In October of 2021, Stadler was awarded the contract for 286 single-deck multiple units. The Federal Administrative Court confirms the award of the contract to Stadler, and has dismissed Alstom’s appeal.

Together with its subsidiaries Thurbo and RegionAlps, SBB is procuring 286 single-deck multiple-unit trains for regional transport. Stadler was awarded the contract for this order. The unsuccessful bidder, Alstom, appealed against this decision to the Federal Administrative Court. The court has now dismissed the appeal. This court decision confirms that SBB complied with the requirements of procurement law and the equal treatment of bidders during the tendering procedure. After signing the contract, Stadler can start building the 286 multiple units for regional transport. 

The legal proceedings initiated by Alstom have an impact on the delivery of the vehicles. The first trains will now not enter service until 2026 instead of December 2025 as originally planned. The new trains will gradually replace the following rolling stock until 2034:

  • at SBB: Domino, Flirt (first generation)
  • at Thurbo: articulated railcars
  • at RegionAlps: Domino and Nina

The newly procured vehicles will help all three railway companies to implement their planned improvements to services as well as the service expansion projects planned by the Confederation and the Cantons.