Tag: Highway 1

KiwiRail Names New Tar Barrel Tunnel Bypass

“The name Ruakanakana is associated with a pā site beside Lake Elterwater that was occupied by the renowned chief Te Rakaitauheke of the Ngāti Kurī hapū of Ngāi Tahu.

“The Main North Line runs alongside Lake Elterwater, around 10km north of the new overpass. Ruakanakana can be translated as “two-headed lamprey” which evokes images of a guardian taniwha.

“Traffic will be travelling on the new overpass next month. Construction work is close to completion, with the naming by iwi and blessing of the new overpass part of our final preparations. 

“Vehicles have been using a temporary diversion through the area, while it was being built.

“The new road overpass is part of the work KiwiRail is doing to move a stretch of the Main North Line to bypass Tar Barrel tunnel, the oldest tunnel on the line.

“This work is needed to make the rail line more resilient and involves cutting through the hill to re-route the line to the south of the tunnel and beneath State Highway 1.”

The project is part of the Kaikoura Earthquake recovery works and will improve rail operations and seismic reliance for both road and rail.

KiwiRail is working with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency to deliver these works, which are on track to be completed by mid-2021.

Waka Kotahi Director Regional Relationships Jim Harland thanked drivers through this site for taking care around road and rail crews while a more resilient link, particularly in the event of earthquakes, is completed for both road and rail.

Kiwi Rail Plans $1.2 Billion Investment to Rebuild New Zealand

The Government’s $1.2 billion rail investment in Budget 2020 will help KiwiRail attract more customers and get more freight on rail, KiwiRail Group Chief Executive Greg Miller says. 

Building on the Government’s $1 billion investment in Budget 2019, this second round of funding includes $400 million towards replacing the aging Interislander ferries and $421 million to continue the replacement programme for some of KiwiRail’s oldest locomotives. 

The funding also includes $246 million, plus a $148 million top up of the National Land Transport Fund, towards ensuring New Zealand’s rail network, which includes more than 3000km of track, more than 1000 bridges and nearly 100 tunnels, is reliable and resilient.

“I welcome this substantial funding, which is another major boost for rail in New Zealand. For our customers this investment sends a clear signal that rail has a big future and gives them the confidence to get on board,” Mr Miller says. 

“Our customers want to make greater use of rail and we’re seeing more road operators reach out for our support as their networks contract. We’re here to help them.”

“The Government’s investment allows us to continue with our locomotive replacement programme and raise the standard of our rail lines, bridges and tunnels across the country. This will enable KiwiRail to offer better and more reliable train services for our customers, and move more of New Zealand’s growing freight task onto rail.

“This funding recognises that rail has a greater role to play in New Zealand’s transport sector, and that it can make a valuable contribution towards lowering our transport emissions, reducing road congestion and saving in road maintenance costs – which benefits our nation as a whole.

Fifteen new Gen 2.3 DL locomotives depart KiwiRail’s Mt Maunganui yard, shortly after arriving at the Port of Tauranga, in 2018.

“The range of track renewal and facility upgrades we are planning will also support our workforce of almost 4000, as well as numerous civil contractors and material supply businesses across the country.”

“I’m very grateful to the Government for this level of support and I know that KiwiRail’s customers will be pleased by this demonstration of our shareholder’s commitment to rail.”

Mr Miller says the $400 million contribution to replacing Interislander’s three aging ferries and necessary landside infrastructure highlights how important the ferry connection is to New Zealand.

“Our Cook Strait ferries are an extension of State Highway 1, moving 800,000 passengers and up to $14 billion worth of road and rail freight between the North and South Islands each year. 

“They are a must have for NZ Inc. The two new rail-enabled ferries will be more advanced, have significantly lower emissions and last for the next 30 years.

“This is a once-in-a generation investment and I am thankful for the Government’s support. It gives us the security to go out to international tender to build the ships, which we hope to see arriving on our shores in 2024 and 2025.”

Coastal Pacific crossing the Kahutara River.