Tag: driverless

Alstom consortium picked to deliver Dominican Republic’s first monorail system

August 28, 2023 – Alstom (OTC: ALSMY), a global leader in smart and sustainable mobility, announces that the Consortium SIF (led by Alstom and including Sofratesa) has been selected by Fideicomiso para el Desarrollo del Sistema de Transporte Masivo (FITRAM) of the Dominican Republic to deliver an integrated Innovia monorail system for the city of Santiago de los Caballeros. When completed, the 13-kilometre, 14-station Santiago de los Caballeros monorail system will be the first of its kind in the country and in the Caribbean. The system is dimensioned to carry up to 20,000 passengers per hour per direction (pphpd) and will provide faster and more efficient connections between the city’s northwest and southeast areas.

Alstom’s scope within the contract includes system integration, testing and commissioning of the full system and the supply of Innovia monorail trains as well as Cityflo 650 GOA4 driverless signalling, Hesop reversible power supply, conductor rail, high-speed interchange switch systems and depot equipment. Alstom’s share of the contract is worth approximately €370 million. This project is carried out with financing from the French government.

Alstom will deliver the 13 four-car automated Innovia Monorail 300 trains, which incorporate the design and operational features required for a high-capacity urban transport system. These features include automatic driverless operation, bi-directional operations, and compliance with international safety requirements and standards. Capitalising on Alstom’s strong leadership with over 30 years’ expertise in communications-based train control (CBTC), Alstom’s Cityflo 650 CBTC solution — the first driverless rail control system in the Dominican Republic— will support the highest grade of automation (GoA4), allowing for high reliability, shorter intervals between trains, flexible and safe operations, and reduced maintenance costs. To further increase the energy efficiency of the system, Alstom will install Hesop reversible power stations, which translates into not only building fewer substations along the alignment but also recovering and reinjecting up to 99% braking energy from the trains back into the network.

Alstom Delivers First Two Innovia 300 Monorail Trains for Cairo Monorail

Alstom’s first two Innovia 300 monorail trains for the Cairo Monorail project have arrived in Cairo after being completed at Alstom’s Derby UK factory, with propulsion systems application led by Alstom’s site in Trapaga, Spain. The dispatch of the first 8 fully automated, driverless cars out of 70 trains (a total of 280 cars) is a major milestone in the Cairo Monorail project, Egypt’s first two monorail lines, linking the New Capital City and 6th October City to Greater Cairo.

In August 2019, an Alstom-led consortium composed of Orascom Construction and Arab Contractors signed a €2.7bn contract to design, implement, operate, and maintain the two lines. The project includes a 54 km line connecting the New Administrative City with East Cairo and a second 42 km line connecting 6th of October City with Giza.

Both lines are expected to open in 2023. After the construction phase is completed, the Alstom-led consortium will provide 30 years of operation and maintenance (O&M) services for both lines.

Egypt is committed to developing and improving mobility services for its citizens, while reducing traffic congestion and environmental impact. The Innovia 300 monorail system allows fast construction of high-capacity lines at lower costs. Once maximum capacity is achieved, each of the two Cairo lines will be able to transport 45,000 passengers per hour in each direction. The Innovia 300 monorail system is equipped with Alstom’s proven Cityflo 650 communications-based train control solution. Benefits of this flagship technology include high reliability, flexible operation, shorter headways between trains, improved safety and reduced maintenance costs. The Alstom Mitrac propulsion system provides strong reliability and maintainability, and thanks to its permanent magnet motor, better energy consumption figures. 

Alstom has been a partner to Egypt’s railways since 1971, continuously supporting the railway infrastructure development in the country. Over these years, Alstom Egypt has established a local talent pool and Center of Excellence (COE) related to signalling systems, power supply and maintenance workshops to support projects across its Africa-Middle East-Central Asia (AMECA) region. It is this rich heritage that has enabled Alstom to make a significant contribution to Egypt’s rail industry development. Today, Alstom employs approximately 500 people in Egypt with ongoing projects which includes the modernization of signalling system on the Beni Sueif – Assyut line.

Watch the Video of First two Alstom Innovia 300 Trains Delivered for Cairo Monorail!

Alstom Wins Contract to Build Toulouse Metropole Third Line

Alstom has been awarded the contract by Toulouse Metropole for the system for the third and new 27 km metro line, called Toulouse Aerospace Express, for the sum of more than €470 M. The contract could eventually be worth €713 M, including all options. The line consists of 21 stations and will serve the aviation labour pool.

The firm tranche of the order guarantees a transport capacity of 5,000 passengers per hour in each direction (pphpd), with options for up to 10,000 pphpd. It includes Alstom’s efficient, proven “Systems” solutions: Metropolis™ trains and Urbalis™ 400 CBTC solution for driverless operation and Hesop™ reversible substations. The scope also includes platform screen doors, including a dynamic system for load indication, and the track including the laying with the automated solution Appitrack™. Finally, the firm tranche of the order includes six years of maintenance, with 12 years of maintenance as an option.

“This order is excellent news for Alstom and I would like to thank Tisséo and Toulouse Metropole for their confidence! Alstom has submitted a very competitive system offer, while proposing its latest technologies and innovations on the various subsystems (vehicles, signalling, infrastructure and power supply). This order will enable us to continue developing our skills in France in all these areas, as well as our presence in the region of Occitanie, already in full expansion with our centres of excellence for Electrical component’in Toulouse and traction in Tarbes, and soon the Line 3 project team. We’ll also be calling on a number of local partners,” says Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, President of Alstom in France.

The city of Toulouse is renowned for its economic vitality and the quality of life of the surrounding region. The Toulouse Aerospace Express project is part of a drive to increase the city’s appeal with the help of sustainable, inclusive mobility.

Alstom will contribute to the economic vitality of the local area with its site in Toulouse, which will be the nerve centre of the project. The site will consequently be developed for the construction and maintenance activities, thereby promoting local employment. In total, more than 600 people in France will work on this project, including up to 400 people in the Toulouse metropolitan area at the peak of the activity. 80% of the hours spent working on this project will be in France and 55% directly in the region of Occitanie. Jobs will also be created with our suppliers in France and in the city of Toulouse for the activities of installation, infrastructure and system deployment.

Alstom’s integrated Systems solution provides a highly mature, efficient and comfortable transport offer, designed with maximum operability and reliability in mind, with record availability of 99.8%. Alstom has a global leadership position and fully proven experience in the successful construction, commissioning and delivery of new integrated metro systems, as well as in their safe, reliable and efficient operation. Alstom can boast more than 65 years’ experience, having sold over 17,000 metro cars that carry 30 million passengers every day operate in 55 cities around the world. One of the most recent successes for Alstom in integrated metro projects being the 15-kilometre-long Dubai Metro Route 2020, completed and delivered in July 2020

The design selected for the system and the metro makes it possible to propose a solution that minimises waiting time in stations, with reduced traffic frequency from the moment of entry into service, but which, by increasing the number of metro cars from 2 to 3, increases the transport offer to 15,000 passengers per hour in each direction, without modifying the infrastructure. Indeed, Alstom will design the system to be able to go up to 15,000. The base contract is for 5,000 with options to go up to 10,000.

The rolling stock belongs to the Métropolis™ range of trains. It benefits from the innovations and continuous improvement brought to this product for more than 15 years, through numerous R&D programmes and contracts executed throughout the world. This state-of-the-art metro has been designed to improve passenger experience as well as reconcile performance, energy efficiency and ease of maintenance, in order to control costs throughout its life cycle.

For passengers, as it is a new line, the train will be characterised in particular by increased volumes on board and large openings to the exterior. The experience of the journey will be made more pleasant with an atmosphere that is air-conditioned and quiet, LED lighting that adjusts to travel conditions, reinforced air filtration and antibacterial coatings on the handholds for a healthier interior.

Travel will be made easier from the moment you step on board, with, for example, platform facades indicating the density of people on board the cars.

Urbalis™ 400 is a proven, efficient CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) automatic operation solution, in commercial service in many cities around the world. Deployed or in the process of being deployed on more than 100 metro lines, notably in Lyon and Marseille, Urbalis 400™ is a generic solution, managed as a platform, to ensure optimum safety and reliability as well as long-term durability. The solution has also demonstrated its operational robustness and modular capabilities, enabling it to control sensitive interfaces such as those of the train or the centralised control centre.

The transport system solution provided by Alstom has also been designed to reduce operational costs, achieving major energy savings through a combination of reversible Hesop™ substations with regenerative braking, efficient traction and braking systems and improved CBTC automatic train control strategies.

And finally, the project also includes the construction of a rail track that reduces friction and fine particles to a minimum, thanks to steel-on-steel operation and offers guaranteed performance over time.

With this contract, Alstom is making a long-term commitment to mobility in Toulouse by ensuring the construction and maintenance of this third line on behalf of Tisséo.

Singapore’s First Driverless Urban Transit System Turns 20

In 1996, Bombardier Transportation pioneered a new mobility solution for Singapore’s first light rail transit system – the driverless BOMBARDIER INNOVIA APM 100 automated people mover. This fully automated transit system went into service in 1999 on the revolutionary Bukit Panjang LRT line to improve the quality of life for residents by connecting outlying residential areas with the high-capacity Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) rail network as well to schools, retail, community and healthcare centers.

2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the first APM’s entry into service, a historic milestone for Bombardier. The INNOVIA APM system embodies the evolution of automated transit operations over many years at numerous locations around the globe, from London and Guangzhou to Phoenix and San Francisco – the INNOVIA APM is in use in many of the world’s busiest international airports and city districts. Currently, Bombardier has 32 APM vehicles circulating Bukit Panjang with an annual ridership of 24 million passengers, bringing residents closer to their homes. 

Singapore’s Bukit Panjang LRT line 

Singapore’s Bukit Panjang LRT line, runs on a fully-automated people mover system based on the INNOVIA APM 100 automated people mover system. Already in service in many of the world’s busiest cities and biggest airports, this proven passenger mobility solution provides safe, swift and seamless connectivity between the outlying residential areas and the city.

The suburban town   

The iconic Bukit Panjang LRT line is an 8-km automated guideway transit solution intended to serve the residential town located in the West Region of Singapore, acting as a replacement to the many buses deployed through the town, especially during rush hour. With an estimated population of 140,000, half of Bukit Panjang’s residents rely on the LRT for their daily commute. A complete loop journey takes 28 minutes, serving 13 stations, providing a feeder service to connect residents to the two high-capacity North-South (red) and Downtown (blue) MRT lines, moving them to the city.   

Operating on a dedicated elevated guideway at a speed between 20km/h to 65 km/h, this arrangement ensures consistent service that provides shorter waiting times for the passengers without interfering with surrounding road traffic. The current BOMBARDIER CITYFLO 550 rail control and signalling system and wireless communications supports the system’s operation while ensuring seamless integration into the city’s existing infrastructure.

Singapore’s INNOVIA APM system

Upgrading Bukit Panjang

In 2018, Bombardier signed an asset replacement contract to upgrade the Bukit Panjang LRT system by supplying a fleet of 19 BOMBARDIER INNOVIA APM 300 vehicles, retrofitting 13 existing INNOVIA APM 100 vehicles, as well as upgrading its current CITYFLO 550 technology to the advanced CITYFLO 650 CBTC solution for a smoother ride for commuters. Other works include power rail enhancement and condition monitoring through Train Control Management System.

Working hand-in-hand with the Singapore Land Transport Authority to design a next-generation train with modern aesthetics, the new features incorporated advanced technology for improved performance and functionality, as well as enabling interchangeability with existing APM 100 vehicles. From 2022, the asset replacement is set to improve rail reliability, safety and availability for optimal performance of the Bukit Panjang LRT line.

The ride ahead

After two decade of services, the system achieved an improved performance and for the period of October 2018 to September 2019, it reached a rail reliability performance of 64,000 train-km before a delay of more than five minutes occurs on the system. Along with the Bukit Panjang LRT system upgrade, Bombardier will support a ten-year maintenance and spare part supply agreement to provide reliable services, ensuring that the authority and operator gain the maximum value from their assets over the lifetime of their system with proven competence. The renewed APM system will continue to set the high urban mobility standards for the Bukit Panjang LRT line and globally in the frame of Bombardier’s urban transit innovation. 

Singapore LTA’s target is to expand its urban rail network to 360km by 2030, which creates demand and opportunities for rail manufacturers while driving innovation towards Singapore’s Smart Nation vision. Bombardier’s full spectrum of rail solutions, combining technology and performance with empathy, from driverless metros to automated people mover, helps deliver sustainable mobility and reduces energy consumption to create substantial benefits for operators, commuters and the environment.

Investing in Singapore for the last twenty years, Bombardier has delivered 276 driverless BOMBARDIERMOVIA metro cars for Singapore’s Downtown Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line and 32 INNOVIA APM 100 cars for the Bukit Panjang LRT system. In 2018, two asset replacement contracts were awarded to supply 19 new INNOVIAAPM 300 cars for the Bukit Panjang LRT line and 396 MOVIA metro cars for the two high-capacity North-South and East-West MRT lines. Bombardier is committed to designing better trains, customizing solutions and creating better ways to move residents across Singapore, making sure Bombardier’s mobility solution works for the community and providing for the future. 

 Bukit Panjang LRT line APM
The renewed INNOVIA APM system will continue to set the high urban mobility standard for the Bukit Panjang LRT line and globally in the frame of Bombardier’s urban transit innovation.

Alstom to Supply Driverless Trains & Digital Signalling System for Sydney Metro Extension

Australia’s biggest public transport project

22 November 2019 – The Northwest Rapid Transit Consortium (NRT) has reached contractual close for the extension to the existing NRT Public Private Partnership (PPP) contract on Sydney Metro.

The contract, which was awarded in 2014, has been extended to deliver a seamless customer experience on the new metro, with NRT to operate and maintain the full metro line from Rouse Hill to Bankstown – in total 66 kilometres of rail and 31 metro stations by 2024.

Alstom has signed a contract with NRT to supply the rolling stock and signalling system for the next stage of Sydney Metro, Sydney Metro City and Southwest. The project is an extension of the Metro North West Line, which successfully opened to customers in May 2019.

Under the contract, valued at approx. €350 million, Alstom will be responsible for the project management, design, supply, manufacturing, testing and commissioning of 23 six-car fully-automated Metropolis trains and the Urbalis 400 Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) signalling system. The trains will be manufactured in Alstom’s manufacturing centre in Sri City, India which successfully delivered 22 Metropolis trains for the Metro North West Line.  The contract also includes an option to purchase further trains if required.

Sydney Metro has been a game changer for the travelling public of Sydney and Alstom is delighted to continue to be a part of this iconic projectIt strengthens Alstom’s position as the market leader for the supply of railway technologies in Australia.” said Ling Fang, Senior Vice President of Alstom Asia-Pacific. 

As an extension of the existing Metro North West Line, the NRT PPP will provide a fully integrated turn-up and go service along a dedicated 66-kilometre metro network with a total of 31 stations from Rouse Hill through the City and to Bankstown. The Metro North West Line operator, Metro Trains Sydney, will be responsible for the operations and maintenance of the entire line.

The City and Southwest extension includes a 15km greenfield line with seven new stations plus the conversion of the existing suburban rail line to metro rail standards, covering a further 13km of track and 11 existing stations. The project also includes expansion of the current Sydney Metro Trains Facility at Rouse Hill and a new trains facility at Sydenham. Construction of the new line is currently underway with revenue service expected to start in 2024.

The Metropolis trains and digital signalling systems for the City & Southwest project will include the same design and features as the North West Line, designed to meet the specific needs of Sydney. According to the specifications, the new trains will meet strict sustainability criteria; a robust lightweight structure, low energy consumption, high levels of recoverability and recyclability, technical reliability and ease of maintenance. The trains will also be equipped with remote sensors for optimal maintenance planning. 

Alstom has put sustainability and the passenger at the heart of its design process. The trains for Sydney will be built with the safety and comfort of passengers in mind, offering accessibility, wide doors and spaces to facilitate passenger flow, acoustic comfort, vibration mitigation and passenger information in real time.

Alstom’s metro trains are a world-leading, proven, safe and reliable train that serve many of the world’s great cities, including Paris, London, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Singapore. Alstom has more than 65 years’ experience in the production of metros, having sold over 17,000 metro cars that operate in 55 cities around the world and carry 30 million passengers every day.

Rouse Hill Station is on Sydney’s first metro line, Metro Northwest, which opened on 26 May, 2019. Services at the 13 metro stations operate every four minutes in the peak in each direction on Australia’s first driverless railway.

Bane NOR and Siemens Mobility Celebrate Milestone in Digitalization of Norway’s Rail Network

  • Campus Nyland test, training and signaling simulation center opens
  • European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) latest in intelligent infrastructure
  • Nordlandsbanen will open first digital signaling railway in October 2022

Bane NOR and Siemens Mobility celebrated the opening of Campus Nyland, a test, training and signaling simulation center which will help the rail network operator prepare for the digitalization of the entire system. Norway has committed to becoming the first country to operate with a single digital interlocking and ERTMS signifies one of the country’s largest digitalization projects. In 2022, the first digital line, Nordlandsbanen, will open. In advance, the Campus Nyland center will prepare workers for working within the digital system, ERTMS. The intelligent infrastructure behind ERTMS will reduce operating costs and increase capacity throughout the network. In addition, it will enhance safety, with real-time visibility of trains across the network. When complete in 2034, the system will include 4,200 km of track and more than 350 stations.

“Siemens Mobility is the main supplier to the Norwegian ERTMS program with their infrastructure, including interlockings and radio block centres (RBC). The Siemens Mobility solution is leading edge based upon an IP based architecture. With a strong technical roadmap and a proven ability to deliver, Siemens Mobility is the ideal partner for Bane NOR in this challenging program. We are thrilled to work together with Siemens Mobility to develop the digital rail,” said Sverre Kjenne, Executive Vice President Digitalisation and Technology, Bane NOR.

“Norway is on track to become the first country to operate in the “one country, one interlocking” architecture making it at the forefront of digitalization. Our intelligent infrastructure will ensure that the system operates efficiently. The digital interlocking, with IP controlled field components, and ERTMS are the backbone to greatly improving operations and maintenance. This architecture also opens the door for future developments such as implementing driverless technologies, moving the interlocking to the cloud, which would make proprietary hardware and spare parts a relic of the past, and would make data instantaneously available to transportation operators,” stated Michael Peter, Siemens Mobility CEO. “Campus Nyland is an important milestone in turning this vision into reality.”

Campus Nyland will be an industry center for digital education and will house more than 5,000 employees, who will learn the necessary digital skills needed to ensure ERTMS is successful when it goes operational. These will include individuals from Bane NOR, train companies, maintenance companies and contractors. Bane NOR will facilitate simulator training as well as physical training facilities. New technology, such as virtual reality, will be used to communicate how the tracks are built with ERTMS, as well as the design of trains and traffic control centers. More than 150 different scenarios are available for training within the highly digital training hub.

In the spring of 2020, the Roa – Hønefoss ERTMS test line opens. The new signaling technology will be monitored and tested from Campus Nyland.

The next important milestone in turning ERTMS into a reality will be the digitalization of the first Norwegian rail line. In October 2022, Nordlandsbanen, which operates from Grong to Bodø, and represents about 12 percent of the Norwegian railway will go operational.