Tag: Lockheed (Page 7 of 7)

Are Supersonic Flights Moving Closer to a Comeback?

The dream of traveling from coast to coast or across the ocean in a matter of hours is a real possibility, with the Federal Aviation Administration beginning work on updated regulations to accommodate a new generation of supersonic aircraft. The changes would be great news for passengers, while creating both challenges and new opportunities for aerospace giants like Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) and Boeing (NYSE: BA).

The FAA intends to issue a formal proposal on new noise guidelines by December, according to a post on the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs website. The new rules would allow for testing of new supersonic technologies that are designed to not generate a disruptive sonic boom, and pave the way for eventual approval of the new technologies if they work as planned.

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Supersonic Flight Comeback

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