Tag: developers

KiwiRail Announces New Auckland Southern Station Locations

KiwiRail and the Supporting Growth Alliance (Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi) have today confirmed their proposed sites for three new stations in southern Auckland and will now begin more detailed consultation with stakeholders about their development.

Over the next 30 years, an extra 120,000 people are expected to live in the area, which will also have 40,000 new houses and 38,000 new jobs. The development of the new stations and their associated facilities will be staged over time to coincide with demands from developments feeding each location. 

KiwiRail has been given funding through the Government’s NZ Upgrade Programme for the first phase of development.

The locations for the new stations are designed to maximise connections with future town centres, new housing, and other public transport routes.

The aim is ensure the wider area has a robust public transport system to enable long-term housing and business growth. Other factors considered included the existing railway track alignment, the distance between stations, and environmental and ecological features.

The fully developed stations will have a bus interchange and Park & Ride facilities along with other infrastructure. We are working to confirm the exact footprint which will be needed for the associated facilities for the fully developed stations and will then begin the process of protecting the land.

Waka Kotahi National Manager System Design Robyn Elston says: “We are focusing on how longer-term road and rail projects can give people more connected public transport choices and help them move around safely and easily. We’re looking forward to talking to communities about how to make these projects happen.”

The planned railway stations are part of the $2.39 billion of transport improvements in southern Auckland that Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail are delivering as part of the Government’s New Zealand Upgrade Programme.

Other improvements will include SH1 Papakura to Drury South, Mill Road and Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification. They are part of a longer term transport network being investigated and delivered to support growth in south Auckland.

Public information sessions on the rail developments in Southern Auckland are being held in Drury on February 18th and Pukekohe on February 20th.

The proposed locations for the three stations are:

  • Drury Central will be located on the existing rail line south of Waihoehoe Road, between Flanagan and Great South Roads.
  • Drury West will be located on the existing rail line, about 450 m south of the existing intersection of SH22 / Karaka Road and Jesmond Road.
  • Paerata will be located on the existing rail line, adjacent to the planned eastern extent of the Paerata Rise development.

Alstom Barcelona 3D Printing Hub Joins COVID 19 Fight

Production and development of new solutions for hospitals

Alstom’s 3D printing hub in Barcelona is coordinating initiatives being implemented at a Group level to contribute to the fight against the COVID 19 global pandemic. Since last week, engineers and developers based in Santa Perpetua site (Barcelona) have been coordinating and implementing different initiatives to produce pieces, supply consumables and design new solutions. 

Alstom’s hub is working in coordination with the network to manufacture visors for face shields and ventilators valves, that are being delivered to different hospitals. 

“The aim is to help the healthcare community by manufacturing parts that meet appropriate quality and safety standards,” says Jaume Altesa, responsible for Alstom’s 3D printing hub at Santa Perpètua. “3D printing has gained prominence due to its particular usefulness for creating equipment to protect against COVID-19, as it can be used to manufacture materials currently suffering severe shortages such as face masks, mechanical respirators and even door openers, among others”, he adds.

The CAD design experts at the Santa Perpetua facilities are also innovating in new solutions and developments. They are currently working, for example, on portable personal protectors for door handles and the use of anti-bacterial materials in the masks.

Launched in 2016, Alstom 3D printing hub in Barcelona is one of the components of Smart Operations, Alstom’s ‘Industry of the Future’ programme. Its ambition is to produce 3D-printed parts quickly and at a competitive price for new trains, to meet the customers’ requests for parts, and to facilitate some manufacturing and maintenance operations. At Alstom, 3D printing is used for four applications: tools for our factories, prototypes to validate a design, moulds produced in half the time of classic production methods and series parts with around 70 references in plastic and metal.