Tag: diesel (Page 1 of 3)

Alpha Trains adds 12 new Stadler EURO9000 locomotives to fleet

Alpha Trains and Stadler Rail AG (Swiss: SRAIL) have signed a contract for the purchase of 12 EURO9000 locomotives. This is the first order of this latest generation of six-axle hybrid multi-system locomotives by Alpha Trains. Scheduled for delivery in 2025 and 2026, these state-of-the-art locomotives will be built at Stadler’s factory in Valencia, Spain.

The project is funded with a total of 15 million Euros by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) as part of the BMDV’s rail funding guideline. The funding guideline is coordinated by NOW GmbH and implemented by Project Management Jülich (PtJ).

The multisystem electric EURO9000 locomotives are also equipped with diesel power units. They enable rail freight operations on AC and DC electrified lines and on non-electrified track sections, even on international routes with mixed traffic. With their advanced traction capabilities and their high-performance, they are ideal for a wide range of freight services and perfectly complement Alpha Trains’ large and diverse portfolio. By investing in efficient and innovative alternative propulsion vehicles, Alpha Trains is helping to reduce diesel consumption and thus improves the sustainability of rail freight.




Airbus renews transatlantic fleet with lower emission ships

Toulouse, France, October 25, 2023 – Airbus Group SE (Paris: AIR) will renew the entire fleet of chartered vessels that transport aircraft subassemblies between production facilities in Europe and the United States with three modern, low-emission roll-on/roll-off vessels, supported by wind-assisted propulsion.

Airbus has commissioned shipowner Louis Dreyfus Armateurs to build, own and operate these new, highly efficient vessels that will enter into service from 2026. The new vessels will be powered by a combination of six Flettner rotors – large, rotating cylinders that generate lift thanks to the wind, propelling the ship forward – and two dual-fuel engines running on maritime diesel oil and e-methanol. Additionally, routing software will optimise the vessels’ journey across the Atlantic, maximising wind propulsion and avoiding drag caused by adverse ocean conditions.

The new fleet is expected to reduce average annual transatlantic CO2 emissions from 68,000 to 33,000 tonnes by 2030. This will contribute to Airbus’ commitment to reduce its overall industrial emissions by up to 63% by the end of the decade – compared to 2015 as baseline year.



Rolls-Royce supports mission critical data center power in Japan

Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC (LSE: RR, ADR: RYCEY) is supplying a total of 31 mtu emergency gensets and a complete mtu EnergetIQ control system for the latest data center of a leading global provider of hyperscale data center solutions. The hyperscale data center, located near Osaka, is one of the largest data centres in Japan, with a designed capacity of 45.9MW. Designed specifically with the scalable capacity requirements of hyperscale and enterprise customers in mind, it gives users the flexibility to grow over the long term. According to Mordor Intelligence, Japan is one of the fastest growing digital content delivery markets in all of Asia, driven by the increasing use of mobile devices and the adoption of cloud technologies.

Rolls-Royce Solutions Japan has already installed and commissioned eight of the 31 container gensets, which are based on 20-cylinder mtu Series 4000 engines. The remaining emergency generators will be added gradually as the data center’s capacity increases. The mtu containers compactly contain the diesel engine with generator, a switchgear – including the mtu EnergetIQ control and monitoring system – and all the necessary connections and supply systems and are installed outside of the building.

The fully redundant mtu EnergetIQ Manager used in Osaka monitors both the incoming grid connections and the status of all generators within the plant. It starts the emergency diesel generators in the event of a grid failure, regulates the supply of electricity to the consumers and ensures that the load is transferred back to the grid and the generators are stopped when the grid is stable again.






Maersk finalizes ECO delivery deal with Amazon

Florham Park, New Jersey, September 6, 2023 – A.P. Moller – Maersk (OTC: AMKBY) and Amazon have finalized a 2023-2024 agreement for the transport of 20,000 FFE containers using green biofuel through Maersk’s “ECO Delivery” ocean product offering. Maersk estimates this purchase will contribute to a reduction in 44,600 metric tons of CO2e vs standard bunker fuel, roughly equivalent to 50 million pounds of coal burned. This is the fourth consecutive year that Amazon and Maersk have arranged container shipping using low GHG fuel options.

The ECO Delivery biofuel option offers emission reductions that enable immediate and externally verified GHG savings for customers, without compensatory measures like offsetting. This year, Amazon will benefit from a new feature of the ECO Delivery product which will be enabled by also using green methanol in addition to the bio diesel as a second green fuel* in the vessel fleet. ECO Delivery is using primary data for fuel consumption in the methodology to report emissions savings with greater precision, inclusive of other greenhouse gases in addition to the CO2. The new model also provides price certainty and stability and is de-linked from the fossil fuel market.

* Maersk defines ’green fuels’ as fuels with low to very low GHG emissions over their life cycle compared to fossil fuels. Maersk green fuels and its supply chain are verified by the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) . The methodology for accounting emissions is based on GLEC (Global Logistics Emissions Council) and is certified by Smart Freight Center. We ensure auto-generated performance tracking of Maersk ECO Delivery shipments. Maersk ECO Delivery CO2e saving certificates will be issued. The method is audited by PwC in accordance with the International Standard of Assurance Engagements 3410 (ISAE 3410 – Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements), showing CO₂e savings for the scope of the Maersk ECO Delivery agreement.


Amtrak Airo Trainsets Ordered to Meet Surging Demand

Washington, D.C. – Amtrak executed a contract option to order 10 additional Amtrak Airo trainsets as demand for passenger rail travel exceeds expectations. This brings the total contract order to 83 trainsets. The first Amtrak Airo trainset is scheduled to debut in 2026 and these new trains will operate on routes throughout the country. The Amtrak Airo trainsets are being manufactured in California by Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) A.G. of Germany.

Currently in production, the new trains will elevate the customer journey. Features include:

  • 💺 Spacious, Comfortable Seats: Loaded with features and improvements:
    • Dedicated power, USB-C ports, seatback tablet and phone holders, bigger and sturdier tray tables and adjustable cup holders.
    • Contoured seat cushions, enhanced leg room, individual arm rests and adjustable headrests – all with a focus on ergonomics.
  • 🗺 Trip and Train Navigation: Bolder, color-coded signage to identify amenities and differentiate classes of service, both on board and on the platform.
  • 🌍 Greener Impact:
    • More fuel efficient, producing 90% less particulate emissions in diesel operations.
    • Dedicated water stations on each trainset, providing chilled and filtered hydration, while reducing the need for disposable plastic bottles.
  • 🤳 Modern Tech: New 5G Wi-Fi and digital information systems.
  • ♿ Enhanced Accessibility:
    • Spacious and accessible restrooms, vestibules and Café cars with integrated boarding equipment for customers with reduced mobility.
    • Inductive hearing technology to assist with onboard announcements.
  • 🍽 Café Car: Contemporary food service allows for a grab-and-go experience.
  • 🚽 Restrooms: Touchless with spacious, accessible interiors.
  • 💻 Business Class: Increased space between customers, offering double and single seats, wider arm rests, additional outlets, footrests and improved ambiance.
  • 💡 Lighting: Enhanced lighting provides a softer yet functional interior with individual reading lights at each seat.
  • 🧳 Luggage: Access to ample storage space for baggage.

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Stadler wins a contract for green battery powered rail transport in Austria

Austrian Federal Railways (OBB) has awarded Stadler (Swiss: SRAIL) a framework agreement for up to 120 battery- powered trains. The FLIRT Akku vehicles are designed to replace the current diesel fleet and will enable sustainable operation on lines that are only partially electrified. The signing of the framework agreement and the initial order for 16 FLIRT battery is expected to take place in autumn 2023. This contract and the recent successes in the USA, Germany and Italy once again confirm Stadler’s leading position in battery and hydrogen green propulsion technology.

The new trains are FLIRT Akku vehicles – the battery-powered version of Stadler’s best-selling FLIRT model, which has already sold over 2,500 units worldwide. They are intended for use in the eastern region in Austria, where they will replace the current diesel fleet. The FLIRT Akku model allows sustainable rail operation on non-electrified line sections by charging the traction batteries while travelling under an overhead contact line.

Rail transport is the most sustainable mobility solution of all. Shifting passenger and freight transport to rail therefore plays a central role in combating climate change. However, the rail networks in many countries are only partially electrified or not electrified at all – as is the case in Austria. Stadler has consistently expanded its alternative propulsion portfolio in recent years and is currently assisting rail operators worldwide with the decarbonisation of rail transport. Depending on the area of application, Stadler offers its customers tailor-made solutions with battery, hydrogen or even hybrid propulsion.

Talgo’s Intercity trains enter service in Egypt five months ahead of schedule

Madrid, Spain, July 7th, 2023 – Egypt’s National Railway company (ENR) has recently confirmed the entry of the sixth and last Intercity trains into commercial operation for daytime services on the line that connects Alexandria with Cairo and Aswan. With this approval, the delivery of the rolling stock that makes up the fleet supplied by Talgo has been made official more than five months ahead of schedule.  

The first train of this project started operating in December 2022. Since then, the rest of the trains have been delivered to the Egyptian operator and have gradually entered service at a rate of, approximately, one train composition per month. The trains, which belong to the Talgo 230 platform for Intercity or Long-Distance services, run at a maximum commercial speed of 160 km/h and have a capacity of approximately 500 passengers each.

The ENR units consist of a diesel-electric locomotive, a technical car and 14 towed passenger cars. The contract, worth 158 million euros, also includes complete maintenance for, at least, eight years, employing local personnel trained by the Spanish manufacturer.

The interior of these trains has been designed based on Talgo’s experience in high comfort long-distance compositions and services, such as the ones supplied for the Mecca-Medina high-speed line in Saudi Arabia. They are equipped with interior air conditioning certified for extreme temperatures, an onboard Wi-Fi platform throughout the train, and infotainment systems with LED screens in each of the first-class seats.

State-owned ENR launched the tender process in August 2016 as part of a project funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with the final bidding phase closing in October 2018.

Although Talgo is primarily known for its very high-speed trains that operate at over 300km/h (in fact, it is the company with the highest market share in the competitive Spanish market), it has more than 80 years of experience in the manufacture and maintenance of conventional rolling stock.

Rolls-Royce to deliver 70 mtu engines to support semiconductor industry in China

Rolls-Royce (RR.L) will provide 70 of its mtu Series 4000 engines, produced in Yulin by MTU Yuchai Power, the Chinese Joint Venture with Yuchai Diesel, for use in generator sets that will be packaged and distributed by emergency power systems provider Hefei Calsion Electric System Co., Ltd. The gensets will be installed at multiple semiconductor manufacturing locations in China to ensure that chip production is not affected by power failures.

The rapid expansion of information technology applications such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data and Internet of Things (IoT), has resulted in growing market demand for semiconductor products. In recent years, Chinese semiconductor enterprises have experienced a significant growth period due to the acceleration of domestic insourcing and the upgrade of industrial technologies.

The guarantee of continuous power supply is critical for semiconductor factories, as the manufacturing process is very sensitive. The products on the production line are at risk of being scrapped after even a few minutes of power disruption. The mtu engine-powered generator sets installed by Calsion will provide uninterrupted switching between diesel engines and grid power to deliver continuous loading capacity under high load conditions, helping to ensure the stable operation of production lines and special process systems such as safety, clean room, and cooling and pure water systems.

As the leader of semiconductor power system solutions, Hefei Calsion Electric System Co., Ltd.  specializes in the R&D, manufacturing, marketing and services of generator sets, and has R&D centers, modern production bases and first-class test systems. Its original semiconductor power system solution has won a market share of more than 70% of the domestic semiconductor industry emergency power system solution-based projects in China. It is a strategic partner and designated OEM manufacturer of Rolls-Royce in China, as the two parties have maintained close cooperation for 18 years.

GlobalFoundries to Expand Capacities, Build a Fab in China

Stadler Sets Guinness Book of Records with FLIRT Akku Battery Only Train Journey

The three unit FLIRT Akku used for the record journey has been developed by Stadler since 2016 as a local CO2 neutral mobility solution for the climate-friendly operation of unelectrified railway routes. The vehicle was approved by the German Federal Railway Office and introduced to the public for the very first time in 2018. Ever since when the FLIRT Akku test carrier has travelled around 15,000 kilometers in battery only operation, before setting the world record for a regional train journey in battery-only mode without additional charge now.

Climate friendly bestseller FLIRT

The first Fast Light Intercity and Regional Train was developed in 2002 at the request of the Swiss Federal Railways SBB for the Zug city railway. Ever since the unit was put into service, the FLIRT has turned into an international bestseller with over 2,000 vehicles sold. These vehicles are being operated in 20 countries in virtually all climate zones, from the equator to the polar circle, with 528 of them operating in Germany alone. The single-decker regional and intercity multiple unit convinces with its flexibility in the process. The trains are configured for normal and broad gauge tracks, with top speeds of 160 to 200 km/h. Thus, the FLIRT can be customized to any individual client requirements in terms of its drive technology, number of seats, passenger flow and interior design. The lightweight aluminum construction and common components help to keep the operating, energy and maintenance costs low. Besides electric, diesel or bi-modal drives, the FLIRT is also available with climate-friendly battery and hydrogen propulsion.

With the FLIRT Akku train sets, Stadler has developed a so called BEMU (battery-electric multiple unit) that will run as both a classic EMU (electric multiple unit) under overhead contact cable or battery-operated on un-electrified routes. This makes it optimal for partly electrified routes that currently still need to be served with diesel trains. Stadler had already won the first green technology tender in Germany and sold 55 FLIRT Akkus to NAH.SH, the Schleswig-Holstein Local Transport Association in 2019. In November 2021, another order for 44 vehicles followed from Deutsche Bahn Regio. In addition Stadler is also building the first hydrogen-powered FLIRT for the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) in the USA.

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Rolls-Royce Signs Agreement to Sell Bergen Engines to TMH Group

Rolls-Royce has signed an agreement to sell the Bergen Engines medium speed gas and diesel engines business to TMH International, the international branch of TMH Group, for net proceeds of approximately EUR 150m.

TMH Group, based in Russia, is a leading engineering company in rail transport technologies and the world’s fourth largest supplier of rail rolling stock. It offers a full range of products and services including medium-speed engines for rail applications with current production of more than 850 engines a year. Established in 2002, TMH is privately-owned and employs 100,000 people across 25 sites worldwide. The acquisition of Bergen Engines, based in Bergen, Norway, is part of TMH’s strategy to diversify its business activities, expand its product portfolio and international footprint.

Bergen Engines will be operated as a stand-alone business by TMH International, which is headquartered in Switzerland. TMH International already operates in Argentina, Cuba, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Israel and South Africa. 

The agreement follows a strategic review by Rolls-Royce of Bergen Engines announced in February 2020. The sale includes the medium speed engine factory, service workshop and foundry in Norway; engine and power plant design capability; and a global service network spanning more than seven countries. Since 1946, Bergen Engines has supplied over 7,000 engines to marine and power generation customers worldwide, of which around 4,000 are still in operation. Bergen Engines’ long-term relationship with Kongsberg Maritime, distributor of Bergen medium speed engines to the maritime market, is planned to continue as is.

Rolls-Royce has signed an agreement to sell the Bergen Engines medium speed gas and diesel engines business to TMH International, the international branch of TMH Group, for net proceeds of approximately EUR 150m.

Bergen Engines plant in Hordvikneset near Bergen, Norway

TMH Group, based in Russia, is a leading engineering company in rail transport technologies and the world’s fourth largest supplier of rail rolling stock. It offers a full range of products and services including medium-speed engines for rail applications with current production of more than 850 engines a year. Established in 2002, TMH is privately-owned and employs 100,000 people across 25 sites worldwide. The acquisition of Bergen Engines, based in Bergen, Norway, is part of TMH’s strategy to diversify its business activities, expand its product portfolio and international footprint.

Bergen Engines will be operated as a stand-alone business by TMH International, which is headquartered in Switzerland. TMH International already operates in Argentina, Cuba, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Israel and South Africa. 

The agreement follows a strategic review by Rolls-Royce of Bergen Engines announced in February 2020. The sale includes the medium speed engine factory, service workshop and foundry in Norway; engine and power plant design capability; and a global service network spanning more than seven countries. Since 1946, Bergen Engines has supplied over 7,000 engines to marine and power generation customers worldwide, of which around 4,000 are still in operation. Bergen Engines’ long-term relationship with Kongsberg Maritime, distributor of Bergen medium speed engines to the maritime market, is planned to continue as is.

Bergen Engines has been a part of Rolls-Royce since 1999 and has approximately 950 employees, with the majority based in Bergen, Norway. In 2019 the business generated revenues of £239m which were consolidated within the results of our Power Systems business. 

The transaction has been approved by the boards of both Rolls-Royce and TMH and is expected to close in the second half of 2021.

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