Tag: Export (Page 1 of 2)

Airbus and Tata to set up first helicopter Final Assembly Line in India

New Delhi, India, January 26, 2024 – In a major boost to ‘Make in India’, Airbus Group SE (Paris: AIR) Helicopters has announced that it is partnering with the Tata Group to establish a Final Assembly Line (FAL) for helicopters in the country. The FAL will produce Airbus’ best-selling H125 helicopter from its civil range for India and export to some of the neighbouring countries.

The FAL will be the first instance of the private sector setting up a helicopter manufacturing facility in India, providing a major boost to the Government of India’s ‘AatmaNirbhar Bharat’ (self-reliant India) programme. Under this partnership, Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL), a subsidiary of Tata Group, will set up the facility along with Airbus Helicopters.

The announcement was made during the two-day visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to India as Chief Guest at the Republic Day celebrations on January 26.

The FAL in India will undertake the integration of the major component assemblies, avionics and mission systems, installation of electrical harnesses, hydraulic circuits, flight controls, dynamic components, fuel system and the engine. It will also do testing, qualification, and delivery of the H125 to customers in India and the region. The FAL will take 24 months to set up and deliveries of the first ‘Made in India’ H125s are expected to commence in 2026. The location of the FAL will be jointly decided by Airbus and the Tata Group.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including expected delivery dates. Such statements are based on current expectations and projections about our future results, prospects and opportunities and are not guarantees of future performance. Such statements will not be updated unless required by law. Actual results and performance may differ materially from those expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including those discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Dassault Aviation releases order intakes, deliveries and backlog as of December 31, 2023


60 Rafale (*) were ordered (42 France, 18 Indonesia), compared with 92 Export Rafale in 2022.

(*) The order for an additional 18 Rafale for Indonesia entered into force on January 8, 2024 and is therefore not part of the 60-Rafale order intake for 2023.

23 Falcon were ordered, compared with 64 in 2022.


13 Rafale (11 France, 2 Export) were delivered, while 15 had been guided.
14 Rafale (13 Export, 1 France) were delivered in 2022.

26 Falcon were delivered, while 35 (*) had been guided.
32 Falcon were delivered in 2022.

(*) Certified on August 22, 2023, Falcon 6X, integrating post certification upgrades approved by EASA, has entered into service at the end of 2023.


As of December 31, 2023, the backlog includes:

211 Rafale (*) (141 Export, 70 France) compared with 164 Rafale as of December 31, 2022,
84 Falcon compared with 87 Falcon as of December 31, 2022.
(*) The order for an additional 18 Rafale for Indonesia entered into force on January 8, 2024 and is therefore not part of the 211-Rafale backlog of December 31, 2023.


Dassault Aviation Group will release on March 6, 2024 its full year results.

The above figures relate only to the number of new aircraft. The Group points out that amounts in euros will be published on March 6, 2024.

Rafale B de l’Armée de l’Air Française en opérations extérieures (Opération Serval) – Vue en vol au dessus du Mali. Equipé de la nacelle Damoclès et de GBU-12.

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Maersk launches rail offering from Barcelona, Spain to Southern France

Barcelona, Spain – AP Moeller-Maersk AS (OTC: AMKBY) is launching a new rail product from the Port of Barcelona to Southern France especially designed to cut transit times of ocean cargo destined to the areas Toulouse, Bordeaux and Lyon by using Barcelona as an alternative gateway. Starting early November there will be three weekly direct block trains between Barcelona and Toulouse as well as one weekly connection between Barcelona and Lyon. Via Toulouse the solution also connects cargo to Bordeaux seamlessly by using a partner network. Furthermore, it is intended to extend the connectivity on the Spanish side by rail to the areas of Tarragona and Zaragoza.

This new offering can shorten transit times for import and export cargo in the areas Toulouse, Bordeaux and Lyon by up to 12 days (7 days on average) compared to traditional routings via French or North European ports. Thanks to shorter transport distances and the utilisation of electrified trains it can also be a more environmentally friendly routing. The block trains can also be booked for intra-continental cargo between Spain and France.

Maersk is operating this new end to end service via its own company APM Spain Railways and cooperates for the trains with the partners Captrain and Naviland.

Thanks to brand new interoperable locomotives, the block trains neither have to stop to change the locomotive or replace wheel-sets at the Spanish-French border for seamless operations and best-in-class reliability.



A.P. Moller – Maersk expands global air freight services with Los Angeles air cargo gateway

Los Angeles, California, October 3, 2023 – A.P. Moller – Maersk A/S A (Copenhagen: MAERSKa) has inaugurated a new 130,000 square foot air freight import/export gateway near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) that offers direct planeside recovery with immediate unit load device (ULD) transfers. The west coast facility complements Maersk’s growing north American network of air cargo gateways, including Atlanta and Chicago which have been stood up in the last 12 months.

The new facility is just 15 miles from LAX and less than nine miles from the Port of Long Beach. Site staffing will be in place for the conduct of customs brokerage, commercial sales, and freight operations such as LCL transload. This site is U.S. Customs bonded Container Freight Station (CFS) and a U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Certified Cargo Screening Facility (CCSF). This ensures timely and secure air freight handling. The facility is scheduled to attain Free Trade Zone status in 2024 to benefit from lower duties, reduced processing fees, and faster movement of goods.

The opening of the Los Angeles facility is the latest step in Maersk’s North American air freight capacity expansion program that extends across strategic cargo entry points and is aligned to customer demand. The new capacity allows for more supply chain integration opportunities and better scaling to care for seasonal peaks as well as market driven volume spikes for breakout product launches.

LAX is one of the busiest airports in the world for both passenger traffic and cargo handling and is a major gateway between the U.S. and the Asia-Pacific region. According to Los Angeles World Airports, LAX ranks among the top 5 airports in the U.S. by tonnage. Los Angeles is a leading high-technology center for the nation in the entertainment, electronics, biomedical, computers, and aerospace industries.



Boeing showcases F-15EX for Poland’s air defense

Kielce, Poland, September 7, 2023 – Boeing (NYSE: BA) is showcasing the F‑15EX Eagle II fighter aircraft to Poland as a potential U.S. Department of Defense Foreign Military Sales program. The announcement was made at the annual MSPO International Defence Industry Exhibition where Boeing is highlighting advanced defense systems, capabilities and services.

Boeing has made significant investments in the F-15EX making it the most capable multirole fighter aircraft in production today. The aircraft offers improved survivability and capability with:

  • fly-by-wire flight controls,
  • a new electronic warfare system,
  • an all-glass digital cockpit,
  • the latest mission systems and software capabilities,
  • as well as the ability to carry advanced hypersonic weapons.

The F-15EX is in production with two aircraft delivered to the U.S. Air Force. Indonesia recently became the 8th country to select the F-15 and will become the first export customer of the latest FX variant when the sale is finalized.

Boeing has been present in Poland for more than 30 years. With headquarters in Warsaw, Boeing Digital Solutions & Analytics operations in Gdańsk and Parts & Distribution Services in Rzeszow, Boeing employs more than 1,000 people in Poland and is currently establishing strong engineering capability in all of its three locations. In addition to its growing footprint in-country, Boeing is an important partner of the Polish aviation industry and has strong relationships with local communities, industry, airlines, Polish Government and the Polish Armed Forces.



LATAM Announces Freighter Conversion of up to Eight Boeing 767-300ER

LATAM Airlines Group (Santiago: LTM.SN) announced a significant expansion of its cargo operations with the conversion of up to eight Boeing 767-300ER aircraft into Boeing Converted Freighters (“BCF”) in the next three years. This represents a freighter capacity growth of up to 80%. This plan seeks to increase the service options and leverage the synergies of operating a single type of aircraft.

The plan is divided in two gradual stages. The first phase is based on four confirmed conversion slots with Boeing with re-deliveries between 2021 and 2022. Upon completion of that phase, LATAM’s cargo operators’ fleet would reach a total of 15 Boeing 767-300ER freighters. The second phase includes four conversion options with Boeing that would allow aircraft to be added between 2022 and 2023. If all options are executed LATAM would operate a total of 19 767-300ER freighters.

Throughout 2020, LATAM Cargo played an active and vital role in ensuring essential supplies reached Latin American countries, especially in places with extreme and difficult-to-access areas like in countries such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. LATAM also worked to safeguard the supply from the import and export sectors in South America, even increasing their shipment frequencies by more than 40% in some markets. To achieve these results, LATAM operated passenger planes for the exclusive transport of cargo.

In addition, during the pandemic, LATAM landed for the first time in China, searching for medical supplies for South America, ultimately making more than 80 flights to the Asian continent. LATAM currently continues to make trips to Europe and China to transport COVID-19 vaccines into the region, and the LATAM Group’s Solidarity Plane Program has made its resources available for the free transport of vaccines in domestic markets.

Embraer Cheers Brazilian Government Decision to Review Aeronautic Sector Subsidies

São Paulo, Brazil, February 18, 2021 – Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) welcomes the Brazilian Government’s decisions to withdraw its ongoing World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute with Canada regarding aeronautical subsidies and to launch negotiations on more effective disciplines to regulate government support in the Commercial Aviation segment.

At the WTO, Brazil challenged more than USD 3 billion in illegal subsidies that the Governments of Canada and Quebec provided to Bombardier for the launch, development and production of the C-Series program. These subsidies distorted the conditions of competition in the global market for commercial aircraft, causing serious prejudice to Embraer, in clear violation of WTO rules.

Although Brazil has a strong case, the WTO dispute became ineffective to address the Canadian subsidies and to remedy the distortions generated in the market. After Bombardier exited the Commercial Aviation segment and transferred the C-Series program (now called A220) to Airbus, which has a second assembly line in the United States, the trade dispute against Canada at the WTO is no longer the most effective means to achieve Brazil’s and Embraer’s goal of reestablishing a level playing field in this sector.

Embraer also supports Brazil’s initiative to launch negotiations for more effective disciplines on government support in the commercial aviation segment, as the best way to achieve this goal, as previously seen with the successful experience of the OECD’s Aircraft Sector Understanding (ASU), signed in 2007 to regulate export credits. Ultimately, Embraer believes that commercial aircraft manufacturers should compete against each other based on the merits of their product, not on the amount of funding they receive from their governments.

Air New Zealand Dreamliner to Connect South Island Exporters

  • Air New Zealand will fly its 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft between Christchurch and Auckland three times a week to help transport cargo from the South Island to the rest of the world.

Air New Zealand General Manager Cargo Rick Nelson says these services are being launched in response to significant demand from the South Island freight forwarding and export communities.

The first flight will depart from Christchurch tomorrow night as part of a support agreement with the Ministry of Transport. The agreement sees the Dreamliner fly Christchurch to Auckland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, departing Christchurch at 5pm and arriving in Auckland at 6:25pm so that cargo can then be airfreighted to other global destinations.

“Flights are timed so cargo goods are able to connect to our new Los Angeles, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Narita and Shanghai cargo flights, as well as onto our trans-Tasman flights from Auckland.

“As the nation emerges from lockdown, it’s critical our exporters in the South Island are well supported in order for them to remain viable. These Dreamliner services from Christchurch will allow exporters with high value, perishable and time sensitive goods access to a same day air cargo link into international services departing from Auckland.”

Passengers will also be able to book return flights on the Dreamliner services between Christchurch and Auckland.

Norwegian Air Gets Guarantee From Norwegian Government

  • Norwegian is pleased to announce that two Nordic banks have obtained credit committee approval to provide a guarantee for the required 10 percent for the first tranche of 300 million Norwegian kroner (NOK). Norwegian will secure the necessary headroom to pursue further guarantees from the Norwegian Government.

Government measures
On Thursday 19 March, the Norwegian Government proposed a guarantee of NOK 6 billion for the Norwegian airline industry, of which up to NOK 3 billion is directed to Norwegian. The guarantee will be up to 90 percent from the Norwegian Government provided that financial institutions contribute with the remaining 10 percent. The guarantee scheme will consist of three tranches with a maximum two years maturity.

Since Thursday evening Norwegian has worked with banks and financial institutions and is pleased to announce that two Nordic banks have obtained credit committee approval to contribute with the 10 percent required in guarantee for Tranche I and to provide the NOK 300 million in financing backed by the guarantee from the Norwegian Government. The Company is working with the banks and the Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency (“GIEK”), who will administrate the guarantee scheme, on the documentation in order to obtain the NOK 300 million in liquidity as soon as possible.

The Company is now working with GIEK and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries to clarify the criteria and terms related to the remaining tranches under the scheme and to obtain further guarantees from financial institutions in order to back such remaining tranches. Norwegian will update the market with its further plan of action and implications for its stakeholders as soon as the criteria and terms have been finalized. The Government guarantee scheme is crucial for the Company as the current state of the capital markets in combination with the challenging times for the airline industry limit the options available. The first NOK 300 million will create necessary headroom to pursue the remaining tranches of the guarantee scheme.

Operational update
Currently, most of the fleet is grounded and Norwegian has reduced its operations to a minimum. The airline will now primarily operate domestically in Norway and Sweden and between the Nordic capitals, in order to deliver on its corporate responsibility of maintaining critical infrastructure so that people and necessary goods and medical supplies can be transported during this unprecedented crisis. The limited schedule will remain in place until further notice. In addition, Norwegian has conducted repatriation flights together with the authorities in order to get citizens of Norway, Denmark and Sweden back home.

In order to reduce cost, Norwegian has temporarily laid off approximately 90 percent of its workforce and will continue to implement additional cost measures going forward.

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