Tag: Cologne

DHL fulfillment network adds capacity with new warehouse in Euskirchen

Bonn, Germany, October 23, 2023 – As part of the expansion of the DHL (Deutsche Post AG-Xetra: DHLn) Fulfillment Network (DFN), DHL Supply Chain has now commissioned its fourth dedicated e-commerce warehouse in Germany. The fulfillment warehouse in Euskirchen will store, pick and pack orders from both large as well as small and medium-sized customers before shipping them within Germany, Europe or even to the rest of the world.

All customers benefit from an existing infrastructure that enables the integration of webshops and customer systems as well as connection to a range of parcel service providers. In this way, new companies can quickly and easily be integrated into the network. In addition, DHL provides its customers with a wide range of data and digital tools enabling them to drive their business with minimal effort. This allows inventory to be managed, each order to be monitored and sales trends to be tracked. Furthermore, all DFN fulfillment centers are run by trained DHL employees.

The DFN model was developed in Germany and currently has a global network spanning 30 locations around the world. The new Euskirchen site has a total storage area of over 60,000 square meters and has excellent connections to parcel centers and both Cologne/ Bonn and Duesseldorf Airport. Fluctuations in order numbers and inventory levels can be handled flexibly through specialist technology and dynamic staff deployment.


DB and SBB to Increase Rail Service Between Germany and Switzerland

Demand for international rail services between Germany and Switzerland has increased rapidly in recent years. At the Basel border crossing alone the number of passengers has increased by over 25 per cent in the past five years. Given the increasing importance of climate protection, the increase in travel by rail, an environmentally friendly mode of transport, is a trend which is expected to continue. Despite the current challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis, the two rail companies DB and SBB firmly believe there is tremendous growth potential in rail services between Germany and Switzerland over the medium and long term. As a result, DB and SBB are planning a significant increase in services. Both rail companies today signed a memorandum of understanding on the proposals.

The planned increase in services will be made possible thanks to the opening of Stuttgart 21 and the completion of the Karlsruhe–Offenburg and Müllheim–Basel stages of improvements by 2026. The increase in services involves switching operation of all ICE services between Switzerland and Germany to ICE 4s, this being DB’s most modern train, and the use of SBB Giruno compositions in Germany.

The key features of the service increase planned from the 2026 timetable are:

– The number of direct services between Switzerland and Germany will rise from 26 at present to 35 connections a day.

– Two new direct services a day from Hamburg via Basel to Lugano will improve the services on the north-south axis via the Gotthard route. The use of the Giruno on this line means that further direct connections from Germany to Milan could be added in future.

– The new plan also involves running new direct services from Germany via Bern to Valais.

– The deployment of the ICE 4 on the Dortmund–Cologne–Basel line makes it possible to provide new direct services from North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous federal state, to Switzerland.

– The half-hourly frequency in future on the Zurich to Chur route will allow additional direct connections from Germany to Chur to be provided.

– The journey time between Frankfurt and Zurich will be reduced by 20 minutes to 3 hours and 40 minutes.

In conjunction with the joint increase in services, SBB Giruno trains will also now be used on routes between Switzerland and Germany. SBB also plans to procure additional Giruno compositions from manufacturer Stadler Rail using existing options available. Vincent Ducrot, CEO of SBB, believes this increase in services is another major step which underlines SBB’s strong commitment to significantly improving international passenger services: “We want to make rail travel in Europe easier for our customers. Rail offers major advantages in terms of travel time and comfort and has gained further impetus from the climate debate. This is why we are focusing on the further development of international services. It is important to look at sustainable and efficient mobility at European level. Infrastructure projects, such as the Ceneri Base Tunnel and Stuttgart 21, are pioneering in this respect.” Richard Lutz, CEO of Deutsche Bahn, said: “2021 is the European Year of Rail. Projects such as the revival of the Trans Europ Express for cross-border services and the development of our cooperation with SBB demonstrate this. These are wonderful indications that rail travel is growing across the entire continent, and first and foremost, that people and economic activity in Europe are coming closer together.”

Der neue Fernverkehrszug der SBB “FV Dosto”, ein Doppelstockzug, fotografiert wahrend der Typentestfahrt in Interlaken, am Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2017. (KEYSTONE/Anthony Anex)……..

SBB and ÖBB Plan Further Expansion of Night Train Services

SBB and ÖBB are stepping up their long-standing cooperation in international passenger services. The two railway companies are seeking to scale up the existing night train services from six to ten lines. Planning is underway for new night trains from Switzerland to Amsterdam, Rome and Barcelona. Last week, SBB and ÖBB signed a corresponding Letter of Intent. The planned expansion of services can only be guaranteed with financial support from the Swiss climate fund.

Demand for international night train services significantly increased in 2019 and at the start of 2020 until the coronavirus crisis struck. The number of passengers using night train services from Switzerland grew by over 25 per cent with respect to the previous year. The two partner railways consider this a sustainable trend given the significant rise in customer demand for environmentally friendly and resource-efficient travel. There is clear evidence to show that night trains have a positive effect on overall emissions, as they generate modal shift from other modes of transport to rail. ÖBB and SBB share the goal of shifting more travel to rail and thus contributing to a reduction in CO2 emissions from the travel sector. This commitment reflects the aims of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the political and public will to develop an attractive night train network as an important component of environmentally friendly and sustainable mobility in Europe.

With its 19 Nightjet lines and eight further services provided in cooperation with partner railways, ÖBB already runs Europe’s largest night train network. This includes the network from Switzerland run in cooperation with SBB, comprising six lines and one additional service. SBB and ÖBB want to build on this success and expand night train services in Europe together. Over the last few months, the companies have thoroughly tested and evaluated various options for expanding the service. By cooperating, the railway companies will be able to make use of synergies in production and marketing of the service offer and save on costs. In the Letter of Intent signed last week, the two railway companies presented their strategy for expanding services as outlined in “2024 Nightjet Network for Switzerland”. The plans involve expanding the Nightjet network from Switzerland to incorporate a total of ten lines and 25 destinations.

Cornerstones of the expansion plan:

From 2022 timetable onwards: new Nightjet connection to Amsterdam.
As a first step in the expansion process, the two railway companies want to launch a new daily Nightjet service running Zurich–Basel–Frankfurt–Cologne–Amsterdam in December 2021. However, the very limited availability of rolling stock suitable for night train services restricts short-term service expansion. SBB therefore intends to lease suitable rolling stock from German leasing company RDC Asset GmbH.

Increasing capacity on services to Berlin, Hamburg and Prague and new connection to Leipzig and Dresden.
The services currently provided from Zurich via Basel to Berlin and Hamburg are increasingly popular. Capacity on this route will therefore be expanded significantly. SBB and ÖBB wish to serve both destinations with two separate trains covering the whole route, if possible from the 2023 timetable change. This will enable a significant capacity increase. They also plan to run the service to Prague via Germany as a portion of the Berlin Nightjet with sleeping cars and couchettes. The new route would also provide a direct connection to Leipzig and Dresden.

– Plans for new connections to Rome and Barcelona.
There are plans for a new line connecting Zurich via Bern, Brig, Domodossola to Rome. A daily connection from Zurich via Bern, Lausanne, Geneva to Barcelona is also planned. This would also integrate French-speaking Switzerland directly into the night train network. It is not yet clear whether it will be possible to run these two lines, as agreements with other partner railways are yet to be reached.

To ensure that night train services can be expanded in the medium to long term, ÖBB is also investing in new rolling stock. The new night train sets are to come into service gradually over a period of time.

SBB and ÖBB are campaigning for greater political support for night trains.

Alongside the planned service expansion, SBB, ÖBB and other partner railways are campaigning for transport policies which facilitate night train operations in Europe. In Switzerland, the total revision of the CO2 Act after 2020 is being debated in the autumn session of the Federal Parliament. The Act provides for support for cross-border rail services from the climate fund. Last week, the Swiss Parliament voted in favour of supporting international passenger services, including night trains. While subject to a final vote and a possible referendum, financial support from the climate fund would compensate for the losses SBB would sustain given the high operating costs night train services involve.

ÖBB is the largest provider of night train services in Europe and has contributed significantly to maintaining night trains services from Switzerland in its existing partnership with SBB. Andreas Matthä, ÖBB CEO, said: “We have no doubts about the Nightjet’s success. With SBB as a committed and effective partner, we can continue to expand the Nightjet network even further. We are investing in new trains: 13 latest generation Nightjet sets will be in operation from the end of 2022. With additional services and modern rolling stock, taking the night train will become an even more attractive option.”

SBB CEO Vincent Ducrot has no doubt that demand for fast daytime services and night trains will continue to grow. “This is a sustainable trend and the demand for environmentally friendly and resource-efficient mobility will continue to increase.”

SBB and ÖBB consider night train services as an important element of the overall service offer and see great potential for creating synergies with daytime services. An attractive rail offer helps to achieve the goal of modal shift from short-haul flights to rail.

Siemens Mobility Awarded Billion-Euro Order for Deutsche Bahn High-Speed Trains

Beginning in 2022, DB will expand its mainline fleet with 30 new high-speed trains. Deutsche Bahn has awarded the billion-euro order to Siemens Mobility. DB called for tenders at the end of 2019 when the federal government announced it would be reducing the value-added tax on mainline rail tickets as of the beginning of 2020.

The trains will initially run on routes between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and Munich via the high-speed Cologne-Rhine-Main line. The new trains will increase DB’s daily passenger capacity on these mainline routes by 13,000 seats.

Dr. Richard Lutz, CEO of Deutsche Bahn AG said: “Today marks a big step for a strong and environmentally friendly rail system: DB is investing in new trains at a record level. Our fleet will be getting state-of-the-art additions with the new ICE trains, and our passengers will benefit from more seats, greater comfort and higher speeds by the end of 2022. The entire DB fleet will grow by 20 percent over the coming years. Even though demand has sharply declined due to the corona pandemic, everything speaks in favor of climate-friendly rail transport for the longer term. That’s why we’re committed to growth!”

Andreas Scheuer, Germany’s Federal Minister for Transportation and Digital Infrastructure, commented: “The new, ultra-modern ICE trains make rail travel even more attractive – also because high-performance high-speed trains, along with modern rail infrastructure, are a key prerequisite for increasing the frequency of nation-wide rail service. With this move, rail is increasingly becoming a climate-friendly alternative for long-distance travel. The order is also a strong economic stimulus and therefore a positive signal for many employees in the rail industry and their families. With an order of this size, we are securing thousands of jobs and strengthening innovations made in Germany.”

“We are helping Deutsche Bahn implement its master plan for transforming Germany’s transport sector. The goal is to massively reduce CO2 emissions while at the same time attracting more people to public transport,” said Roland Busch, Deputy CEO andMember of the Managing Board of Siemens AG. “Siemens and DB have long enjoyed a highly successful partnership. The most important requirement for the ICE order was to get the new trains on the rails very quickly. We can do exactly that by relying on our proven Velaro platform.”

By 2026, 421 ICE trains with 220,000 seats will be operating on Germany’s rail system. In addition to the 30 new ICE trains just ordered, there is an option for an additional 60 trains.

The new ICE trains will be manufactured at Siemens locations in North Rhine- Westphalia, Bavaria and Austria. Technically, the train is based on the proven platform of the ICE 3. The new trains will have 440 seats and a top speed of 320 km/h. They will offer passengers greater comfort and convenience with features like frequency- transparent windows for stable mobile phone reception and space for transporting bicycles.

Germans Protest Against Tesla Gigafactory

BERLIN (Reuters) – Around 250 Germans on Saturday protested in the outskirts of Berlin where electric car startup Tesla is planning to build a gigafactory, saying its construction will endanger water supply and wildlife in the area.

The U.S. carmaker announced plans last November to build its first European car factory in Gruenheide, in the eastern state of Brandenburg.

Politicians, unions and industry groups have welcomed the move, saying it will bring jobs to the region, but environmental concerns drove hundreds of locals to the streets on Saturday.

“We are here, we are loud, because Tesla is stealing our water,” protesters called.

Saturday’s protest came after a Brandenburg water association on Thursday warned against “extensive and serious problems with the drinking water supply and wastewater disposal” for the proposed factory.

Anne Bach, a 27-year-old environmental activist, said Tesla’s plans published earlier this month showed it would need more than 300 cubic meters of water per hour which would drain the area’s declining reserves.

“I am not against Tesla … But it’s about the site; in a forest area that is a protected wildlife zone. Is this necessary?” Bach said.

“In such an ecological system like the one here and with the background that climate is changing, I cannot understand why another location was not selected from the beginning,” said Frank Gersdorf, a member of “Citizens’ Initiative Gruenheide against Gigafactory”, a local group that organised Saturday’s protest.

Environmentalist protests in Germany have previously halted and delayed major companies’ plans such RWE’s lignite mining at the Hambach forest, near Cologne, which has become a symbol of the anti-coal protests.

Saturday’s protest, which Gersdorf and Bach said developed spontaneously from a 50-people forest walk demonstration, highlighted the deforestation of around 300 hectares to build the factory and its impact on wildlife, including birds, insects and bats.

People were also protesting against an expected “enormous” increase in traffic on a nearby highway and through the villages.

Next to the protest, on the other side of the street, around 20 people carried banners welcoming Tesla in their village, with children chanting, “We are here, we are loud, because Tesla is building our future.”

Bernd Kutz, a Gruenheide local, said Tesla would bring improvement to the area, create jobs and give chances to young people.

“I am here because I don’t understand those demonstrators who shout and show us the finger,” Kutz said. “Why has it always to be negative?”

(Reporting by Riham Alkousaa; editing by Christina Fincher)

‘You’re stealing our water’: Germans protest against Tesla gigafactory
Demonstrators hold anti-Tesla posters during a protest against plans by U.S. electric vehicle pioneer Tesla to build its first European factory and design center near Berlin

Lufthansa, Deutsche Bahn Settle Air Cargo Dispute

German flag carrier Lufthansa and German national railway Deutsche Bahn have reached agreement on a long-festering dispute concerning an air cargo cartel.

The settlement was announced Aug. 26, although details are being kept confidential by mutual agreement.

The settlement ends a dispute before the Cologne regional court that has been ongoing since 2013.

Settling parties are DB Barnsdale, a wholly owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, and Lufthansa Group member companies Lufthansa Cargo, Swiss International Air Lines and Deutsche Lufthansa.

Click the link for the full story!

Ryanair’s Low Fares Coming To Georgia

4 New Routes, 170,000 Customers Annually At Tbilisi & Kutaisi Expected

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, today (21 August) announced its first ever flights from Georgia, the 39th country in the Ryanair network, with a new route from Tbilisi to Milan Bergamo and two new routes from Kutaisi to Bologna and Marseille, which start in November as part of Ryanair’s Winter 2019 schedule. Ryanair will also connect Tbilisi to Cologne in April as part of Ryanair’s Summer 2020 schedule and deliver 170,000 customers annually to/from Ryanair’s Georgian airports.

Ryanair’s Georgia 19/20 schedule will deliver:

  • 2 new routes from Tbilisi to Milan Bergamo (4 pw) starting from November & Cologne (2pw) from April20
  • 2 new routes from Kutaisi to Bologna (2 pw) & Marseille (2 pw)
  • 170,000 customers p.a.
  • Over 100* “on-site” jobs p.a.

Georgian consumers and visitors can now book their holidays as far out as October 2020, enjoying even lower fares and Ryanair’s recently announced 2019 customer care improvements, including:

  • Lowest Fares –find a cheaper fare within 3 hours, get paid the difference plus €5 MyRyanair credit
  • Punctuality – deliver 90% target (excl. ATC) or 5% off following month’s air fares
  • Customer Care Charter – EU261 claims processed in 10 days, new 24/7 support, connect in 2 mins
  • Care Improvements – 48-hour free of charge grace period for changes to bookings
  • Environmental Improvements – carbon offset programme, environmental partners & plastic free in 5 years
  • New Ryanair Choice – €199 annual fee for free seats, fast-track & priority boarding for freq. guests
  • Digital Improvements – new fare finder, sports tickets, bespoke travel guides & faster mobile

To celebrate the launch of its first Georgian airports, Ryanair has launched a seat sale with fares from just €9.99, for travel in November and December, which must be booked by midnight Friday (23 Aug) only on the website.

Ryanair’s David O’Brien said:

“We’re pleased to announce Ryanair’s low fares have arrived at Tbilisi and Kutaisi, our newest airports and 1st airports in Georgia. These four new routes that will start in November (except Cologne, starting in April next year), will further promote Georgian tourism, and will deliver over 170,000 customers annually to/from two European countries to one of Europe’s fastest-growing tourism destinations. We look forward to developing new Georgian traffic growth, new routes, and jobs in the coming years.

To celebrate, we are releasing seats for sale on our network from just €9.99 for travel in November and December which are available for booking until midnight Friday (23 Aug). Since these amazing low fares will be snapped up quickly, customers should log onto and avoid missing out.”

Welcome to Tbilisi International Airport

Embraer Signs Contract to Support Germany’s WDL Aviation E190s fleet

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 7th, 2019 – Embraer and WDL Aviation GmbH, a German charter and ACMI airline headquartered at Cologne Bonn Airport and part of the Zeitfracht logistics group, have signed an agreement on a Flight Hour Pool Program to support the airline’s recently leased fleet of four used E190s.

WDL, which becomes a new Embraer E-Jet family customer in 2019, leased the aircraft to replace their current fleet. They will start flying the E190s from March 2019.

The Pool Agreement, which will be in effect during the duration of the lease, covers access to a large stock of components at Embraer’s distribution center in Paris (France), full repair coverage and a selected list of essential components, parts and services to support the start of aircraft operations.

WDL Aviation is a leading provider of ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, Insurance) services in Europe. With the Pool Program, part of the TechCare suite of services that Embraer offers to support the growing fleet of Embraer aircraft worldwide, WDL will have the flexibility to access the parts and support the fleet quickly.

“It’s great to welcome WDL Aviation and provide efficient services and support solutions to their Embraer fleet. Our mission is to keep our customer happy every day and to also ensure the satisfaction of their end customers. This makes our portfolio the most competitive, setting the market’s highest standards”, said Johann Bordais, President & CEO, Embraer Services & Support.

“Support directly from the OEM is a huge advantage and we are looking forward to working with Embraer. This partnership fits naturally with the company’s growth strategy as it leverages increased competitiveness providing repairable solutions through reduced lead times and costs, guaranteeing our daily operations and customer satisfaction”, said Walter Böhnke, managing director of WDL Aviation.

Embraer’s Flight Hour Pool Program, which currently supports more than 40 airlines worldwide, is designed to allow airlines to minimize their upfront investment on expensive repairable inventories and resources and to take advantage of Embraer’s technical expertise and its vast component repair service provider network. The results are significant savings on repair and inventory carrying costs, reduction in required warehousing space, and the elimination of resources required for repair management, while ultimately providing guaranteed performance levels.

This Pool Program is part of a suite of services that Embraer offers or has under development to support the worldwide growing fleet of Embraer aircraft through TechCare, the new Embraer platform that assembles the entire portfolio of products and solutions to deliver the best experience of services and support.

VW Plans To Sell Electric Tesla Rival

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) intends to sell electric cars for less than 20,000 euros (17,437.4 pounds) and protect German jobs by converting three factories to make the Tesla (TSLA.O) rival, a source familiar with the plans said.

VW and other carmakers are struggling to adapt quickly enough to stringent rules introduced after the carmaker was found to have cheated diesel emissions tests, with its chief executive Herbert Diess warning last month that Germany’s auto industry faces extinction.

Plans for VW’s electric car, known as “MEB entry” and with a production volume of 200,000 vehicles, are due to be discussed at a supervisory board meeting on Nov. 16, the source said, adding that it is also looking to roll out 100,000 of the “I.D. Aero”, a mid-sized sedan.

The Wolfsburg-based carmaker, which declined to comment on the plans, is also expected to discuss far-reaching alliances with battery cell manufacturer SK Innovation <096770.KS> and rival Ford (F.N), the source said.

VW’s strategy shift comes as cities start to ban diesel engine vehicles, forcing carmakers to think of new ways to safeguard 600,000 German industrial jobs, of which 436,000 are at car companies and their suppliers.

An electric van, the ID Buzz, is due to be built at VW’s plant in Hannover, where its T6 Van is made, the source said.

To free up production capacity for electric cars in Hannover, VW’s transporter vans could be produced at a Ford (F.N) plant in Turkey, the source added.


VW and Ford are in “exploratory talks” to develop self-driving and electric vehicles in an alliance meant to save them billions of dollars, Reuters reported last month.

German VW factories in Emden, Zwickau and Hanover, which all build combustion-engined cars, will switch to electric ones in under the plans being considered, the source said.

Carmakers in Germany agreed on Thursday to spend up to 3,000 euros ($3,430) per vehicle to add more efficient exhaust filtering systems to cut diesel emissions, but failed to prevent bans on diesel vehicles by Cologne and Bonn.

EU lawmakers have agreed to seek a 35 percent cut in car emissions by 2030 after a U.N. report called for dramatic steps to slow global warming.

Diess said to cut average fleet emissions of carbon dioxide in Europe by 30 percent by 2030, VW needs to raise its share offully electric vehicles to 30 percent of new car sales.

The shift from combustion engines to electric cars wouldalso cost 14,000 jobs at VW by 2020 as it takes less time to build an electric car than a conventional one and because jobs will shift overseas to battery manufacturers.

In Europe there are about 126 plants making combustionengines, employing 112,000 people. The largest such plant inEurope is VW’s in Kassel.

(Reporting by Jan Schwartz; Editing by Edward Taylor and Alexander Smith)

Image from