Tag: Autoland

Garmin Autoland Achieves EASA and FAA Certification on Daher TBM 940

Garmin International Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRMN), today announced European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification of Autoland in the Daher TBM 940. The Garmin Autoland system is available as part of the G3000™ integrated flight deck and is capable of taking control and landing the aircraft without human intervention1 in the event the pilot is unable to fly.

In the event of an emergency, the pilot or passengers on board the aircraft can activate Autoland to land the aircraft with a simple press of a dedicated button. Autoland can also activate automatically if the system determines it’s necessary. Once activated, the system calculates a flight plan to the most suitable airport, while avoiding terrain and adverse weather, initiates an approach to the runway and automatically lands the aircraft – without pilot or passenger intervention.

Autoland takes into account a breadth of information and criteria during an activation, including a wide range of performance, operational and environmental factors. The availability of a GPS approach with lateral and vertical guidance to the runway is also required when the system is considering various airports and runways. Even further, the system will automatically communicate with air traffic control (ATC), advising controllers and pilots operating near the aircraft of its location and its intentions.

Throughout an Autoland activation, the G3000 integrated flight deck provides passenger-centric visual and verbal communications in plain language so passengers in the aircraft know what to expect. The flight displays show the aircraft’s location on a map alongside information such as the destination airport, estimated time of arrival, distance to the destination airport and fuel remaining. Airspeed, altitude and aircraft heading are also labeled in an easy-to-understand format. Passengers also have the option to communicate with ATC by following simple instructions on the display using the touchscreen interface on the flight deck.

The Garmin Autothrottle system is used to automatically manage aircraft speed, engine performance and engine power so the aircraft can climb, descend or maintain altitude as needed during an Autoland activation. On approach to land, the system initiates a controlled descent to the airport. If the aircraft needs additional time to descend or slow down during the approach, the Autoland system initiates a standard holding procedure. When aligned with the runway, the landing gear and flaps are automatically extended and the aircraft continues its descent. On the runway, automatic braking is applied while tracking the runway centerline to bring the aircraft to a full stop. Engine shutdown is also automated so occupants can safely exit the aircraft.

At any time, a pilot can easily deactivate an Autoland activation. With a single press of the “AP” autopilot key on the autopilot controller or the autopilot disconnect button on the controls, an Autoland activation can be canceled. The flight display shows a message that confirms Autoland has been deactivated and in the event of an accidental deactivation, the system shows passengers how to reactivate Autoland if needed.

Cirrus Aircraft Revolutionizes Passenger Safety through Autonomous Flight with Safe Return Emergency Autoland

Duluth, Minn. and Knoxville, Tenn. (30 October 2019) – Cirrus Aircraft, the global leader in personal aviation, ushered in a new era of innovation today with the introduction of Safe ReturnTM – a revolutionary emergency autoland system that enables passengers to land the Vision JetTM with just the touch of a single button. Once activated when available, Safe Return assumes control of the aircraft and transforms the Vision Jet into an autonomous vehicle that navigates to the nearest suitable airport for landing, communicates with air traffic control, lands and brings the aircraft safely to a complete stop. The Vision Jet, with both Safe Return and the award-winning Cirrus Airframe Parachute System® (CAPS®), provides a comprehensive, must-have total safety solution unique to G2 Vision Jet operators.  

“Our mission is to make personal aviation more accessible by continuing to improve passenger comfort and safety,” said Zean Nielsen, Cirrus Aircraft Chief Executive Officer. “Safe Return delivers the next step towards autonomous flight, bringing a new level of confidence to the overall flying experience by providing the ultimate level of safety and control to passengers. Together, with the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System® (CAPS®), we have once again set a new standard for safety in personal air travel.”

Easily accessible by passengers in the Vision Jet cabin, Safe Return is activated by the touch of a button when available. Once pressed, the autonomous system analyzes terrain and datalink weather to determine the optimal airport for landing, and simultaneously begins communication with Air Traffic Control (ATC). Powered by the Perspective Touch+TM by Garmin® flight deck, Safe Return utilizes all available aircraft data streams, including available fuel, to safely navigate the Vision Jet to the identified airport and transition on to final approach for the appropriate runway based on ground winds. Autothrottle – launched earlier this year on the new G2 Vision Jet –and the automatic flight control system manage the aircraft’s speed, altitude and path, while the system automatically lowers the flaps and landing gear on final approach. Safe Return culminates in the aircraft making a fully autonomous landing on the intended runway and coming to a complete stop, allowing passengers to exit the aircraft.

Included during this entire process is constant communication with ATC – another layer of autonomy that provides assurance to passengers experiencing a critical situation. Upon activation, Safe Return immediately transmits an emergency message to ATC. Using text and speech technology, the system communicates the aircraft’s intentions over the appropriate ATC frequency, the 121.5 emergency voice frequency, and also switches to the universal emergency transponder code. ATC is automatically updated at regular intervals of the aircraft’s location, emergency situation and intended airport landing location. These communications begin the process of activating emergency services at the airport of intended landing to assist the passenger and pilot upon arrival.  Safe Return can be easily disengaged by the pilot with a simple press of the Autopilot disconnect button on the yoke if a passenger inadvertently activates the system. 

In 2016, Cirrus Aircraft ushered in a new era in personal transportation with the FAA certification of the world’s first single-engine Personal Jet – the Vision Jet. The turbine aircraft defined a new category in aviation – the Personal JetTM – with its spacious pilot and passenger-friendly cabin featuring panoramic windows, reclining seats, comfortable legroom for five adults and two children and the only turbine aircraft with a whole airframe parachute system as standard equipment. Earlier this year, Cirrus Aircraft unveiled and began delivery of the G2 Vision Jet, offering enhanced performance, comfort and safety with increased cruise altitude, speed and range, and a newly-upgraded Perspective Touch+TM by Garmin® flight deck. The company expects to begin delivery of Vision Jets equipped with Safe Return in early 2020.

More information on Safe Return and the G2 Vision Jet can be found at