Tag: mutual

Delta and Deloitte to Reduce Carbon Emissions Via Sustainable Fuel Agreement

Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) and Deloitte have moved one step closer to sustainable business air travel. The sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) agreement they have committed to covers a portion of Deloitte’s business travel needs. Deloitte is one of the first Delta corporate customers to agree to purchase SAF that is arranged through Delta, and is part of the company’s dedication to work with its customers to help meet mutual goals for the improvement of the planet. By using the substitute fuel, the agreement hopes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 1,000 metric tons per year.

Since announcing a $1 billion commitment to carbon neutrality in March 2020, Delta has remained focused on its efforts to reduce its ecological footprint, and this agreement helps to ensure that the airline meets that commitment. The partnership with Deloitte is the first of what Delta hopes will be many more customers to come.

The sustainable aviation fuel agreement will be provided by Neste, a leading provider of low emission, renewable fuel for aircraft. The SAF is made from sustainably sourced renewable waste and residual materials, and offers a convenient way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation industry. The fuel can reduce an airplanes emissions by up to 80 percent in comparison to fossil jet fuel.

Lufthansa, Deutsche Bahn Settle Air Cargo Dispute

German flag carrier Lufthansa and German national railway Deutsche Bahn have reached agreement on a long-festering dispute concerning an air cargo cartel.

The settlement was announced Aug. 26, although details are being kept confidential by mutual agreement.

The settlement ends a dispute before the Cologne regional court that has been ongoing since 2013.

Settling parties are DB Barnsdale, a wholly owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, and Lufthansa Group member companies Lufthansa Cargo, Swiss International Air Lines and Deutsche Lufthansa.

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