Rumors are starting to swirl that United Airlines is considering backing out of a $69 million deal to add its name to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

The deal, which was offered to the University of Southern California in 2018, was offered by the Chicago-based airline to call the stadium “The United Airlines Memorial Coliseum.”

The deal, which was offered to the University of Southern California in 2018, was offered by the Chicago-based airline to call the stadium “The United Airlines Memorial Coliseum.”

Once the deal became public knowledge, criticism began to mount that the re-branding could tarnish the image of the stadium that was named in honor of those lost during World War I.

The Coliseum is currently going under a $270 million renovation by the university, which has responded to the airlines concerns by stating that “They are open to accepting the wishes of the veteran community to modify the name change agreement.”

United Airlines has responded to university officials that it has made “a significant commitment to financing this project” in exchange for the naming rights. The airline went on to add that “If USC is not in a position to honor the terms of the agreement, including in particular the name change, United would be amenable to abiding by the wishes of the community, stepping away from this partnership with USC, and mutually terminating the agreement.”

USC has responded that they are “open” to changing the agreement, but did not provide any further details.