Tag: Laudamotion

Ryanair Eyes Boeing MAX 10, Airbus for Laudamotion

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Ryanair is in early discussions with Airbus about a potential future order for some 100 A321 aircraft for its recently acquired subsidiary Laudamotion, but for now the company is focusing on leased older aircraft, Chief Executive Michael O’Leary said on Wednesday.

The Irish budget carrier is also interested in the latest Boeing narrow-body model – the 737 MAX 10 – for its all-Boeing main fleet “at the right price” but those conditions do not exist currently, O’Leary told Reuters in an interview.

Any future order of Airbus A321s for Austrian unit Laudamotion would most likely “not include fewer than 100 aircraft” including 50 firm orders and 50 options, O’Leary said on the sidelines of an airlines conference in Brussels.

(Reporting by Tim Hepher; editing by Jason Neely)

FILE PHOTO: A Ryanair Boeing 737-800 plane taxis at Lisbon’s airport, Portugal September 27, 2018. REUTERS/Rafael Marchante

Ryanair Acquires Remainder of Austria’s Laudamotion

VIENNA (Reuters) – Irish budget airline Ryanair has acquired the remaining quarter of its Austrian unit Laudamotion for an undisclosed price, it said on Tuesday.

Europe’s largest budget carrier previously owned a 75 percent stake in Laudamotion. Former Formula One racing champion Niki Lauda, who last year bought back and re-branded the airline he founded, gave Ryanair the option to buy the whole carrier.

“Laudamotion is now a 100 percent-owned subsidiary of Ryanair Holdings plc,” Laudamotion said in a statement. It detailed plans to grow rapidly in the coming years, to 7.5 million passengers and 30 aircraft in 2021 from 4 million passengers and 19 aircraft this year.

At a news conference at Vienna’s main airport, Ryanair Chief Executive Michael O’Leary declined to disclose the price his company paid for Laudamotion.

The deal for the last stake was completed on Dec. 31 but had nothing to do with Lauda’s brief return to hospital shortly afterwards, O’Leary said. Lauda will stay on as chairman of Laudamotion’s board.

“Niki has great experience in the airline industry, particularly in the airline industry in Germany and in Austria,” O’Leary said when asked about Lauda’s role. “He knows all the players. When we were buying it (Laudamotion) he had access to the various ministers in Austria, which we didn’t have.”

(Reporting by Francois Murphy; editing by Jason Neely and Emelia Sithole-Matarise)

Ryanair Ramping Up Ultra-Low-Cost Unit In Poland

WARSAW/DUBLIN (Reuters) – Ryanair (RYA.I) is ramping up a new subsidiary with weaker labor rights to better compete in eastern Europe, infuriating staff and unions by bypassing concessions granted during a year of industrial strife.

But a key element of the plan, forcing staff to move to self-employment contracts, is being probed by Polish authorities and a law to allow contractors to join unions — and potentially push for concessions granted in Western Europe — is due to enter force there in January.

Europe’s largest low-cost carrier has seen almost a third wiped off its share value in 12 months since strike threats led it to recognize unions for the first time. Investors fear better staff conditions could undermine its business model, among other issues.

While hailing progress in securing deals on improved conditions with unions across Europe, management is planning the rapid expansion of Polish-registered Ryanair Sun, where staff are self-employed contractors, a model Ryanair has largely phased out at its main airline under union pressure.

The model denies staff normal employment rights such as paid sick leave and effectively blocks union representation, staff and union representatives said.

“On the one hand, Ryanair is busy reaching out to the unions to show a new socially responsible face,” said Philip von Schöppenthau, secretary general of pilot group the European Cockpit Association.

“But at the same time they are busy working in the opposite direction building up a potentially union-free — by design union-free — company, Ryanair Sun.”

Ryanair counters that many staff are happy with contractor status, which they say gives them higher pay. It says the contracts are standard in Polish airlines and that the unit’s rapid expansion — from five to 20 planes next year — would not be possible if conditions were not competitive.

“It’s not necessarily the best model for union membership growth, so I would expect the unions to say negative things … But look, it’s the way the Polish market works,” Chief Marketing Officer Kenny Jacobs told Reuters in an interview.


Ryanair Sun is currently only operating in Poland, Ryanair’s largest market in eastern Europe, and Ryanair declined to say whether it planned to expand the unit to other markets.

But Chief Executive Michael O’Leary said in July he planned to grow Ryanair Sun and Austrian unit Laudamotion “as quickly as they’re able to grow”. In October he told investors the two units would drive “much of” the airline’s growth.

With more than 200 planes on order over five years, Ryanair has the capacity to build both units into mid-sized European airlines with tens of millions of passengers a year each.

While Laudamotion has signed a collective agreement with its unions, HSBC Bank described Ryanair’s new multi-unit structure as “an attempt to counter the pressures of unionization”. Goodbody stockbrokers said Ryanair Sun gave Ryanair “the chance to create an ultra-low cost business”.

O’Leary made the decision to recognize unions under the threat of a mass Christmas strike last year, after months of cancellations and an extremely tight global market for pilots. With several union deals done and small airline failures increasing pilot supply, the airline is under less pressure now.


Ryanair has singled out central and eastern Europe as a key market for growth, split between “essentially just two airlines” — Ryanair and union-free, Hungary-based Wizz, Jacobs said.

Ryanair says its staff costs were on par with Wizz before the staffing crisis, at 5 euros per customer flown, but have since grown to 6 euros.

While Ryanair Sun will help Ryanair compete with Wizz in eastern Europe, Wizz is likely to face pressure from unions as it moves into Western Europe, Jacobs said.

Non-unionization also means Ryanair Sun avoids collective labor agreements that can put restrictions on transfers to other bases.

Moving planes and crew quickly between airports helps give Ryanair the lowest airport costs in Europe — accounting for as much as two-thirds of their cost advantage over some rivals.

Unions say Ryanair is using the unit to pressure staff in negotiations in other countries. When Irish pilots threatened to strike earlier this year, Ryanair announced it was cutting capacity in Ireland and offered staff jobs at Ryanair Sun.


Prospects for Ryanair Sun and its contractor model will depend in part on how regulators and staff react in the coming months.

Ryanair announced in September that it was liquidating its Polish bases and would offer staff jobs at Ryanair Sun. A memo dated Oct. 1 and sent to all pilots in Poland by Chief Operations Officer Peter Bellew said pilots who do not sign the contracts would not be offered a conversion course for Ryanair Sun “and so we will have no jobs for them in Poland”. 

Cabin crew were offered the choice of signing the new contracts or taking alternative jobs in the United Kingdom or Germany on the same terms, but crew said the cost of living made the option impractical.

Within days, 300 cabin crew had joined a new union, CWR, which Ryanair has not recognized. Pilots have not yet attempted to unionize.

Ryanair has since convinced over 100 cabin crew to overcome initial reluctance and sign the contracts. CWR said that was partly through the dismissal of a handful of cabin crew workers on probationary contracts. Ryanair declined to comment.

At least 50 cabin crew are still refusing to sign the contracts under which “any representation such as unions cease to exist” said Paulo Conceicao, the secretary of the CWR union.

But that could change when a Polish law comes into force on Jan. 1 that will give broader powers to employees who want to unionize. 

One union source told Reuters the law would allow the unions to consider strikes. Two others said the formation of the first dedicated pilot union in Poland may follow some time next year.

(Writing by Conor Humphries and Joanna Plucinska; Graphic by Andy Bruce; Editing by Catherine Evans)