying the Sun for hundreds of years, the research is limited because data was always collected from distances more or less equal to the star’s separation from Earth, according to Ian Walters, Airbus’ SolO Project Manager.

“Solar wind takes about two to four days to get from the Sun to Earth, and in that time, it transforms completely,” he explained. “We can better correlate what is seen with what is felt from the Sun if we can get up close. That’s the point of the Solar Orbiter mission…and it’s never been achieved before.”

Solar Orbiter was launched in February in a joint mission of the European Space Agency and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Travelling closer to the Sun than its nearest planet – Mercury – SolO will make comprehensive measurements of the nascent solar wind.

Beating the heat

For the spacecraft and its 10 instruments to survive extreme temperatures of up to 600 deg. Centigrade, Airbus designed a protective heat shield with openings for SolO’s five telescopes to peek through during the trek.

According to Walters, the most critical heat protection technology is the Stand-off Radiator Assembly (SORA) – a set of radiators sitting on the spacecraft’s side that is always in shadow, enabling them to quickly transfer heat from the instruments into space. SORA’s thermal straps are made from pyrolytic graphite, which is five times more conductive than copper wire but flexible like paper.

To avoid any molecular contamination that could compromise imagery from the telescopes, Airbus also built Solar Orbiter to levels of cleanliness far exceeding any other spacecraft built in the UK to date. Every item on SolO has been heated to over 120 degrees to make sure no gases are emitted in the vacuum of space.

Predicting solar events

Data from Solar Orbiter can help make significant improvements to everyday life, particularly when it comes to predicting solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME) – the expulsions of plasma and its accompanying magnetic field from the sun, which can have a major impact on Earth.

“In 1859, one such episode took down the world’s telegraph network,” Walters said. “A similar event today would severely disrupt our power grids, mobile phone towers, navigation systems and many other critical technologies.”

He added: “If we could predict the CME was coming our way, we’d have about two days’ notice for emergency government committees to be activated and react, instead of the few minutes’ notice we receive today.”

Embraer Delivers 5 Commercial and 9 Executive Jets in 1Q20

Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) delivered a total of 14 jets in the first quarter of 2020, of which five were commercial aircraft and nine were executive jets (five light and four large). As of March 31st, the firm order backlog totaled USD 15.9 billion. 

Historically, Embraer seasonally has fewer deliveries during the first quarter of the year, and in 2020 in particular, the commercial aircraft deliveries in the first quarter were also negatively impacted by the conclusion of the separation of Embraer’s Commercial Aviation unit in January.

During the first quarter, Embraer Executive Jets announced that the new Phenom 300E was granted its Type Certificate by ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil), EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) and the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). The new Phenom 300E is the recently enhanced version of the Phenom 300 series, which was the most delivered business jet series in the 2010s.

Also in this period, Emgepron, a Brazilian state-owned company linked to the Ministry of Defense through the Brazilian Navy Command, and Águas Azuis, a company created by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, Embraer Defense & Security and Atech, signed the contract to build four state-of-the-art Tamandaré Class Ships, with deliveries scheduled between 2025 and 2028.

Airbus Built BepiColombo Will Make Earth Fly-by on April 10th

The Airbus built BepiColombo mission will make a fly-by past Earth on 10th April 2020 as it continues on its epic journey to Mercury.

The joint European Space Agency and Japanese Space Agency spacecraft will swing past Earth at about 13,000 km away, closer than navigation satellites (GPS, Galileo). It will be BepiColombo’s final glimpse of Earth before it continues on its seven year, 8.5 billion kilometre journey to the Solar System’s innermost, smallest and least explored planet, Mercury. The last time the spacecraft saw Earth was 18 months ago in October 2018, when it was launched on an Ariane 5.

BepiColombo is not due to arrive at Mercury until 05th December 2025, but to get there safely and at the right speed to be captured by Mercury’s gravity, it must do nine flybys of the inner planets, one past Earth, two at Venus and six flybys at Mercury. After arrival, the spacecraft will capture data for a year with the possibility of extending the mission.

BepiColombo will collect measurements to study the composition, geophysics, atmosphere, magnetosphere and history of Mercury as well as testing Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The 16 scientific instruments will also provide insights into the characteristics of Mercury’s magnetic field and how it interacts with the solar wind.

Philippe Pham, Head of Earth Observation, Navigation and Science said: “This flyby marks a great achievement and major milestone for Airbus. Teams across five countries worked together to successfully develop and launch the spacecraft on a complex mission to Mercury.”

The journey will total some 8.5 billion km, completing 18 orbits around the Sun before entering the spacecraft’s operational orbit and beginning scientific exploration of the planet Mercury.

Norwegian Air Gets Guarantee From Norwegian Government

  • Norwegian is pleased to announce that two Nordic banks have obtained credit committee approval to provide a guarantee for the required 10 percent for the first tranche of 300 million Norwegian kroner (NOK). Norwegian will secure the necessary headroom to pursue further guarantees from the Norwegian Government.

Government measures
On Thursday 19 March, the Norwegian Government proposed a guarantee of NOK 6 billion for the Norwegian airline industry, of which up to NOK 3 billion is directed to Norwegian. The guarantee will be up to 90 percent from the Norwegian Government provided that financial institutions contribute with the remaining 10 percent. The guarantee scheme will consist of three tranches with a maximum two years maturity.

Since Thursday evening Norwegian has worked with banks and financial institutions and is pleased to announce that two Nordic banks have obtained credit committee approval to contribute with the 10 percent required in guarantee for Tranche I and to provide the NOK 300 million in financing backed by the guarantee from the Norwegian Government. The Company is working with the banks and the Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency (“GIEK”), who will administrate the guarantee scheme, on the documentation in order to obtain the NOK 300 million in liquidity as soon as possible.

The Company is now working with GIEK and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries to clarify the criteria and terms related to the remaining tranches under the scheme and to obtain further guarantees from financial institutions in order to back such remaining tranches. Norwegian will update the market with its further plan of action and implications for its stakeholders as soon as the criteria and terms have been finalized. The Government guarantee scheme is crucial for the Company as the current state of the capital markets in combination with the challenging times for the airline industry limit the options available. The first NOK 300 million will create necessary headroom to pursue the remaining tranches of the guarantee scheme.

Operational update
Currently, most of the fleet is grounded and Norwegian has reduced its operations to a minimum. The airline will now primarily operate domestically in Norway and Sweden and between the Nordic capitals, in order to deliver on its corporate responsibility of maintaining critical infrastructure so that people and necessary goods and medical supplies can be transported during this unprecedented crisis. The limited schedule will remain in place until further notice. In addition, Norwegian has conducted repatriation flights together with the authorities in order to get citizens of Norway, Denmark and Sweden back home.

In order to reduce cost, Norwegian has temporarily laid off approximately 90 percent of its workforce and will continue to implement additional cost measures going forward.

British Airways Franchise Partner SUN-AIR Selects Garmin ADS-B solution for Dornier 328 aircraft

Garmin is pleased to announce European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approval of an Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) solution for the Dornier 328 jet and turboprop aircraft. SUN-AIR Aviation Group has selected a Garmin ADS-B solution for their entire fleet of 18 Dornier 328 aircraft that utilizes a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) and “plug and play” installation kit from their certification partner Scandinavian Avionics, headquarters of The SA Group. This cost-effective Garmin ADS-B upgrade provides operators with an economical solution for complying with the ADS-B mandate in Europe.

“Garmin continues to lead the industry on a global scale with a broad range of ADS-B solutions that span all segments of aviation, including a wide-range of commercial, defense, regional and business aircraft,” said Carl Wolf, vice president of aviation sales and marketing. “We are thrilled to provide SUN-AIR with a technology solution that is cost-effective, easy to install and keeps them flying so they can continue to serve their valued customers.” 

The ADS-B upgrade for the Dornier 328 is comprised of a pair of GTX 3000 ADS-B transponders and a GPS 3000, a high-integrity SBAS/WAAS position source, and a complete installation kit comprised of a pre-wired shelf, wire harness and consumption material. This solution is designed to easily interface to existing equipment on board the aircraft, reducing installation time and lowering the overall cost of compliance. Together, the GTX 3000 and GPS 3000 serve as a rugged, standalone ADS-B Out solution that meets the stringent demands of transport category aircraft around the globe.

“This Garmin ADS-B solution is an ideal upgrade for our aircraft because the installation design supports an abbreviated maintenance visit,” Kristoffer Sundberg, CEO SUN-AIR airlines. “For our workhorse fleet of aircraft, efficiency and minimal aircraft downtime are key, and Garmin and Scandinavian Avionics have addressed this with a straightforward upgrade.” 

Designed by Scandinavian Avionics, the STC and slide-in rack contains all of the necessary Garmin equipment and paperwork for the ADS-B Out solution. Scandinavian Avionics has completed the initial installation on a prototype aircraft and expects to complete the upgrade on the entire SUN-AIR fleet in the coming months. 

“Alongside Garmin, we have designed this STC so that Dornier 328 operators can take advantage of the installation efficiencies this upgrade affords,” said Michael Truelsen, CEO Scandinavian Avionics. “We look forward to continuing to work with Garmin to expand the aircraft eligibility list for this all-in-one, turn-key solution.” 

The GTX 3000 and GPS 3000 Garmin ADS-B Out solution for the Dornier 328 has received EASA approval and is available immediately. For additional information regarding the STC, contact SUN-AIR or Scandinavian Avionics. Visit for additional information.

Virgin Australia Share Price Dips Below 10 Australian Cents

Written by Adam Thorn

Virgin Australia’s share price dipped below 10 cents on Monday – days after credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded its outlook to negative.

The drop represents an enormous fall from a high of $2.19 in February 2007. Virgin played down the developments, claiming any speculation of the future of the business was “untrue and misleading”.

Last week, Australian Aviation reported that the wider group announced a $97 million half-year loss and its intention to cut its Tigerair fleet.

Click the link to read the full story!

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