Tag: Downeaster

Amtrak Airo Trainsets Ordered to Meet Surging Demand

Washington, D.C. – Amtrak executed a contract option to order 10 additional Amtrak Airo trainsets as demand for passenger rail travel exceeds expectations. This brings the total contract order to 83 trainsets. The first Amtrak Airo trainset is scheduled to debut in 2026 and these new trains will operate on routes throughout the country. The Amtrak Airo trainsets are being manufactured in California by Siemens (OTC: SIEGY) A.G. of Germany.

Currently in production, the new trains will elevate the customer journey. Features include:

  • 💺 Spacious, Comfortable Seats: Loaded with features and improvements:
    • Dedicated power, USB-C ports, seatback tablet and phone holders, bigger and sturdier tray tables and adjustable cup holders.
    • Contoured seat cushions, enhanced leg room, individual arm rests and adjustable headrests – all with a focus on ergonomics.
  • 🗺 Trip and Train Navigation: Bolder, color-coded signage to identify amenities and differentiate classes of service, both on board and on the platform.
  • 🌍 Greener Impact:
    • More fuel efficient, producing 90% less particulate emissions in diesel operations.
    • Dedicated water stations on each trainset, providing chilled and filtered hydration, while reducing the need for disposable plastic bottles.
  • 🤳 Modern Tech: New 5G Wi-Fi and digital information systems.
  • ♿ Enhanced Accessibility:
    • Spacious and accessible restrooms, vestibules and Café cars with integrated boarding equipment for customers with reduced mobility.
    • Inductive hearing technology to assist with onboard announcements.
  • 🍽 Café Car: Contemporary food service allows for a grab-and-go experience.
  • 🚽 Restrooms: Touchless with spacious, accessible interiors.
  • 💻 Business Class: Increased space between customers, offering double and single seats, wider arm rests, additional outlets, footrests and improved ambiance.
  • 💡 Lighting: Enhanced lighting provides a softer yet functional interior with individual reading lights at each seat.
  • 🧳 Luggage: Access to ample storage space for baggage.

Click the link below to watch the video!

Amtrak Downeaster Resumes Limited Service June 15

PORTLAND, MAINE – The Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) announced yesterday that the Amtrak Downeaster will begin Phase 1 of Service Restoration beginning June 15, 2020.   Service will resume with one round trip on weekdays only between Brunswick, ME and Boston, MA:  southbound Train 680 and northbound Train 685.  Downeaster service has been suspended since April 13, 2020.

A number of protocols and procedures have been implemented to protect the health and safety of passengers and crews. 

Highlights of Phase 1 Service Restoration Plan:

  • Amtrak has implemented new cleaning and disinfecting protocols nationwide, and train equipment used in Downeaster service will undergo enhanced cleaning before and after each trip.
  • Crews and passengers will be required to wear face covering while boarding and moving about the train
  • The number of passengers per train will be limited to no more than 50% of available seating capacity so riders are able to adhere to physical distancing guidelines. 
  • Advance reservations are required and cash sales will not be accepted.
  • Station facilities will not be open; passengers should go directly to the outdoor platform to wait for their train.
  • Café service will not be available, however complimentary water will be available upon request. 
  • Stations are being updated with signage and other enhancements to promote public health and physical distancing.

While NNEPRA expects Downeaster increase service throughout the summer months, no date has been set for subsequent phases.  The NNEPRA Board of Directors plans to meet later this month to evaluate the potential for adding more daily trips.

Pan Am Railways has expedited a series of track improvement and maintenance projects along the Downeaster corridor to take place this spring to avoid construction-related service interruptions later in the year.  The schedule for Train 680 has been modified slightly to adjust for construction-related delays.  Passengers on travelling on Train 685 to stations north of Haverhill should expect delays of approximately 15 minutes.  

Complete information about the steps Amtrak is taking to protect the health and safety of their passengers and crews is available at

For additional Amtrak Downeaster information visit:

Amtrak Downeaster, Boston, MA, BON, Amtrak Conductor The Downeaster is a 145-mile regional passenger train service, managed by the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority, and operated by Amtrak.

Amtrak Downeaster Achieves Record Ridership In 2019

PORTLAND, MAINE – The Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) announced today that the Amtrak Downeaster achieved record breaking ridership of 574,404 passengers in calendar year 2019, a 7.8% increase from 2018. The previous ridership record of 546,056 passengers was set in 2017.

The Amtrak Downeaster experienced record ridership growth in 9 out of 12 months, according to NNEPRA Marketing Director, Natalie Bogart, who reported that August 2019 was the highest ridership month in Downeaster history. “August ridership of 60,944 was an all-time record and the first time that Downeaster ridership surpassed 60,000 passengers in a month.”  

NNEPRA attributes the ridership surge to increased frequency to Freeport and Brunswick, improved reliability, as well as repeat riders. Amtrak Customer Satisfaction score of 91% suggests that people are not only riding the Downeaster, but are finding it to be enjoyable as well. When compared to Amtrak services throughout the country, passengers rank the Downeaster among the top services for friendliness, overall satisfaction, and quality of on-board food service. 

“These results are particularly impressive,” stated NNEPRA Chairman, John Melrose. “We are committed to the continued growth of the Downeaster service and are working hard in 2020 to improve/ expand transportation alternatives to further enhance mobility to our citizens and support economic growth for Maine Businesses.”

For additional Amtrak Downeaster information or to purchase tickets visit:

Amtrak Downeaster, POR, 2016, 15th Anniversary of the Downeaster, Portland Intermodal Station, Chuck Gomez WASHINGTON, WAS