Tag: currently

Airbus Solar Orbiter Ready for Close-Up With The Sun

Currently traveling at some 105 million kilometres from Earth, the Airbus-built Solar Orbiter (SolO) is en route for an encounter to uncover the secrets of our closest star.

While humankind has been studying the Sun for hundreds of years, the research is limited because data was always collected from distances more or less equal to the star’s separation from Earth, according to Ian Walters, Airbus’ SolO Project Manager.

“Solar wind takes about two to four days to get from the Sun to Earth, and in that time, it transforms completely,” he explained. “We can better correlate what is seen with what is felt from the Sun if we can get up close. That’s the point of the Solar Orbiter mission…and it’s never been achieved before.”

Solar Orbiter was launched in February in a joint mission of the European Space Agency and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Travelling closer to the Sun than its nearest planet – Mercury – SolO will make comprehensive measurements of the nascent solar wind.

Beating the heat

For the spacecraft and its 10 instruments to survive extreme temperatures of up to 600 deg. Centigrade, Airbus designed a protective heat shield with openings for SolO’s five telescopes to peek through during the trek.

According to Walters, the most critical heat protection technology is the Stand-off Radiator Assembly (SORA) – a set of radiators sitting on the spacecraft’s side that is always in shadow, enabling them to quickly transfer heat from the instruments into space. SORA’s thermal straps are made from pyrolytic graphite, which is five times more conductive than copper wire but flexible like paper.

To avoid any molecular contamination that could compromise imagery from the telescopes, Airbus also built Solar Orbiter to levels of cleanliness far exceeding any other spacecraft built in the UK to date. Every item on SolO has been heated to over 120 degrees to make sure no gases are emitted in the vacuum of space.

Predicting solar events

Data from Solar Orbiter can help make significant improvements to everyday life, particularly when it comes to predicting solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME) – the expulsions of plasma and its accompanying magnetic field from the sun, which can have a major impact on Earth.

“In 1859, one such episode took down the world’s telegraph network,” Walters said. “A similar event today would severely disrupt our power grids, mobile phone towers, navigation systems and many other critical technologies.”

He added: “If we could predict the CME was coming our way, we’d have about two days’ notice for emergency government committees to be activated and react, instead of the few minutes’ notice we receive today.”

Dragon Capsule has Arrived at the International Space Station

SpaceX’s Dragon capsule arrived at the International Space Station on March 9, 2020 and was docked at 3:25 a.m. PDT while flying over 262 statute miles over the Pacific Northwest. The spacecraft was then installed on the Harmony module for the duration of its four-week stay at the orbiting laboratory.

Filled with approximately 4,500 pounds of supplies and payloads, Dragon launched aboard a Falcon 9 rocket on March 6, 2020 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The Dragon spacecraft that supported the CRS-20 mission previously supported the CRS-10 mission in February 2017 and the CRS-16 mission in December 2018. Dragon is the only spacecraft currently flying that’s capable of returning significant amounts of cargo to Earth.

Boeing Delays 777X First Test Flight Due to Bad Weather

The folding wingtip of an unpainted 777X is pictured at Boeing’s facility in Everett

(Reuters) – Boeing Co <BA> said on Wednesday it was delaying 777X airplane’s first test flight, which was scheduled to take place on Thursday, due to bad weather.

Boeing said it was currently assessing the possibility of conducting the test flight on Friday.

(Reporting by Rama Venkat in Bengaluru and Tracy Rucinski in Chicago; Editing by Anil D’Silva)

Talgo, Transport Scotland and Scottish Enterprise Sign Framework Agreement

Talgo, together with Scottish Enterprise and Transport Scotland, has signed a jointly agreed framework for the establishment of Longannet, Fife as a manufacturing base for Talgo UK. The agreement is part of arrangements to ensure that Talgo UK will be ready to deliver contracts that Talgo is currently bidding for (and future bids), should the company be successful.

The framework agreement sets out each party’s commitment – to ensure that the proposed multi – million £ factory at Longannet is prepared and delivered at an agreed time and to an agreed specification. This milestone will ensure that Talgo will meet contractual deliverables for the contracts that are being evaluated and proposed.

TALGO is a leading specialised rolling stock engineering company mainly focused on designing, manufacturing and servicing technologically differentiated, fast, lightweight trains.

There are TALGO solutions in 44 countries, and TALGO has an industrial presence in 7 regions, including Spain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, the Middle East and the United States. TALGO is renowned worldwide for its innovation, its unique technology, and reliability.

A key part of TALGO UK’s strategy is ‘knowledge transfer’ – building UK domestic capacity for Research and Development. An innovation hub is also planned in Chesterfield. It will act as a focal point for TALGO UK’s Research and Development, bringing together networks of engineering excellence, and creating new opportunities throughout the British Isles.

Talgo President, Carlos de Palacio y Oriol, said: ‘We are committed to Scotland in our bid process. Today’s milestone marks a new phase in an excellent relationship with’ team Scotland. Now let’s get on with securing orders that will bring more jobs and ‘true manufacturing’ of rolling stock back to Scotland’

Executive Director, Scottish Enterprise, Paul Lewis, said: “This Framework agreement is another significant milestone in our work with Talgo, to achieve its ambition of establishing a world-class high value manufacturing facility at Longannet. Scottish Enterprise and our partners are incredibly excited by Talgo’s plans for Longannet, which would deliver 1,000 direct jobs and a host of supply chain opportunities for companies in Scotland’