Tag: exercised

KLM Takes Delivery of Their First Embraer E2

São José dos Campos, Brazil, 23 February 2021 – KLM Cityhopper, the regional subsidiary of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, received their first Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) E195-E2 in a ceremony today at Embraer’s facility in Brazil. This first E2 delivery to KLM, and lessor ICBC Aviation Leasing, brings the total number of Embraer jets in the KLM Cityhopper fleet to 50.

The total order for 35 jets, 25 firm orders with options for 10 more, will be leased to KLM from ICBC Aviation Leasing (10) and Aircastle (15). KLM recently exercised four options increasing the firm order from 21 to 25 jets, with the further four aircraft coming from Aircastle’s existing order-book.

KLM is a global leader in airline sustainability and taking action to make operations more sustainable. KLM’s fleet renewal is a key strategy to reduce the airline’s environmental footprint. The E195-E2, Embraer’s new generation aircraft, is specifically designed to cut emissions and noise pollution. The E2’s environmental credentials are impressive; the E195-E2 delivers a 31% reduction in carbon emissions per seat over KLM Cityhopper’s first-generation E190’s.

Noise pollution is also dramatically reduced; the noise footprint is over 60% smaller – a critical measure at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport which has strict noise abatement rules. The E2’s low external noise level is already well below planned future ICAO limits. Carbon emissions are almost 10% lower per trip and 31% lower per seat. In a typical year, each E195-E2 will emit 1,500 fewer tons of carbon pollutants.

The E195-E2 is the 50th E-Jet to join the KLM Cityhopper fleet of 17 first-generation E175s and 32 E190s. The new E195-E2 is configured with 132 seats – 20 in Business Class, eight in Economy Comfort, and 104 in Economy Class.

Saab Receives Order for Two Additional Firefighting Aircraft

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) has exercised an option in their contract with Saab regarding aerial firefighting capability in Sweden. Saab will provide two additional aircraft with associated crew.

The order from March 2020 concerns the capability to fight fires with two bucketing aircraft yearly, from 1 April to 30 September, through 2023. MSB is now exercising the option in the contract for two more aircraft, beginning with the 2021 fire season. This is a resource that will be available both for Sweden and for the EU.

During the past year, Saab has established capabilities in the form of firefighting aircraft of the type Air Tractor AT-802 F and pilot and technician skills, as well as specific permits for operation. During the summer, MSB decided to deploy Saab aircraft and pilots to fight a total of five different forest fires.  

“We are proud to be a part of the Swedish national defence system and we are looking forward to expanding our firefighting capabilities with two more aircraft and several pilots. Prompt national responses to forest fires are important,” says Ellen Molin, head of Saab’s business area Support and Services.

The AT-802 F aircraft type is a water-bombing aircraft that can release 35,000-50,000 litres of water per hour in the event of, for example, a forest fire. The firefighting aircraft will be based in Nyköping, where Saab already has aviation operations for, among other things, aerial target services and support for Swedish Coast Guard aircraft. From Nyköping, the aircraft can reach Copenhagen or eastern Finland within 2 hours and Luleå within 3 hours. If necessary, resources can be based at another location with advanced technical and maintenance resources. Rapid response to forest fires is crucial.

Boeing Terminates Joint Venture Agreement With Embraer

Boeing (NYSE: BA) announced today that it has terminated its Master Transaction Agreement (MTA) with Embraer, under which the two companies sought to establish a new level of strategic partnership. The parties had planned to create a joint venture comprising Embraer’s commercial aviation business and a second joint venture to develop new markets for the C-390 Millennium medium airlift and air mobility aircraft.

Under the MTA, April 24, 2020, was the initial termination date, subject to extension by either party if certain conditions were met. Boeing exercised its rights to terminate after Embraer did not satisfy the necessary conditions.

“Boeing has worked diligently over more than two years to finalize its transaction with Embraer. Over the past several months, we had productive but ultimately unsuccessful negotiations about unsatisfied MTA conditions. We all aimed to resolve those by the initial termination date, but it didn’t happen,” said Marc Allen, president of Embraer Partnership & Group Operations. “It is deeply disappointing. But we have reached a point where continued negotiation within the framework of the MTA is not going to resolve the outstanding issues.” 

The planned partnership between Boeing and Embraer had received unconditional approval from all necessary regulatory authorities, with the exception of the European Commission. 

Boeing and Embraer will maintain their existing Master Teaming Agreement, originally signed in 2012 and expanded in 2016, to jointly market and support the C-390 Millennium military aircraft.