Tag: laboratory

Airbus Built European Robotic Arm Ready for Space

Airbus (OTC: EADSY) space engineers have installed ESA’s European Robotic Arm (ERA) onto the Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) and it is now ready for its flight to the International Space Station (ISS). Together with this module, known as ‘Nauka’, ERA and its two control stations will launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan, on a Proton rocket.

After a one-week journey the European Robotic Arm will arrive at the ISS, where it will service the Russian segment of the space station. With a total length of 11.3 metres, the symmetrical, two-handed intelligent robot arm can ‘walk’ around the exterior of the ISS, hand-over-hand from one fixed base-point to another. ERA’s seven robust and accurate joints, the lightweight limbs and the control computer in the middle of the arm give the robot arm its versatility.

Astronauts and cosmonauts can control the European Robotic Arm in real-time or pre-programme it from inside or outside of the ISS, to make it move payloads, inspect the space station with its infrared cameras and to support operations outside the ISS. From its tip, the robot provides electrical power, a data bus, a video line and a rotating drive machine. By connecting a tool to the tip, ERA can be equipped for one of the many tasks it can perform automatically or semi-automatically. ERA has a lightweight construction but thanks to the zero-gravity conditions in space, it can move very large masses: from 3,000 kg routinely up to 8,000 kg in slow modus. The robot arm operates with an accuracy of 5 millimetres.

ERA has been developed for European Space Agency (ESA) by a European consortium, led by Airbus Defence and Space in the Netherlands. Airbus designed the arm and its software functions, managed the development of subsystems throughout Europe and integrated and tested the system. In the last few months Airbus has integrated ERA on the MLM, together with ESA and Russian partners RSC/Energia.

Lufthansa Airbus A350-900 “Erfurt” Will Become Climate Research Aircraft

Predicting the weather even more accurately, analyzing climate changes even more precisely, researching even better how the world is developing. This is the goal of a globally unique cooperation between Lufthansa and several research institutes.

Converting an aircraft into a climate research plane poses major challenges. Lufthansa has chosen the most modern and economical long-haul jet in its fleet – an Airbus A350-900 named “Erfurt” (registration D-AIXJ). In three stages, the “Erfurt” will now become a flying research laboratory. 

In Lufthansa Technik’s hangar in Malta, the first and most extensive conversion work was carried out. Preparations were made for a complex air intake system below the belly. This was followed by a series of test insertions, at the end of which came the certification of a climate research laboratory weighing around 1.6 tons, the so-called CARIBIC measurement laboratory. The acronym CARIBIC stands for “Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container” is part of a comprehensive European research consortium. 

The “Erfurt” is expected to take off from Munich at the end of 2021 for its first flight in the service of climate research, measuring around 100 different trace gases, aerosol and cloud parameters in the tropopause region (at an altitude of nine to twelve kilometers). Lufthansa is thus making a valuable contribution to climate research, which can use these unique data to assess the performance of current atmospheric and climate models and thus their predictive power for the Earth’s future climate. The special feature: Climate-relevant parameters can be recorded at this altitude with much greater accuracy and temporal resolution on board the aircraft than with satellite-based or ground-based systems. 

The A350 conversion, which has now been launched, was preceded by an ex-tremely elaborate planning and development phase of about four years involving more than ten companies (in particular Lufthansa, Lufthansa Technik, Airbus, Saf-ran, enviscope, and Dynatec) as well as the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) as representative of a larger scientific consortium.

The Lufthansa Group has been a reliable partner of climate research since 1994 and has since equipped several aircraft with special instruments. This is now the first time worldwide on an Airbus A350-900 aircraft.

Rolls-Royce Secures UK Funding for Innovative Naval Autonomy Technology

Rolls-Royce (London: RR.L) has been awarded funding by the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to further develop and demonstrate the Artificial Chief Engineer® technology – an autonomous machinery control system which allows Naval vessels to undertake long endurance missions with less human interaction.

Developed by Rolls-Royce, Artificial Chief Engineer® is a critical enabler for autonomous missions by acting as the equivalent of the engineering department responsible for the health and the operation of an unmanned vessel’s machinery. Navies intend to increase their use of optionally-manned and unmanned vessels to project power further for less cost by reducing reliance on manpower, allowing higher-risk or longer-endurance missions, and by lowering the procurement and operating costs of future platforms.

The funding to continue the development, has been awarded under the UK MOD’s Defence and Security Accelerator Intelligent Ship Phase Two programme, which is used to de-risk and evaluate technologies and approaches to enhance the armed forces’ technical advantage.

Rapid growth in automation, autonomy, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) has prompted the need to investigate how human-machine teaming can effectively take place. This 16-month programme aims to investigate how effective human-AI collaboration can be best exploited to improve decision-making and planning within complex operating environments.

Artificial Chief Engineer is an on-board, secure, decision-making control system designed to intelligently operate the machinery of lean-manned and unmanned naval vessels. The technology makes condition-based decisions about how best to operate the machinery – including the engines, propulsion system, electrical network and fuel system – using algorithms to optimise the ship for maximum efficiency, lowest noise, top speed or to preserve damaged equipment as required by the ship’s mission. This reduces the workload of remote operators and allows increased mission and system complexity in future unmanned ship designs.

Intelligent Ship is a Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) project to develop novel and innovative technologies and concepts to facilitate the use of intelligent systems within future platforms, with potential for utilisation across defence. The aim is to de-risk and evaluate technologies and approaches to enable revolutionary future platform, fleet, and cross-domain concepts to enhance UK military advantage.

Wrapping around the Artificial Chief Engineer project will be Rolls-Royce’s Aletheia FrameworkTM. This is a ground-breaking standard it has developed to ensure that before artificial intelligence is used all ethical considerations have been fully assessed, and that once an AI is deployed, its decisions are trustworthy. The Aletheia Framework is as part of a campaign led by Rolls-Royce to improve public trust in artificial intelligence so that its full potential can be realized for good across the world.

Aeromexico Announces New Agreements with Medical Laboratories

Mexico City, February 19, 2021- Aeromexico has signed agreements with four medical laboratories, in addition to the two it already formalized to offer discounts and other benefits on Covid-19 tests for customers with a valid reservation with the airline or partner Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL).

Operating in Monterrey and metropolitan area:

  • Laboratorios Dr. Moreira with 28 Covid-19 branches.
  • Swisslab Laboratorio de Analisis Clínicos with 19 Covid-19 branches. Operating in Mexico City and metropolitan area:
  • Olive Diagnosticos Medicos with 22 Covid-19 branches.
  • Biomedica with 13 Covid-19 locations.

In addition to special discounts for PCR and Rapid tests for Antigen Detection, customers will have access to other benefits: an exclusive helpline for Aeromexico and Delta Air Lines clients, bilingual advisors, delivery of results in Spanish or English, and at-home service. Club Premier members will also have an exclusive phone line and at-home service at no additional cost.

The results will be delivered 24 hours for PCR tests and 30 minutes for Rapid tests for Antigen Detection.

Laboratorio Medico del Chopo and LAPI Laboratorio Medico continue to offer their services with specific benefits for Aeromexico and Delta passengers.

Aeromexico recommends customers with an international flight to check the destinations’ requirements at the following link: Country Requirements

To consult the details of laboratories’ agreements, click on Laboratory Alliances

Eva Air Addresses COVID-19 Infected Pilot Dismissed for Cause

On behalf of EVA Air, we offer our sincere apology to frontline epidemic prevention teams, health-care workers and the general public for the impact on public epidemic prevention efforts our dismissed pilot’s regulation violations have caused.

We treat all our employees equally and apply the same standard to each and everyone who works at EVA, no matter what rank or title. If anyone is found to have violated epidemic prevention rules, we will immediately investigate and take disciplinary action if it’s warranted.

On December 23, 2020, after a thorough evaluation of facts and evidence, EVA’s Disciplinary Committee dismissed a Captain for violating epidemic prevention rules and filing an untruthful report. He disregarded Taiwan Civil Aeronautics Administration and Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) Operational Principles, requiring Air Crew Members of Taiwan-based airlines to comply with health controls in addition to Article 43, Paragraph 2 of the Communicable Disease Control Act, stating “relevant personnel shall not refuse, evade or obstruct the laboratory testing, diagnosis, investigation…, jeopardizing the good name and reputation of the company.”

The dismissed pilot’s irresponsible disregard for the well-being of First Officers in the cockpit with him, ground crew and others he came in contact with also meets criteria for disciplinary termination under Article 12, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 4 of Taiwan’s Labor Standards Law. Following Articles 13.3.6 and 14.3 of its Pilot Administration Manual, EVA’s Disciplinary Committee made a unanimous decision to terminate the pilot, effective immediately.

The dismissed pilot failed to mention his own noncompliance or epidemic prevention rule violations by any other crew member in reports he submitted for the cargo flights he commanded. On the evening of December 17, a female First Officer who had flown with the dismissed pilot notified EVA that she had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and mentioned that the dismissed pilot had not worn a mask when they were on duty in the cabin. Following Central Epidemic Command Center guidelines, we began investigating the dismissed pilot on December 18. Another First Officer who had flown with the dismissed pilot tested positive for COVID-19 on December 19. EVA contacted both First Officers to ensure their wellbeing and verify details of the situation. The First Officers confirmed that the dismissed pilot had not worn masks when he was on duty in the cockpit with them though he was asked to do so. The EVA Disciplinary Committee considered this information within the evidence they reviewed.

The dismissed pilot is from New Zealand, the female First Officer is Taiwanese and the other First Officer, Japanese.

We also immediately began improving our epidemic prevention practices and management procedures. For example, we established more rigorous rules for crew members when they collect food during overseas layovers in hotels. We now require everyone to wear masks, goggles and gloves when they receive food. During flights, only one pilot at a time can remove his or her mask to eat or drink. We equipped our dormitories with new door locks that record all entries and exits. We also created a new reporting mechanism to make it easy for employees to report violations they may witness, regardless of the offender’s position in the company. EVA will investigate all reports of violations and take disciplinary action whenever it is warranted.

EVA strictly complies with all government epidemic prevention policies and requires all crew members and staff to follow applicable rules. Unfortunately, one irresponsible employee’s thoughtless behavior spoiled the hard-earned success that other EVA pilots, crew members and staff have worked so hard to achieve. While EVA does not ever cut corners in practices or procedures, this situation exposed vulnerabilities in our epidemic prevention efforts. We met with Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center and Civil Aeronautics Administration to discuss additional measures we can take to make our operations more secure. And we will use what we learned from this situation as we continue to do our best to strengthen and improve our epidemic prevention practices and management procedures.

Boeing X-37B Launches in Second Mission for U.S. Space Force

The Boeing [NYSE: BA]-built X-37B autonomous spaceplane today launched on top of a uniquely configured United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket.

Boeing is the prime contractor for the X-37B spaceplane and facilitates the integration of all experiments into the vehicle ensuring they receive the correct power, thermal and data services required. Boeing also works to identify future reusable platform experiment opportunities on each mission.

The X-37B’s sixth mission is the first to use a service module with additional payload capability to support a variety of experiments for multiple government partners. The mission will deploy FalconSAT-8, a small satellite developed by the U.S. Air Force Academy and sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory, to conduct experiments on orbit. Further, two NASA experiments will study the impact of radiation and other space effects on certain materials and seeds used to grow food. Another experiment by the Naval Research Laboratory will transform solar power into radio frequency microwave energy which could then be transmitted to the ground. In addition, the mission will test reusable space vehicle technologies.

The X-37B first launched in April 2010. Originally designed for missions of 270 days duration, the X-37B has set endurance records during each of its five previous flights. Most recently, X-37B spent 780 days on orbit before returning to Earth in October 2019.

“The X-37B has shifted the paradigm and redefined efficiency in space development, said Jim Chilton, Boeing Space and Launch senior vice president. “The rapid technology advancements enabled by the program will benefit the entire space community and influence the next generation of spacecraft design.”

The X-37B program is a partnership between the Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office and the United States Space Force. Boeing program management, engineering, test and mission support functions for the Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV) program are conducted at Boeing sites in Southern California and Florida.

Dragon Capsule has Arrived at the International Space Station

SpaceX’s Dragon capsule arrived at the International Space Station on March 9, 2020 and was docked at 3:25 a.m. PDT while flying over 262 statute miles over the Pacific Northwest. The spacecraft was then installed on the Harmony module for the duration of its four-week stay at the orbiting laboratory.

Filled with approximately 4,500 pounds of supplies and payloads, Dragon launched aboard a Falcon 9 rocket on March 6, 2020 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The Dragon spacecraft that supported the CRS-20 mission previously supported the CRS-10 mission in February 2017 and the CRS-16 mission in December 2018. Dragon is the only spacecraft currently flying that’s capable of returning significant amounts of cargo to Earth.

Toyota to Build Prototype City of the Future in Japan

Akio Toyoda, president of Toyota Motor Corporation, speaks at a news conference, where he announced Toyota’s plans to build a prototype city of the future on a 175-acre site at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan, during the 2020 CES in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Reuters) – Toyota Motor Corp <TM> said on Monday it plans to build a prototype “city of the future” at the base of Japan’s Mt. Fuji, powered by hydrogen fuel cells and functioning as a laboratory for autonomous cars, “smart homes,” artificial intelligence and other technologies.

Toyota unveiled the plan at CES, the big technology industry show. The development, to be built at the site of a factory that is planned to be closed, will be called “Woven City” – a reference to Toyota’s start as a loom manufacturing company – and will serve as a home to full-time residents and researchers.

Toyota did not disclose costs for the project.

Executives at many major automakers have talked about how cities of the future could be designed to cut climate-changing emissions from vehicles and buildings, reduce congestion and apply internet technology to everyday life. But Toyota’s plan to build a futuristic community on 175 acres (71 hectares)near Mt. Fuji is a big step beyond what rivals have proposed.

The proposal highlights not only Toyota Chief Executive Akio Toyoda’s ambition, but also the financial and political resources Toyota can bring to bear, especially in its home country.

Toyota expects 2,000 people will live at the city initially, with construction slated to start next year. Toyoda called the project “my personal ‘field of dreams.’

“You know if you build it, they will come.”

Toyota said it has commissioned Danish architect Bjarke Ingels to design the community. Ingels’ firm designed the 2 World Trade Center building in New York and Google’s offices in Silicon Valley and London.

Toyota said it is open to partnerships with other companies that want to use the project as a testing ground for technology.

(Reporting by Jane Lanhee Lee and David Shepardson; Writing by Joe White; Editing by Dan Grebler)

Watch the 30 second Woven City YouTube video by clicking HERE!

Boeing, Etihad Airways Select 787 Dreamliner for Strategic Partnership, Environmental Collaboration, Services Agreements

  • Etihad’s ‘Greenliner’ to serve as platform for testing ways to reduce fuel use and emissions
  • Multiple services agreements would support even more efficient 787 operations at Etihad

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Etihad Airways announced today that one of the airline’s 787 Dreamliner airplanes will serve as a flying laboratory for testing procedures and initiatives that could further reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions, as a part of a growing partnership to advance the sustainable growth of aviation.

“Innovation, productivity and sustainability are core values and objectives of Etihad Airways and of Abu Dhabi  said Tony Douglas, Group Chief Executive of Etihad Aviation Group, at the 2019 Dubai Airshow. “The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a key enabler of all three.”

The specially-themed 787 will enter service early next year and operate regular flights in Etihad Airways’ network, while periodically serving as a test bed for assessing environmental sustainability initiatives. The project builds on Etihad’s ample experience with the super-efficient airplane.

“The 787 Dreamliner and its track record of environmental performance makes it the perfect platform to advance our industry’s commitment to sustainable growth,” said Stan Deal, president and chief executive officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Etihad Airways to identify more opportunities to improve efficiency across commercial aviation.”

Beyond the environmental testing on the airplane, the two companies will build on the technical capabilities that Etihad Airways has developed while maintaining its own Dreamliner fleet and that of other operators. As part of the strategic partnership, the companies are discussing several areas where they can work together to improve operational efficiency.

Boeing and Etihad Airways also announced that Boeing will provide multiple services for the airline’s Dreamliner fleet, including the Component Services Program, Landing Gear Exchange, and High-Value Components Exchange, programs that help an airline simplify asset and maintenance management, reduce spare parts costs while improving parts availability. The agreements also include a customized material parts package and three Quick Engine Change (QEC) kits that enable Etihad to quickly return an airplane to service if an engine needs to be repaired or replaced.

“Boeing’s global supply chain footprint will allow ready access to parts, support and services, when and where it’s needed,” said Ted Colbert, president and chief executive officer of Boeing Global Services. “We are proud to partner with Etihad Airways to increase maintenance efficiency and maintain aircraft operability.”

These agreements build upon a history of partnership between the two companies. Both are members of a research consortium to encourage the development of sustainable aviation fuels in the region.