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Solaris wins new hydrogen bus contracts in Barcelona and Essen

The CAF Group company has consolidated its leading position in the thriving hydrogen city bus market with two new contracts for the supply of 57 vehicles for a combined value of over 40 million Euros for Barcelona, Spain and Essen, Germany. Solaris’ experience in rolling out hydrogen technology has seen 40 operators in 10 European countries already place their trust in the company, having won orders for in excess of 700 vehicles.

Supported by the ongoing development of the hydrogen vehicle market and the increasing orders for hydrogen fuel cell-powered buses, Solaris has intensified its business activity in this segment over the recent months. In fact, in connection with this technology, last year Solaris made a major investment constructing a new building exclusively to manufacture hydrogen-powered buses.

Solaris’ substantial backlog, which includes supplies to various operators in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and Slovakia, illustrates the current relevance of this market. While 99 hydrogen buses were registered in Europe in 2022, pending official data for 2023, at the end of the third quarter of the year a total of 137 new bus registrations had already been made in Europe, representing a 38% increase compared to the 12 months in the previous year. If we add the data for the last 3 months of 2023, the figures would undoubtedly reveal how strongly this sector has grown and how much Solaris has contributed to this situation. Just a few years ago, specifically in 2018, not one single hydrogen bus was registered in Europe.

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Moving Egypt, A Modern Rail System That Will Transform Everyday Life

Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) Mobility unit will install a comprehensive rail system that will feature the first ever high-speed, electrified main and freight rail line that will transform transportation in Egypt. The initial 660 km line will connect the port cities of Ain Sokhna on the Red Sea to Marsa Matrouh and Alexandria on the Mediterranean and will provide efficient, safe, and affordable transportation for all Egyptians, as well as goods across the country. The Egyptian government has an ambitious plan to invest heavily in a reliable and sustainable 1800 km state-of-the-art rail network that will establish Egypt as a regional leader for transportation and provide an additional boost to the economy.

The 660 km line connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean will create a Suez Canal type of link on the tracks. The connection will transport up to 30 million people per year and save up to 50 percent travel time. The electrified line will cut carbon emissions by 70%, in comparison to the current car and bus transportation. Siemens Mobility will deliver its Velaro high-speed trains, Desiro High Capacity regional train sets, and Vectron freight locomotives.

KiwiRail Announces New Auckland Southern Station Locations

KiwiRail and the Supporting Growth Alliance (Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi) have today confirmed their proposed sites for three new stations in southern Auckland and will now begin more detailed consultation with stakeholders about their development.

Over the next 30 years, an extra 120,000 people are expected to live in the area, which will also have 40,000 new houses and 38,000 new jobs. The development of the new stations and their associated facilities will be staged over time to coincide with demands from developments feeding each location. 

KiwiRail has been given funding through the Government’s NZ Upgrade Programme for the first phase of development.

The locations for the new stations are designed to maximise connections with future town centres, new housing, and other public transport routes.

The aim is ensure the wider area has a robust public transport system to enable long-term housing and business growth. Other factors considered included the existing railway track alignment, the distance between stations, and environmental and ecological features.

The fully developed stations will have a bus interchange and Park & Ride facilities along with other infrastructure. We are working to confirm the exact footprint which will be needed for the associated facilities for the fully developed stations and will then begin the process of protecting the land.

Waka Kotahi National Manager System Design Robyn Elston says: “We are focusing on how longer-term road and rail projects can give people more connected public transport choices and help them move around safely and easily. We’re looking forward to talking to communities about how to make these projects happen.”

The planned railway stations are part of the $2.39 billion of transport improvements in southern Auckland that Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail are delivering as part of the Government’s New Zealand Upgrade Programme.

Other improvements will include SH1 Papakura to Drury South, Mill Road and Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification. They are part of a longer term transport network being investigated and delivered to support growth in south Auckland.

Public information sessions on the rail developments in Southern Auckland are being held in Drury on February 18th and Pukekohe on February 20th.

The proposed locations for the three stations are:

  • Drury Central will be located on the existing rail line south of Waihoehoe Road, between Flanagan and Great South Roads.
  • Drury West will be located on the existing rail line, about 450 m south of the existing intersection of SH22 / Karaka Road and Jesmond Road.
  • Paerata will be located on the existing rail line, adjacent to the planned eastern extent of the Paerata Rise development.

Auckland Metro Network Announces Christmas Shutdown

Infrastructure work across the Auckland metro rail network is set to ramp up over the Christmas period during a network wide shut down.

As Aucklanders head out of the city on holiday, work on several projects is scheduled across the network to take advantage of the quieter period.

KiwiRail Chief Operating Officer Todd Moyle says work will focus on track repairs.

“We’ll have more than 100 people working over the Christmas and New Year period across the network. Additionally, preliminary work on Papakura to Pukekohe electrification, the Westfield and Wiri junction and the construction of a third main will be getting underway.”

All of the projects are part of the Auckland Metro Rail Programme and once complete will deliver Auckland a resilient train infrastructure network for improved reliability of passenger train services provided by Auckland Transport and freight trains.

Earlier in the year, testing uncovered damage to more than 100km of track which required urgent upgrading.

“Our teams have put in a lot of hours and have already completed over 50 percent of the required work.

“The upgrade has been a massive task and KiwiRail has worked with Auckland Transport throughout the project to try to minimise the impact on commuters.”  

The network shutdown will take place from Saturday 26 December to Sunday 10 January. During that period only freight trains will operate on the tracks.

Commuters on the Western line between Fruitvale Road and Swanson will need to prepare for a longer period of disruption, with work starting earlier, on December 20, and continuing along the entire Western Line until the end of January 2021.

“We have planned the repairs on the Western line to minimise the impact when the school year begins in February.”

“KiwiRail appreciates the level of cooperation and understanding from the public as this necessary work continues. The progress that will be made during the shutdown is an investment which will make the network more resilient and reduce future outages.”

AT Executive General Manager Integrated Networks Mark Lambert says “Once again AT wishes to acknowledge the disruption that these works have had on our customers. We will continue to provide Rail Replacement Bus services across the network throughout the shutdown, including New Year’s Eve, when many Aucklanders will be wanting to spend time with their friends and loved-ones.”

Volaris reports September 2020 traffic results, operating at 84% of 2019 capacity levels

MEXICO CITY, /PRNewswire/ — Volaris (NYSE: VLRS and BMV: VOLAR), the ultra-low-cost airline serving Mexico, the United States and Central America, reports September 2020 preliminary traffic results.

Volaris is well positioned for a continuing post Covid-19 traffic recovery and is regaining capacity at a fast pace, due to its strong ultra-low-cost business model focused on the VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) and leisure segments in the domestic and US-transborder markets. Volaris also continues to see success from its efforts to convert first time flyers through its bus switching marketing campaigns in Mexico.

In September 2020, capacity measured by ASMs (Available Seat Miles) was 84.2% compared to the same month of last year. Demand measured by RPMs (Revenue Passenger Miles) was 75.6% of last year. This represents an increase of 2.4% versus August 2020. Volaris transported a total of 1.3 million passengers during September 2020, an increase of 4.1% versus August 2020. Booked load factor for September 2020 was 74.4%, an increase of 1.8 pp versus August 2020. No shows were back to normal levels.

Click the link below for the full story with financials!

Alstom Delivers its First Series Electric Bus to Strasbourg

Alstom is delivering the very first 100% electric Aptis bus to Strasbourg transport operator Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS). This constitutes a major new step for Alstom, which aims to be the most innovative world actor for sustainable, smart mobility. Following the groundbreaking delivery, CTS will train 150 drivers in the operation of the new vehicles. During this initial training phase, the bus will run on the streets of Strasbourg with the livery that the Aptis fleet will adopt when in high-level service on the H line. With a length of 12 metres and equipped with 3 doors, Aptis buses were designed at the Hangenbieten Eurométropolis. They are the first electric buses to join CTS’s fleet of vehicles.

Thanks to its innovative design, Aptis offers an unparalleled passenger experience. Its berthing system for perfect alignment with the pavement, its low, completely flat floor and wide double doors allow easy movement and convenient boarding for people with reduced mobility and prams. Equipped with large bay windows along its entire length, Aptis offers 25% more glass surface area than a standard bus and a rear seating area with panoramic views of the city.

The vehicles requested by the city of Strasbourg are designed for slow charging at night at the depot. Aptis is also available for occasional recharging at the end of each line, using either ground-based charging solutions (SRS) or pantograph charging. Aptis was designed to have an optimised total cost. This is possible thanks to reduced maintenance and operating costs and a longer service life than that of standard buses. The aim for local authorities, therefore, is to have a total cost equivalent to that of existing standard diesel buses.

Aptis was also chosen by RATP and Île-de-France Mobilités, and by the areas of Greater Grenoble, Greater La Rochelle, and Greater Toulon, where commercial operations are due this year. As of September 2018, Aptis is also referenced by the CATP for public purchasing by local authorities. This referencing allows member authorities to order Aptis vehicles directly and simply from the CATP without having to embark on long and costly procedures.

Aptis also received the Origine France Garantie in January 2019. The certificate guarantees that at least 50% of Aptis’s value is French.

Design, production and testing will be carried out at Aptis Alstom’s site of Hangenbieten, in Alsace. Six other Alstom sites in France are involved in the design and manufacture of Aptis: Reichshoffen for the flanks, Saint-Ouen for the system integration, Tarbes for the traction, Ornans for the motors and Villeurbanne for the electronic components of the traction chain. Finally, Alstom’s site in Vitrolles is developing one of the charging solutions (SRS).

Alstom at ElekBu 2020

Alstom presents its improved Aptis e-bus at ElekBu

28 January 2020 – Alstom will present its Aptis electric bus at ElekBu 2020, being held in Berlin from 4 to 5 February. After extensive testing in many French and European cities for the past two years, the serial design of Alstom’s innovative 100% electric mobility solution incorporates feedback from passengers and transport operators. Following test drives in major German cities such as Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, the serial 12 meters Aptis e-bus is to be shown at a roadshow in Germany this year.

The serial vehicles are based on an optimized global architecture requiring fewer spare parts references and considerably facilitating maintenance operations. Thanks to a wheel steering angle of more than 40°, its ease of insertion increases significantly. The 15% reduction in the total weight of the vehicle, combined with the use of new, more efficient and state of the art batteries, substantially increases range. Aptis now accommodates more passengers, with a capacity of 100 persons, while still offering them more fluidity thanks to large sliding doors. 

In addition to the technical improvements, Aptis can also boast significant improvements to passenger comfort. A new air-conditioning system that (fully electrical heat-pump) maximises thermal comfort and the panoramic rear lounge has been enhanced to give a feeling of increased space. The new hydraulic suspension allows superior comfort and sound insulation, making Aptis one of the quietest and most innovative buses on the market. The high level of comfort is also reflected in the many very positive passenger surveys.

“Alstom is pleased to present the Aptis at ElekBu, which is so important for the German market. In the last two years, we have gained important experiences in trial operation. This 100% electric mobility solution offers a new experience to passengers and drivers while meeting the new mobility challenges of urban areas,” underlines Guillaume Legoupil, Sales Director Aptis.

Aptis is particularly popular in France, where it is also built. It has already been chosen by Paris in the context of Europe’s largest call for tender for electric buses, as well as by the cities of Strasbourg, Grenoble, La Rochelle and Toulon. From February, the first series buses will be in regular service in Strasbourg.

Alstom Presents First Aptis Serial Vehicle at Busworld 2019

14 October 2019 – Alstom will present the first serial vehicle of its Aptis electric bus at Busworld 2019, being held in Brussels from 17 to 23 October. After the four prototypes that have been on the roads of many French and European cities for the past two years, this new design incorporates feedback from passengers and transport operators.

This first serial vehicle is based on an optimised global architecture requiring fewer spare parts references and considerably facilitating maintenance operations. Thanks to a wheel steering angle of more than 40°, its ease of insertion increases significantly. The 15% reduction in the total weight of the vehicle, combined with the use of new, more efficient and state of the art batteries, substantially increases range. Aptis now accommodates more passengers while still offering them more fluidity thanks to large sliding doors. 

In addition to the technical improvements, Aptis can also boast significant improvements to passenger comfort. A new air-conditioning system that (fully electrical heat-pump) maximises thermal comfort and the panoramic rear lounge has been enhanced to give a feeling of increased space. The new hydraulic suspension allows superior comfort and sound insulation, making Aptis one of the quietest and most innovative buses on the market. 

Alstom and its teams are very proud to be presenting the first series version of Aptis. This concentration of innovations perfectly represents what we always envisaged the production version of the 100% electric mobility solution would be. This clean, green bus, with its elegant design and optimised technical performance, will offer a new experience to passengers and drivers while meeting the new mobility challenges of urban areas,” underlines Benjamin Bailly, head of Alstom’s electric bus platform.

Aptis has already been chosen by Paris in the context of Europe’s largest call for tender for electric buses, as well as by the cities of Strasbourg, Grenoble, La Rochelle and Toulon. Upcoming milestones include ongoing tests in Spain with the ground-based recharge solution SRS and the training of hundreds of drivers in a new driving experience ahead of the first traffic releases, scheduled for the end of the year in Strasbourg. 

Manufacturing and testing of Aptis will be carried out at Alstom’s two sites in Alsace. The Hangenbieten site oversees manufacturing of the end modules (driver’s cab and rear lounge). Manufacturing of the central passenger module, final assembly and tests will be carried out at the Reichshoffen site. This scheme will allow serial production from the end of 2019 onwards. Five other Alstom sites in France contribute to the design and manufacture of Aptis: Saint-Ouen for system integration, Tarbes for traction, Ornans for engines, Villeurbanne for electronic components of the traction chain. 

In order to complete Alstom’s vison of road electromobility, exhibited alongside Aptis at Busworld will also be SRS, a completely safe, ground-level, conductive, static recharge system allowing the charging of buses along their route or within depots. As a ground-based solution, it eliminates the need for overhead infrastructure in cities, preserving the aesthetics of the urban landscape. In depots, SRS avoids the infrastructure costs associated with overhead charging systems. SRS for e-buses is based on Alstom’s SRS static recharge technology for trams, a proven solution already in operation in Nice, France. It is developed at Alstom’s Vitrolles site.

Amtrak Winter Park Express 2020 Tickets Now Available

Three roundtrips now every weekend from January 10 through March 29, with the popular $29 starting fares again this season

WINTER PARK, Colo. – Every weekend this ski season can last for three days instead of two, with Amtrak “ski train” roundtrips between Denver and Winter Park Resort on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, starting Jan. 10. Adult fares start at $29 each way and tickets are on sale now at Each ticketed adult can bring a child age 2-12 for half the adult fare.

This will also be the second season of snack and beverage service using a Superliner® Sightseer Lounge Car, with windows from floor level and into the top of the railcar. Since 2017, more than 52,000 customers have avoided frustrating stop-and-go ski traffic on the roads to enjoy the service partnership on the rails by Amtrak and the resort named last year as the “Best in North America”. The 2019 season set a ridership record on a transportation mode that is reliable, sustainable and friendly.

The 2020 Amtrak Winter Park Express will run each Friday, Saturday and Sunday through March 29. The Amtrak trains depart Denver Union Station at 7 a.m. and arrive at the resort at approximately 9 a.m., leaving Winter Park at 4:30 return to Denver at 6:40 p.m. All times Mountain. The station is served by the Denver Regional Transportation District (RTD) commuter trains to Denver International Airport, light rail, local or intercity buses, ride-sharing services and taxis.

The public can choose from 36 roundtrips for the comfortable and scenic ride using RTD, BNSF Railway and Union Pacific tracks to pass through the historic Moffat Tunnel. 

Investments at the resort for this season include the new six-person Sunnyside lift, a $6 million upgrade to reduce the ride time from 8 minutes to under 4 minutes and give improved access to some of the most beloved intermediate terrain in the Mary Jane territory. This season will also see the first “Winter Park Fireworks & Family Fests” on Saturday nights Dec. 14, Jan. 18, Feb. 15 and Mar. 14 for fireworks, slope-side bonfires and more. Questions about the resort and its many features can be answered by calling the resort directly: 888-923-7275.

Amtrak and Winter Park Resort have also made it easy to book group travel by calling 800-USA-1GRP for a train/ski package – including lodging – crafted by representatives of the resort and Amtrak.

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