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Boeing Licenses Ultraviolet Wand to Healthe to Counter COVID-19

Boeing [NYSE: BA] entered into a patent and technology license with Florida-based Healthe® Inc. today under which Healthe will manufacture an ultraviolet (UV) wand designed to sanitize airplane interiors. Boeing designed and developed the UV wand as part of the company’s Confident Travel Initiative (CTI) to support customers and enhance the safety and well-being of passengers and crews during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The UV wand is designed to be more effective than similar devices. It quickly disinfects surfaces on an airplane and further strengthens other layers of protection for passengers and crew,” said Mike Delaney, who leads Boeing’s CTI efforts. “Boeing spent six months transforming an idea for the wand into a working model, and Healthe will now take that prototype and make it available to the world at large.”

Healthe will produce and distribute the commercial wand, helping airlines and potentially others combat the coronavirus pandemic. The technology could be available for airlines in late fall. The device is an addition to sanitizing and protective measures already in place, which include the use of high-efficiency particulate air filters that trap more than 99.9% of particulates and prevent them from re-circulating back to the cabin.

“We are proud to be assisting Boeing as they work with their partner airlines to enhance in-cabin plane sanitization efforts. This could also benefit schools, hospitals, offices, wherever pathogens go,” said Abe Morris, Healthe executive chairman. “As we ramp up deployment of our cutting-edge UVC and Far-UVC 222 light solutions across many sectors, this new commercial-grade wand will be another powerful tool in the sanitization arsenal to protect passengers against the spread of harmful viruses.”  

The UV wand uses 222 nanometer UVC light. Research indicates 222 nanometer UVC inactivates pathogens effectively.

Using the self-contained apparatus that resembles a carry-on suitcase, crews can pass UV light over high-touch surfaces, sanitizing everywhere the light reaches. The UV wand is particularly effective in compact spaces and sanitizes a flight deck in less than 15 minutes.

As part of CTI, Boeing solicited feedback from multiple industry sources, which aided in quickly validating this technology. Etihad Airways was the first to evaluate the device, and the UV wand was demonstrated on the Etihad 787-10 ecoDemonstrator airplane on Aug. 21.

Cash-Strapped El Al Israel Airlines Raises $148 Million

TEL AVIV, Sept 16 (Reuters) – Cash-strapped El Al Israel Airlines raised $148 million in a government-mandated share offering on Wednesday that will enable it to receive a state bailout package.

In a regulatory filing in Tel Aviv, Israel’s flag carrier said it sold 753.35 million new shares at 0.671 shekels ($0.1963) each.

Its stock earlier had closed 5.6% higher at 0.774 shekel.

Demand reached 654 million shekels while El Al accepted 505 million shekels ($148 million) worth.

El Al did not give further details of the offering which took the total number of shares outstanding to above 1.2 million.

But Israeli media reported that Eli Rozenberg had obtained a controlling stake via the offering, with 44.9% of the airline’s shares. He is the son of American businessman Kenny Rozenberg, CEO of New York-based nursing home chain Centers Health Care.

Rozenberg in July had offered to funnel $75 million into the airline in return for a 44.99% stake.

An El Al spokesman said he could not immediately confirm the reports about Rozenberg’s bid.

Newspapers said the state’s overall stake would now be as much as 15.5%, while the current controlling shareholder – Knafaim Holdings – would see its stake fall to about 15%.

Israel’s Finance Ministry said it paid $34 million for its shares and that although it pledged a $150 million safety net, it was barely needed.

“The results of the offering express investors’ trust in the company’s business plan and in state aid,” it said in a statement.

El Al has been hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak and the government has for months offered to intervene to help it avoid bankruptcy.

That has included mandating a share offering and steep spending reductions to receive a $250 million loan that will be 75% backed by the government and used partly to pay back customers whose flights were cancelled.

The airline has reported losses for two years running, racked up debt to renew its fleet, and suspended flights when Israel closed its borders and furloughed most of its employees.

($1 = 3.4185 shekels) (Reporting by Rami Ayyub and Steven Scheer; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne)

Delta Launches $6.5 Billion Debt Deal Backed by Frequent Flyer Program

CHICAGO, Sept 14 (Reuters) – Delta Air Lines said on Monday it is seeking to raise $6.5 billion through new bonds and loans backed by its SkyMiles loyalty program, further bolstering liquidity to weather a drastic downturn in travel demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The airline said it would use the loyalty program as collateral to secure the new loans and issuance, as it continues to burn through about $27 million in cash each day.

U.S. airlines have cut costs and raised debt to survive what they call an unprecedented industry crisis. The situation is not expected to improve until there is a meaningful recovery in demand.

With its latest financing deal, Delta will not pursue a $4.6 billion federal loan available under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, officials said, even as it continues to lobby for a second round of federal payroll grants.

Atlanta-based Delta is among U.S. airlines to have tapped funds under a $25 billion made available primarily in grants under the CARES Act to cover employees’ payroll through September, but not a separate $25 billion package in secured loans.

The loan program has attractive financing terms but restricts executive compensation and share buybacks.

The airline has said it could furlough nearly 2,000 pilots in October without more federal aid, but believes it can avoid any flight attendant furloughs through the winter thanks to strong demand for voluntary departures or leaves.

Delta had $15.7 billion in liquidity at the end of June, which it said equaled about 19 months of financial runway at a daily burn rate of $27 million.

It still has unencumbered assets worth $6 billion to $7 billion, primarily in the form of spare aircraft parts and engines, if needed, officials said.

Delta did not disclose the value of the loyalty program or the terms of the new financing, which mirrors a debt deal by United Airlines in June backed by its $20 billion MileagePlus program.

Delta’s shares, which have lost about 46% this year, closed at $31.70 on Friday.

(Reporting by Tracy Rucinski; Editing by Ana Nicolaci da Costa)

Airbus Celebrates 5 Years of Production in Mobile, Alabama

In 2015, Mobile, Alabama became home to Airbus’ first US-based commercial aircraft manufacturing facility. Now celebrating five years of production, it has grown from an initial workforce of around 250 staff producing A320 Family aircraft, to 1,000 employees building both the A220 and A320 aircraft families. To date, the factory has delivered more than 180 A320 Family aircraft to eight customers; aircraft which have subsequently flown 60 million passengers 500 million miles.

For Airbus, commercial aircraft production in Mobile signified two things: its position as a truly global aircraft company, and that it was also a truly American manufacturer. With the addition of this brand new US operation to the company’s A320 production network in Europe and Asia, Airbus had strategically augmented its worldwide industrial base in America – the largest single-aisle aircraft market in the world – to be closer to its US-based customers and key supplier partners.

Enter the A220 Family

The journey of Airbus’ investment in Mobile took a major stride in October 2017 when it announced the decision to introduce a second aircraft programme to the site: the A220 Family, entailing a second assembly line to be built adjacent to the original A320 plant – which would also complement the A220’s primary production site in Mirabel, Quebec, Canada. The arrival into the US of this newest Single-Aisle Family member was an important testament to the confidence that Airbus had in Mobile, and the confidence in the team there to make it happen. Fast-forward to the present, and the first US-built A220 is already in its final stages of manufacture for Delta Air Lines – which will roll-out in the very near future.

Prior to the introduction of the A220 and expansion of the A320 facilities, the Mobile site sat on 116 acres. Today Airbus has added another 70 acres of real-estate which accommodates: two new final phase/flight-line hangars (four bays); an enlarged delivery centre with four new aircraft parking spaces; a ‘pre-transshipment’ hangar and of course the new ‘flow-line’ final assembly line (FAL) building itself. Notably, the delivery centre will be named after one of the company’s former leaders, Tom Enders. Enders supported and drove the establishment of a new Airbus aircraft factory in the US during his tenure as CEO of Airbus.

Doubling local industrial footprint in five years

When complete, nearly US$1 billion will have been invested in Mobile – to create new state-of-the-art facilities designed and built primarily by local companies. In short, Airbus has doubled its footprint there in just five years – establishing a new manufacturing home for Airbus’ Single-Aisle Family. Moreover, a recent study* concluded that Airbus’ total economic impact throughout the state of Alabama in five years was US$1.2 billion, supporting more than 15,000 jobs through construction and payroll.

Rolls-Royce Strengthens Opportunities with Kinolt Acquisition

  • Strenghtens Rolls-Royce’s market position in safety-critical applications with a leader in dynamic uninterruptible power supply
  • Completes Rolls-Royce’s product offering and accelerates the strategy of offering integrated solutions
  • Acquisition expected to deliver cost and revenue synergies, and help support medium-term profitability and create long-term shareholder value

Rolls-Royce is strengthening its business in power supply for safety-critical systems with the completion of the acquisition of Kinolt S.A., a Belgian-based specialist in dynamic uninterruptible power supply. Rolls-Royce is already a leading provider of back-up power generation through its Power Systems business with its product and solutions brand MTU. This market has remained a growth area during the Covid-19 pandemic and is expected to grow in the coming years as customers look to further minimize their risk of disruption.

Uninterruptible power supply systems are used wherever stable electricity is required or a power failure would be extremely harmful, for example within data centres, hospitals or manufacturing facilities which operate sensitive processes. This acquisition is another important step on the strategic journey of Power Systems towards becoming a full-service provider of integrated solutions. Kinolt’s uninterruptible emergency power supply technology is particularly well suited to applications where space is at a premium, such as urban areas or installations in existing buildings and complements Rolls-Royce’s own MTU branded solutions for large scale and greenfield sites. As a result, the deal is expected to result in cost and revenue synergies, medium-term long-term shareholder value in the back-up power generation business.

Andreas Schell, CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems, said: “The extraordinary times created by the Covid-19 pandemic have shown just how important it is to secure electricity supply to sensitive and critical infrastructure. The provision of uninterruptible power is vital in any situation and even more so today, as it ensures the provision of vital services such as medical care or the world’s continued flow of internet traffic. Without it, no public authority or company would be able to act in any crisis.”

The demand for uninterruptible power solutions is expected to remain strong in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. The acquisition of Kinolt will give Rolls-Royce a market-leading solution for businesses and local authorities who experienced issues with supply, or do not wish to run the risk again.

“We originally signed the deal to acquire Kinolt before the full global impact of Covid-19 was apparent,” added Schell. “Since then we have rigorously examined the rationale for the transaction and the opportunities it presents to our business and concluded that the arguments in favour of the acquisition are even stronger than before.”

Power Generation is already the top-selling segment within the Power Systems business. In the future it is expected to be the only manufacturer in the world able to supply customers with all components and consequently a complete uninterrupted power generation system in the power range from 200 to 3,200 kVA. Kinolt’s technology consists of a combination of rotating, kinetic mass storage devices, a diesel engine and a generator that can also be used as an electric motor. MTU engines from Rolls-Royce are often already used within Kinolt’s solutions. The Kinolt system is connected between the external power supply system and safety-critical equipment and supplies the latter with the required electrical power during normal operation. The grid frequency and voltage are generally more stable than the grid of public power suppliers. This is necessary because data servers, computer-controlled systems or sensitive devices such as those in hospitals can fail in the event of voltage and frequency fluctuations. In the case of a power failure, the flywheel mass accumulator ‘bridges’ the first few seconds before the diesel engine takes up the load.

“We will integrate the products and systems of our new subsidiary into our MTU product portfolio,” said Andreas Görtz, Vice President of Power Generation at Rolls-Royce. “Our worldwide sales and service network will open up new market opportunities by offering innovative uninterruptible power solutions. This will significantly strengthen our market position in safety-critical applications.”

Kinolt is based in the town of Grâce-Hollogne in the Belgian province of Liège and was known as Euro-Diesel until mid-2019. The transaction was completed on 1 July 2020 following the approval of antitrust authorities.

Rolls-Royce stärkt sein Angebot an Stromversorgungssystemen für sicherheitskritische Anwendungen mit dem Abschluss der Übernahme von Kinolt S.A., einem in Belgien ansässigen Spezialisten für dynamische unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung. Rolls-Royce is strengthening its business in power supply for safety-critical systems with the completion of the acquisition of Kinolt S.A., a Belgian-based specialist in dynamic uninterruptible power supply. Avec l’aboutissement de l’acquisition de Kinolt S.A., un spécialiste de l’alimentation dynamique sans interruption (ASI) établi en Belgique, Rolls-Royce élargit son offre de systèmes d’alimentation électrique dédiés aux applications cruciales en matière de sécurité. Rolls-Royce heeft de overname afgerond van Kinolt S.A., een in België gevestigde specialist voor dynamische onderbrekingsvrije stroomvoorziening. Met deze overname vergroot het zijn aanbod van stroomvoorzieningssystemen voor veiligheidskritische toepassingen.

Avianca Files for Bankruptcy Protection

(Reuters) – Avianca Holdings, Latin America’s second-largest airline, filed for bankruptcy on Sunday, after failing to meet a bond payment deadline, while its pleas for coronavirus aid from Colombia’s government have so far been unsuccessful.

If it fails to come out of bankruptcy, Bogota-based Avianca would be one of the first major carriers worldwide to go under as a result of the pandemic, which has crippled world travel.

Avianca has not flown a regularly scheduled passenger flight since late March and most of its 20,000 employees have gone without pay through the crisis.

“Avianca is facing the most challenging crisis in our 100-year history,” Avianca Chief Executive Anko van der Werff said in a news release.

While Avianca was already weak before the coronavirus outbreak, its bankruptcy filing highlights the challenges for airlines that cannot count on state rescues or on such rescues coming fast enough. Avianca is still hoping for a government bailout.

“This isn’t a surprise at all,” said Juan David Ballen, chief economist at Casa de Bolsa brokerage in Bogota. “The company was heavily indebted despite the fact it tried to restructure its debt last year.”

Avianca, the second-oldest continually operating airline in the world after KLM, had $7.3 billion in debts in 2019. The airline filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in New York and said it would continue operations while it restructured its debts.

The Colombian Association of Civil Aviators (ACDAC), a union representing many Avianca employees, said it supported the move.

Avianca already went through bankruptcy in the early 2000s, from which it was rescued by a Bolivian-born oil businessman, German Efromovich.

Efromovich grew Avianca aggressively but also saddled the carrier with significant debt until he was ousted from the airline last year in a boardroom coup led by United Airlines Holdings Inc. He still owns a majority stake in the carrier.

United stands to lose up to $700 million in loans related to Avianca.

Efromovich told Reuters on Sunday that he disagreed with the decision to file for bankruptcy and that he was not involved in making it.

Click the link below to read the full story!

The logo of Avianca Airlines is pictured at a counter following the cancellation of an Avianca flight to San Salvador due to coronavirus fears in Mexico City

United Airlines Sells 22 Airplanes to Bank of China Aviation

HONG KONG, April 19 (Reuters) – United Airlines will sell and lease back 22 planes to Bank of China (BOC) Aviation, a statement from the aircraft investor released to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange said on Sunday.

The deal involves six Boeing 787-9 aircraft and 16 Boeing 737-9 MAX aircraft from United Airlines, the statement said.

The Singapore-based BOC Aviation did not reveal how much the purchase was worth but said the planes would be leased back to United on long-term agreements.

United said on Wednesday it had reduced its flight schedule in May by 90% and expects similar cuts for June as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

The U.S. airline also said it flew less than 200,000 people in the first two weeks of April, a 97% drop from the more than 6 million people it flew during the same time in 2019.

BOC Aviation, which focuses on aircraft leasing, has a fleet of 567 planes owned, managed or on order as at the end of March, the statement said

The transaction was finalised on Friday and the deal is expected to close later this year, the statement said.

(Reporting by Scott Murdoch. Editing by Jane Merriman)

EasyJet Says Can Ride Out 9 Month Shutdown and Slow Recovery

FILE PHOTO: EasyJet planes parked at Luton airport after the airline grounded its entire fleet

LONDON (Reuters) – EasyJet can survive a nine-month shutdown thanks to its measures to contend with the coronavirus crisis and is planning for a slow recovery, the British airline said on Thursday.

As airlines worldwide battle for survival after lockdowns and travel bans brought the sector to a virtual standstill, EasyJet announced a new fleet plan to manage its emergence from the enforced hibernation.

The UK-based company said it will start to shrink its fleet and the number of planes it operates will not reach pre-crisis levels until 2022, signalling that it does not expect a quick recovery for the industry.

“We’ve been able to adapt ourselves to reduced demand for the next couple of years, then have the flexibility to increase as demand picks up again,” Chief Executive Johan Lundgren told reporters.

The industry is split on how quickly the sector can recover. Lufthansa, plane manufacturers and airline body IATA have warned that it will be a slow process. EasyJet’s bigger low-cost rival Ryanair, meanwhile, has predicted a swift rebound in traffic.

Lundgren said that, while he does not expect the grounding of easyJet’s fleet to last nine months, the company would remain cash-positive even if that were the case and could survive for longer than that by seeking additional funding.

Among the steps it is taking, easyJet is in talks over the sale and leaseback of some planes to leasing companies, with expected proceeds of up to 550 million pounds ($687 million).

“Overall, the company has presented a very credible response to the crisis,” said Goodbody analyst Mark Simpson.

In addition to the deferral of new orders and non-renewal of leases, easyJet said it now plans to sell six aircraft.

The airline, however, has faced calls from its founder and biggest shareholder, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, to terminate its 4.5 billion pound order with Airbus for 107 new jets.

He escalated his row with management on Thursday, issuing a statement saying he planned to call for the removal of Lundgren as well as chairman John Barton at forthcoming meetings. He said Lundgren should not send money to Airbus for planes while running an “aircraft parking lot”.


Through various funding initiatives, easyJet expects to generate total additional liquidity of about 1.85 billion to 1.95 billion pounds, leading to a notional cash balance of about 3.3 billion pounds.

Given the level of continued market uncertainty, the company said it is not possible to provide guidance for the remainder of the 2020 financial year.

However, it said winter bookings are well ahead of those at the same stage last year, with Lundgren adding that he expects there to be pent-up demand for holidays as people emerge from lockdown.

But travel restrictions are likely to ease slowly and easyJet will have to be flexible, the CEO said. “I don’t think this is going to be a case of let’s just open everything up,” he added.

Measures under consideration include disinfecting aircraft and steps to ensure social distancing on planes.

“We will clearly look to have the middle seat empty as we start,” Lundgren said. “I think that is actually what the customers would like to see.”

EasyJet shares were up 2.2% at 616 pence at 1207 GMT, having lost more than 50% year to date.

($1 = 0.8007 pounds)

(Reporting by Sarah Young; Editing by Kate Holton and David Goodman)

Wynn Resorts Extends Benefits for All North American Employees

  • I always love to read stories about the generosity of great corporations. Especially during times when self-centered politicians love to bash them so that they can profit from the potential graft a pending victory can bring. -WB

PRNewswire/ — Wynn Resorts (Nasdaq: WYNN), the world’s leading resort company based in Las Vegas, Nevada, announced today that the Company will extend paying all salaried, hourly and part-time employees through May 15, for a total of 60 days of payroll continuance. The Company decided to take this action as part of its shared responsibility for the health and safety of its employees, their families and the Las Vegas and Greater Boston communities during this pandemic.

Payroll coverage will include more than 15,000 current Wynn and Encore employees.  For tipped employees, it includes the average tip compliance rate or distributed tips/tokes since the beginning of the year. 

“It is our shared responsibility to follow the direction of health and safety professionals to stay home, and limit social contact,” said Wynn Resorts CEO Matt Maddox.  “We owe it to each other, our families and to our community.”

For more information on Wynn’s health and safety measures, please visit

The Encore Boston Harbor Casino in Everett seen from Somerville. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)

Alstom Barcelona 3D Printing Hub Joins COVID 19 Fight

Production and development of new solutions for hospitals

Alstom’s 3D printing hub in Barcelona is coordinating initiatives being implemented at a Group level to contribute to the fight against the COVID 19 global pandemic. Since last week, engineers and developers based in Santa Perpetua site (Barcelona) have been coordinating and implementing different initiatives to produce pieces, supply consumables and design new solutions. 

Alstom’s hub is working in coordination with the network to manufacture visors for face shields and ventilators valves, that are being delivered to different hospitals. 

“The aim is to help the healthcare community by manufacturing parts that meet appropriate quality and safety standards,” says Jaume Altesa, responsible for Alstom’s 3D printing hub at Santa Perpètua. “3D printing has gained prominence due to its particular usefulness for creating equipment to protect against COVID-19, as it can be used to manufacture materials currently suffering severe shortages such as face masks, mechanical respirators and even door openers, among others”, he adds.

The CAD design experts at the Santa Perpetua facilities are also innovating in new solutions and developments. They are currently working, for example, on portable personal protectors for door handles and the use of anti-bacterial materials in the masks.

Launched in 2016, Alstom 3D printing hub in Barcelona is one of the components of Smart Operations, Alstom’s ‘Industry of the Future’ programme. Its ambition is to produce 3D-printed parts quickly and at a competitive price for new trains, to meet the customers’ requests for parts, and to facilitate some manufacturing and maintenance operations. At Alstom, 3D printing is used for four applications: tools for our factories, prototypes to validate a design, moulds produced in half the time of classic production methods and series parts with around 70 references in plastic and metal.

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