Tag: extending

KiwiRail Announces New Auckland Southern Station Locations

KiwiRail and the Supporting Growth Alliance (Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi) have today confirmed their proposed sites for three new stations in southern Auckland and will now begin more detailed consultation with stakeholders about their development.

Over the next 30 years, an extra 120,000 people are expected to live in the area, which will also have 40,000 new houses and 38,000 new jobs. The development of the new stations and their associated facilities will be staged over time to coincide with demands from developments feeding each location. 

KiwiRail has been given funding through the Government’s NZ Upgrade Programme for the first phase of development.

The locations for the new stations are designed to maximise connections with future town centres, new housing, and other public transport routes.

The aim is ensure the wider area has a robust public transport system to enable long-term housing and business growth. Other factors considered included the existing railway track alignment, the distance between stations, and environmental and ecological features.

The fully developed stations will have a bus interchange and Park & Ride facilities along with other infrastructure. We are working to confirm the exact footprint which will be needed for the associated facilities for the fully developed stations and will then begin the process of protecting the land.

Waka Kotahi National Manager System Design Robyn Elston says: “We are focusing on how longer-term road and rail projects can give people more connected public transport choices and help them move around safely and easily. We’re looking forward to talking to communities about how to make these projects happen.”

The planned railway stations are part of the $2.39 billion of transport improvements in southern Auckland that Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail are delivering as part of the Government’s New Zealand Upgrade Programme.

Other improvements will include SH1 Papakura to Drury South, Mill Road and Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification. They are part of a longer term transport network being investigated and delivered to support growth in south Auckland.

Public information sessions on the rail developments in Southern Auckland are being held in Drury on February 18th and Pukekohe on February 20th.

The proposed locations for the three stations are:

  • Drury Central will be located on the existing rail line south of Waihoehoe Road, between Flanagan and Great South Roads.
  • Drury West will be located on the existing rail line, about 450 m south of the existing intersection of SH22 / Karaka Road and Jesmond Road.
  • Paerata will be located on the existing rail line, adjacent to the planned eastern extent of the Paerata Rise development.

Air New Zealand Updates International Schedule Through June

Air New Zealand is extending its COVID-19 international schedule through to 30 June 2021 in response to ongoing travel restrictions and low passenger demand. The schedule aims to keep air links open for essential travel and cargo movement on key trade routes.

Air New Zealand’s General Manager Networks Scott Carr says the airline has been progressively updating its schedule over the past 12 months in response to the global pandemic.

“Our schedule is driven by a number of factors including airport takeoff and landing slots which generally operate on a ‘use it or lose it’ basis. This means if you don’t fly the majority of your schedule you may lose access to airports. We have been waiting to receive slot alleviation for the April to end of June period, which means our regular slot times are protected even if we can’t fly them all. As this is now progressing, we are now able to move ahead with adapting our schedule through to 30 June to better reflect the low demand environment we are currently operating in.”

“We understand these are very uncertain times and it can be tricky for people looking to get home with a lot of things needing to line up including flights, testing and managed isolation bookings. We feel a responsibility to ensure Kiwis can come home and are doing our best to make this happen as smoothly as possible. We strongly recommend customers check government border restrictions for the relevant countries and/or individual passport requirements before booking a ticket.”

The airline’s customer service team is supporting those affected by these changes. Customers booked via a travel agent, including a third-party website (e.g. Expedia, should speak with their agent. Air New Zealand’s dedicated COVID-19 information hub is being updated continuously and customers should check this first, before calling the airline’s contact centre.

The updated schedule from 28 March 2021 to 30 June 2021 is below. There is no change to trans-Tasman services at this stage. All services are subject to change in line with global travel and border restrictions.

Pacific servicesFrequency
Auckland – NadiOne return service per week
Auckland – NiueOne return service per week
Auckland – RarotongaDaily return service
Auckland – SamoaOne return service per week
Auckland – TongaOne return service per week
Sydney – Norfolk IslandThree return services per week
Brisbane – Norfolk IslandThree return services per week
Long haul servicesFrequency
Auckland – Los AngelesTwo return services per week
Auckland – Hong KongTwo return services per week
Auckland – ShanghaiTwo return services per week
Auckland – TokyoOne return service per week
Auckland – SeoulOne return service per month

Boeing Statement on Passage of CARES Act

We thank the Administration, especially the President and Secretary Mnuchin, as well as the Senate for working together to take swift bipartisan action to support the American economy, including the 2.5 million jobs and 17,000 suppliers that Boeing, the aerospace industry and the U.S. rely on to maintain our world leadership in commercial, defense and services. The bill’s access to public and private liquidity, including loans and loan guarantees, is critical for airlines, airports, suppliers, and manufacturers to bridge to recovery. 

Boeing’s top priority is to protect our workforce and support our extensive supply chain, and the CARES Act will help provide adequate measures to help address the pandemic. We have also taken a number of measures for affordability and liquidity as we navigate the challenges our industry currently faces, including forgoing pay for our CEO and board chairman, suspending our dividend until further notice, and extending our existing pause of any share repurchasing until further notice.

We appreciate the House taking swift action to support the American people.

Air New Zealand Suspends 2020 Earnings Guidance

Due to increased uncertainty surrounding the duration and scale of the Covid-19 outbreak, Air New Zealand has today announced that it will be withdrawing the full year 2020 earnings guidance it issued to the market on 24 February 2020 and reconfirmed at its interim results announcement on 27 February 2020.

Air New Zealand has taken numerous steps to mitigate the impact of reduced demand resulting from Covid-19, including reducing capacity on its Asia, Tasman and Domestic networks, redeploying its fuel efficient 787 Dreamliner fleet to drive operational efficiencies and using tactical pricing to stimulate demand on the impacted sectors. However, the airline now believes that the financial impact is likely to be more significant than previously estimated and with the situation evolving at such a rapid pace, the airline is not in a position to provide an earnings outlook to the market at this time. An update on earnings expectations will be provided when appropriate.

Over the course of the past week the airline has seen additional softness in demand with a decline in bookings across its network. The further spread of Covid-19 to countries outside of China, including New Zealand, has driven a downward shift in demand.

Chief Executive Officer Greg Foran says that it is increasingly clear that Covid-19 has created an unprecedented situation and it is difficult to predict future demand patterns.

“We have been continuously monitoring bookings and in recent days have seen a further decline which coincides with media coverage of the spread of Covid-19 to most countries on our network as well as here in New Zealand,” says Mr Foran.

In response the airline has implemented further capacity reductions to its network, which include extending the suspension of its Shanghai service through to the end of April, and additional consolidation of services across the Tasman, Pacific Islands and Domestic network in March and April.

As a result of these actions, Air New Zealand has reduced total capacity into Asia by 26 percent, and total overall network capacity by approximately 10 percent since the outbreak of Covid-19 started.

Like the vast majority of its industry peers, the airline is also pursuing a range of mitigations in response to the swift decline of demand. These include the deferral of non-urgent capital spend and non-critical business activity across operational and corporate functions.

Chief Executive Officer Greg Foran has voluntarily offered to reduce his base pay of $1.65 million by approximately 15% ($250,000) with the support of the Board, and Air New Zealand’s Executive team will extend their salary freeze that has been in place since May 2019. On top of this, the airline has implemented a hiring freeze for all roles that are non-critical and will offer operational staff the option to take unpaid leave in addition to managing annual leave balances.

“Air New Zealand is a strong and resilient business operated by a world-class team with deep experience having navigated prior shocks to our business and industry. While we have already made swift adjustments to our operations, we are prepared to take further actions to address the ongoing demand impact of Covid-19,” says Mr Foran.

Summary of Air New Zealand’s response since the Covid-19 outbreak

  • Overall capacity reductions of approximately 10% across the network, including:
    – Asia capacity reduction of 26% through June, including extension of Shanghai route suspension through April 
    – Tasman capacity reductions of 7% through June 
    – Pacific Islands capacity reductions of 6% through June 
    – Reductions across the Domestic network of approximately 4%, with a 10% to 15% reduction in March and April
  • Various labour initiatives including a voluntary reduction in CEO pay, a hiring freeze for all non-critical roles and voluntary unpaid leave for operational staff
  • Deferral of non-urgent capital spend and any non-critical business activity