WASHINGTON, District of Columbia – Amtrak published survey findings today that demonstrate strong support from American voters for continued passenger rail investments, including infrastructure renewal and service expansion. Conducted by the Mellman Group and commissioned by Amtrak to better understand America’s interest in intercity passenger rail service, findings show consistent support for passenger rail across geographic location, age, race and gender.

Survey highlights include:

  • 92% say it’s important for the United States to invest in passenger rail safety and service improvements;
  • 86% believe in the importance of a strong American passenger rail system;
  • 83% support passenger rail investments identified by Congress in the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (i.e. modern trains, aging tunnel and bridge replacements, new routes, etc.); and
  • 81% want their state to invest in bringing more passenger rail service to their local area.

The 2023 survey was conducted by the Mellman Group and surveyed 1,000 registered U.S. voters. View the executive summary here.