Tag: image

Dassault Aviation Opens its New Online Shop “The Store”

Dassault Aviation has opened its new online shop: “The Store”.

This upgraded store, featuring an innovative design, allows aviation buffs in just a few clicks to purchase outstanding items reflecting the image and values of the Dassault Aviation brand. You will find a whole range of dedicated and exclusive products: the famous ‘Remove Before Flight’ keyrings, patches, apparel, airplane models …

This completely new line of articles has been specially designed and produced to Dassault Aviation specifications.

You can check it out at:

Tesla Ordered by German Court to Stop Cutting Down Trees for Gigafactory

BERLIN (Reuters) – A German court on Sunday ordered Tesla Inc to stop clearing forest land near the capital Berlin to build its first European car and battery factory, a victory for local environmental activists.

The U.S. electric carmaker announced plans last November to build a Gigafactory in Gruenheide in the eastern state of Brandenburg.

The court ruling, by the higher administrative court of the states of Berlin and Brandenburg, comes after the state environmental office gave a green light to clear 92 hectares of forest for the plant.

Planning permission has not yet been granted to build the Gigafactory, however, meaning U.S. entrepreneur Elon Musk’s company is preparing the ground at its own risk.

In a statement, the court said it had issued the order to stop the tree-felling because it would have only taken three more days to complete the work.

Otherwise the clearance would have been completed before judges made a final decision on the complaint brought by a local environmentalist group called the Gruene Liga Brandenburg (Green League of Brandenburg).

“It should not be assumed that the motion seeking legal protection brought by the Green League lacks any chance of succeeding,” the court statement added.

Lawmakers from the pro-business Christian Democrat and Free Democrat parties have warned that the legal battle waged against the Gigafactory would inflict serious and long-lasting damage on Germany’s image as a place to do business.

Local and national lawmakers have been caught out by the strength of opposition to the Gigafactory, with hundreds of demonstrators protesting over what they say is the threat it poses to local wildlife and water supplies.

Tesla currently has two Gigafactories in the United States and one in Shanghai, China.

Tesla shares have surged 340% since early June as more investors bet on Musk’s vision.

(Reporting by Douglas Busvine; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

United Airlines Planning to Reveal New Airplane Livery

United Airlines is planning to reveal its long-awaited new livery on April 24th at a United maintenance hangar at Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Little is known so far about the details of United’s new paint job, except that it will display a new and expanded brand color palette the carrier introduced in August of 2018.

United stated at the time that the unifying brand color going forward would be “Rhapsody Blue,” a dark navy color named in honor of United’s longstanding signature brand music, George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue.”

The color details revealed also specified a lighter “United Blue”, even lighter “Sky Blue,” and a “Premium Purple,” shade currently being used in United’s new Premium Plus international premium economy cabin.

The new United livery is one of several major brand changes the airline has been making in recent years, along with a new Polaris International business class, Polaris lounges, uniforms with new color palettes, and a redesigned mobile app.

The moves in a new direction have come after the infamous incidents of a man being dragged from his seat two years ago, and a pet being forced into the overhead luggage bin where it died in-flight tarnished United’s brand image.

Will United Airlines Back Out of Coliseum Naming Rights Deal?

Rumors are starting to swirl that United Airlines is considering backing out of a $69 million deal to add its name to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

The deal, which was offered to the University of Southern California in 2018, was offered by the Chicago-based airline to call the stadium “The United Airlines Memorial Coliseum.”

The deal, which was offered to the University of Southern California in 2018, was offered by the Chicago-based airline to call the stadium “The United Airlines Memorial Coliseum.”

Once the deal became public knowledge, criticism began to mount that the re-branding could tarnish the image of the stadium that was named in honor of those lost during World War I.

The Coliseum is currently going under a $270 million renovation by the university, which has responded to the airlines concerns by stating that “They are open to accepting the wishes of the veteran community to modify the name change agreement.”

United Airlines has responded to university officials that it has made “a significant commitment to financing this project” in exchange for the naming rights. The airline went on to add that “If USC is not in a position to honor the terms of the agreement, including in particular the name change, United would be amenable to abiding by the wishes of the community, stepping away from this partnership with USC, and mutually terminating the agreement.”

USC has responded that they are “open” to changing the agreement, but did not provide any further details.