Tag: Blades

Airbus Delivers World’s First H160 in Japan

Kobe, 10 December 2021 – Airbus (OTC: EADSY) has delivered the first ever H160 to Japanese operator All Nippon Helicopter (ANH), heralding a new chapter for this next generation twin-engine helicopter. With 68 patents, the innovative H160 is the world’s most technologically advanced helicopter.

The multi-role H160 was delivered from Airbus’ helicopter facility in Kobe, Japan, where flight training and specialised equipment installation for electronic news gathering will be performed before the helicopter’s entry into service next year.

Designed as a multi-role helicopter capable of performing a wide range of missions such as offshore transportation, emergency medical services, private and business aviation, as well as public services, the H160 integrates Airbus’ latest technological innovations. The helicopter provides passengers with superior comfort thanks to the sound-reducing Blue Edge blades and superb external visibility that benefits both passengers and pilots.

Satena Optimises Fleet Support With ATR Global Maintenance Agreement

  • Colombian airline signs five year contract for its seven aircraft ATR fleet

ATR and SATENA announce the signing of a Global Maintenance Agreement (GMA) contract covering: onsite stock, Standard Exchange, Line Replaceable Unit repair and propeller blades. SATENA are an existing ATR operator but this is the first time they have chosen ATR’s GMA for their fleet support. Owned and managed by the Colombian Air Force, SATENA provides essential connectivity throughout the country, providing links to communities and economies, supporting growth and development. For 20 years, through the GMA, ATR has contributed to reducing operators’ maintenance costs and boosting their operations.

The team of SATENA said: “Choosing the ATR GMA means that we will benefit from the manufacturer’s expertise, which brings many advantages. The COVID pandemic has highlighted how essential regional aviation continues to be for passengers, making reliability more important than ever. Our passengers need to know that they can rely on us, so we need to know that we can rely on our fleet. Selecting the ATR GMA ensures that we have the right infrastructure in place to optimise our operations. The availability and depth of support offered by the GMA makes it the best option available for ATR operators and the right choice for us.”

David Brigante, SVP Programmes and Customer Service of ATR commented: “Everyone is aware of the challenges that airlines are currently facing, so when in the midst of this situation an operator such as SATENA, who is dedicated to supplying essential connectivity, puts their faith in us by choosing our GMA it is something of which we can be immensely proud. SATENA helps Colombians living in remote areas link to larger hubs, allowing them to access economic or educational opportunities or connect with their friends and family. As a manufacturer, ATR’s mission is the same: to create a tool that supports communities by connecting them. This shared vision is why we have always been proud to count SATENA as an operator and why we are now especially pleased that they have chosen our GMA.

Finnair Boosts Reliability of Regional Fleet with ATR Global Maintenance Agreement

ATR and one of its long-standing customers, the Finnish airline Finnair, signed a 10-year Global Maintenance Agreement (GMA). Through this package, Finnair and Nordic Regional Airlines (NoRRA) – who operates Finnair’s regional ATR traffic – will benefit from a customised support from ATR, which will help the airline better anticipate maintenance costs while enhancing the dispatch reliability of its fleet of 12 ATR 72-500.

This pay-by-the-hour contract covers the repair, overhaul and pooling services of Line Replaceable Units, along with their door-to-door delivery and an on-site leased stock of spare parts. Finnair will also benefit from blades maintenance and availability, and maintenance recommendations based on ATR’s expertise to enhance aircraft reliability.  

Juha Ojala, Vice President Technical Operations of Finnair, declared: “Our ATR flights form a key part of our feeder traffic to our Helsinki hub, and as a large share of our customers are transfer customers, they have strong expectations in terms of punctuality and reliability. This Global Maintenance Agreement is one step further in our relationship with ATR and ensures we benefit from the most suitable services, so that we can in turn provide our customers with a reliable and punctual travel experience.”

Stefano Bortoli, Chief Executive Officer of ATR, added: “Finnair is new to our GMA programme but they have been part of the ATR family from the very beginning, as they took delivery of their first ATR aircraft, MSN 006, in 1986. During the challenging times we are currently living, the confidence from a valued customer is the best tribute they can offer to the quality and economics of our products and services. We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise with Finnair, so that they can in turn keep on operating regional traffic in a responsible and efficient fashion.”

Emirates’ Clark says Rolls-Royce Needs to Sort Itself Out After Engine Delays

DUBAI, Nov 22 (Reuters) – The board of Rolls-Royce must urgently address its engine performance problems, the head of Dubai’s Emirates said, as the world’s largest buyer of wide-body jets weighs up who will power its order of Boeing 787 jets.

Emirates agreed to buy its first 787 Dreamliners in a last-minute, $9 billion deal at the Dubai Airshow on Wednesday, without specifying what engine would power it, while reducing its order for the U.S. planemaker’s delayed 777X model.

The 787’s, which can take either Rolls or rival GE Aviation’s GEnx engines, will be delivered to Emirates in 2023, a year later than a tentative purchase plan outlined two years ago.

That gives Rolls-Royce more time to sort out the durability issues in its Trent 1000 engines before Emirates believes a realistic competition can be held.

“Rolls have had a number of wake up calls and they really need to sort themselves out. I think the alarm clock has gone off a number of times,” Emirates President Tim Clark said at the Dubai Airshow.

“If I were on the board, I would be looking to recognise the issues… and deal with them immediately, meaningfully, forcefully and drive change,” he told reporters.

A spokeswoman for Rolls-Royce said it was proud that Emirates had chosen to order 50 Airbus A350s, powered by Rolls’ Trent XWB, in a deal announced this week.

“We are confident in the reliability and performance of our engines, and in our commitment to meeting the high standards expected by our customers,” the spokeswoman said.

“(Emirates) is one of the largest operators of our Trent engines in the world, and we are committed to maintaining our strong relationship with them.”

The Rolls-powered version of the 787 has been hit by repeated technical problems, leading to share price pressure and drawing criticism from airlines.

The engine maker’s chief executive Warren East said on Nov. 7 that the company would spend more on parts and replacement engines to reduce the time aircraft are grounded while turbine blades are replaced.

Clark said that the situation at Rolls was “salvageable” if board acted quickly and accepted the issues they were having.

“With the reputation that (Rolls) has for quality engineering and its excellence in the past, they must restore that as the gold standard,” he said.

He said his comments should not be read as a criticism of any individuals including East.

Clark has been a vocal critic of engine makers, saying in September he wouldn’t take new planes unless their engines were ready and said he was “a little bit irritated” by delays at Rolls and GE.

GE powers the 777X, which Emirates cut its order of on Wednesday after Boeing pushed back its entry into service, partly due to issues with its engines.

Clark said engine makers should only offer technology that was mature enough to work reliably in the demanding conditions of the Gulf, adding: “Don’t use (airlines) as guinea pigs”.

(Reporting by Tim Hepher, writing by Alistair Smout, Editing by Louise Heavens)