Tag: earthquake

Delta Contributes $100,000 to American Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Relief Effort

Delta Air Lines will contribute $100,000 to the American Red Cross to support relief efforts in Haiti following a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck the  country on August 14.

The affected region is home to more than 800,000 people. This donation enables the global Red Cross network in its efforts helping families impacted by the earthquake. The Haitian Red Cross with the support of the global Red Cross Red Crescent network are leading efforts to aid families, including providing first aid and helping with search and rescue efforts.

This contribution is in addition to the $1 million grant to the American Red Cross as an Annual Disaster Giving Program (ADGP) partner.

The American Red Cross is Delta’s longest-standing non-profit partner, and the partnership has allowed the airline, its customers and employees to help people in need around the world since 1941. For more information on the services of the Red Cross, please visit or

KiwiRail Names New Tar Barrel Tunnel Bypass

“The name Ruakanakana is associated with a pā site beside Lake Elterwater that was occupied by the renowned chief Te Rakaitauheke of the Ngāti Kurī hapū of Ngāi Tahu.

“The Main North Line runs alongside Lake Elterwater, around 10km north of the new overpass. Ruakanakana can be translated as “two-headed lamprey” which evokes images of a guardian taniwha.

“Traffic will be travelling on the new overpass next month. Construction work is close to completion, with the naming by iwi and blessing of the new overpass part of our final preparations. 

“Vehicles have been using a temporary diversion through the area, while it was being built.

“The new road overpass is part of the work KiwiRail is doing to move a stretch of the Main North Line to bypass Tar Barrel tunnel, the oldest tunnel on the line.

“This work is needed to make the rail line more resilient and involves cutting through the hill to re-route the line to the south of the tunnel and beneath State Highway 1.”

The project is part of the Kaikoura Earthquake recovery works and will improve rail operations and seismic reliance for both road and rail.

KiwiRail is working with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency to deliver these works, which are on track to be completed by mid-2021.

Waka Kotahi Director Regional Relationships Jim Harland thanked drivers through this site for taking care around road and rail crews while a more resilient link, particularly in the event of earthquakes, is completed for both road and rail.

The C-27J Spartan Lives Up To Expectations In Peru

A C-27J of the Fuerza Aérea del Peru (FAP) flying over the AndesA C-27J of the Fuerza Aérea del Peru (FAP) flying over the Andes

February 2019, the Peruvian Government officially declares a state of emergency for the northern coastal regions of Peru. An unusual amount of seasonal rainfall has triggered severe flooding and mudslides throughout the northern regions destroying roads, collapsing bridges, and forcing school closures. Entire towns are being evacuated.

The Sistema de Atención Móvil de Urgencia (SAMU) and the Seguro Integral do Salud (SIS) Health Department call in the C-27J Spartan for urgent transportation of patients, including premature babies and badly injured people out of the otherwise unreachable area of Huánuco, 1,900 mt above sea level. A timely action and long hours of activity were key to saving lives and the suite of advanced avionics that equips the Spartan with the increased night vision capability provided by the Night Vision Goggles (NVG), have given pilots the possibility of landing and taking off throughout the night.

The advanced glass-cockpit of a peruvian C-27J Spartan in flight

In 2017 the Peruvian government sent a C-27J in support of disaster relief following the earthquake in Ecuador and again to support evacuations during the raging fires in Chile.

A FAP Spartan during an evacuation of civilians in 2017

The Fuerza Aérea del Peru has successfully flown over 5,000 hours with their Spartans since the first aircraft landed, in March 2015, at the International Jorge Chavez airport in Lima, home of the Grupo Aereo N°8 (transport wing).

In these 5,000 flight hours the C-27J has bravely met the most challenging conditions moving comfortably between coastal areas at 19°C to forests at 38°, to mountains at 5°C, landing smoothly on semi-prepared strips at either 100 feet or 11,500 feet above sea level. The versatility of the aircraft was also challenged by the diversity of missions required: from delivering humanitarian assistance to medical evacuations, monitoring of illegal activities, and support to firefighting duties in areas that would otherwise be reached only by river navigation in over 6 days!

Take-off with high rate of climb from a small airport in Peru

To keep this kind of fleet availability in such demanding operational scenarios, you need to rely on a very high standard of customer support guaranteed by non-stop commitment, highly specialised personnel on-site, dedicated logistics and very efficient remote technical assistance service.