Tag: Neste

Virgin Atlantic Cargo announces SAFc Program

Virgin Atlantic Cargo has announced a Sustainable Aviation Fuel Certificate (SAFc) program, designed to help freight forwarders and shippers manage their carbon emissions whilst demonstrating joint commitment to scaling the SAF industry.

Customers participating in the scheme will contribute to the airline’s purchase of SAF, receiving a SAF certificate for the associated scope 3 emissions reductions. Customers will also benefit from detailed insight into their Scope 3 air freight emissions via Virgin Atlantic Cargo’s own air freight carbon calculator. Developed in-house and independently certified, the calculator uses an industry recognised methodology and Virgin Atlantic’s actual flight emissions data to provide powerful insights to participating customers, enabling them to take action on their carbon footprint. 

DB Schenker is the first to participate in the scheme with the purchase of over several thousand tonnes of scope 3 emissions reductions. The global logistics service provider is continuously expanding its SAF based air freight solutions.

The SAFc programme is driven by the airline’s commitment to 10% SAF by 2030 on the pathway to Net Zero 2050. The scheme creates a broader industry coalition that can provide further proof of the demand and support needed to scale a UK SAF industry which is key to decarbonising aviation. 

Virgin Atlantic’s first UK SAF supply of 2.5 million litres of Neste Oyi neat SAF delivered into London Heathrow in 2022 is fuelling the programme. This is an important milestone as the airline scales it’s use and commitment to SAF in the UK.   

Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Atlantic Cargo are committed sustainability leaders. The airline operates one of the youngest and fuel efficient commercial fleets across the Atlantic and has over fifteen years of supporting SAF development, including ambitions to fly the world’s first 100% SAF transatlantic flight later this year.

First 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel Study on Commercial Jet Emissions Launched

Toulouse, France, 18 March 2021 – A team of aerospace specialists has launched the world’s first in-flight emissions study using 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on a wide-body commercial passenger aircraft. Airbus, German research centre DLR, Rolls-Royce and SAF producer Neste have teamed up to start the pioneering ‘Emission and Climate Impact of Alternative Fuels’ (ECLIF3) project looking into the effects of 100% SAF on aircraft emissions and performance.

Findings from the study – to be carried out on the ground and in the air using an Airbus A350-900 aircraft powered by Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines – will support efforts currently underway at Airbus and Rolls-Royce to ensure the aviation sector is ready for the large-scale use of SAF as part of the wider initiative to decarbonise the industry.

A team of aerospace specialists has launched the world’s first in-flight emissions study using 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on a wide-body commercial passenger aircraft.

Fuel-clearance engine tests, including a first flight to check operational compatibility of using 100% SAF with the aircraft’s systems, started at Airbus’ facilities in Toulouse, France, this week. These will be followed by the ground-breaking flight-emissions tests due to start in April and resuming in the Autumn, using DLR’s Falcon 20-E ‘chase plane’ to carry out measurements to investigate the emissions impact of using SAF. Meanwhile, further ground tests measuring particulate-matter emissions are set to indicate the environmental impact of SAF-use on airport operations.

Both the flight and the ground tests will compare emissions from the use of 100% SAF produced with HEFA (hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids) technology against those from fossil kerosene and low-sulphur fossil kerosene.

The SAF will be provided by Neste, a leading worldwide supplier of sustainable aviation fuel. Additional measurement and analysis for the characterisation of the particulate-matter emissions during the ground testing will be delivered by the UK’s University of Manchester and the National Research Council of Canada.

Delta and Deloitte to Reduce Carbon Emissions Via Sustainable Fuel Agreement

Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) and Deloitte have moved one step closer to sustainable business air travel. The sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) agreement they have committed to covers a portion of Deloitte’s business travel needs. Deloitte is one of the first Delta corporate customers to agree to purchase SAF that is arranged through Delta, and is part of the company’s dedication to work with its customers to help meet mutual goals for the improvement of the planet. By using the substitute fuel, the agreement hopes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 1,000 metric tons per year.

Since announcing a $1 billion commitment to carbon neutrality in March 2020, Delta has remained focused on its efforts to reduce its ecological footprint, and this agreement helps to ensure that the airline meets that commitment. The partnership with Deloitte is the first of what Delta hopes will be many more customers to come.

The sustainable aviation fuel agreement will be provided by Neste, a leading provider of low emission, renewable fuel for aircraft. The SAF is made from sustainably sourced renewable waste and residual materials, and offers a convenient way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation industry. The fuel can reduce an airplanes emissions by up to 80 percent in comparison to fossil jet fuel.

Airlines Collaborate on First Regional ‘Perfect Flight’ in Sweden

  • Braathens Regional Airlines has collaborated with Air BP, ATR and Neste to achieve the ‘Perfect Flight’ from Halmstad City airport to Stockholm Bromma airport in Sweden – a country aiming to be carbon neutral by 2045.
  • Sustainable aviation fuel, produced by Neste and supplied by Air BP, was used to power the ATR 72-600 – the regional aircraft with the best environmental credentials.
  • Every element of the flight management process has been optimised to keep carbon emissions to a minimum.

Today, a number of companies from across the aviation sector have risen to the challenge of turning a typical weekday service from Halmstad City airport (HAD/ESMT) to Stockholm Bromma airport (BMA/ESSB) into the ‘Perfect Flight’.

This is the first time that every element in the flight management process on a regional flight has been optimized to keep carbon emissions to a minimum and achieve the ‘Perfect Flight’ – in Sweden, a country that is aiming to be carbon neutral by 2045. A full flight of seventy two passengers, including international media, were on board the Braathens Regional Airlines ATR 72-600 turboprop, the regional aircraft with the best environmental credentials, which took one hour to reach its destination.

According to ATR, the ATR 72-600 has an environmental advantage, in that it produces 40 percent fewer carbon emissions per trip compared with regional jets, saving 4,000 tonnes of carbon emissions per aircraft per year. ATRs can also take off and land where other aircraft cannot, ensuring accessibility to all airfields, including those that are the most challenging. This helps connect more communities and provides more opportunities for people, wherever they live.

With the electrification of commercial aircraft thought to be decades away, advances in aircraft efficiency and the use of sustainable aviation fuel are likely to play a significant role in supporting the aviation industry to meet its ambitious target of reducing carbon emissions to half 2005 levels by 2050.

The Perfect Flight was powered by sustainable aviation fuel supplied by Air BP and produced by Neste. The fuel supplied will produce up to 80 percent fewer emissions over its life-cycle compared with conventional jet fuel and is produced from non-palm renewable and sustainable raw materials. In addition, Air BP’s operations at Halmstad City airport are one of their over 250 locations that have been certified as carbon neutral since 2016.

Following the flight, a responsible aviation seminar was held at Stockholm Bromma airport where the crew shared the results of how the ‘Perfect Flight’ had been achieved. A host of experts shared their views including Peter Larsson – CEO of Sweden’s Regional Airports, Jonas Bergman – Mayor of Halmstad, Tom Anderson – ATR Senior Vice President, Programs and Customer Services, Anna Soltorp – Head of Sustainability, BRA and Tom Parsons, Air BP Commercial Development Manager, Low Carbon, and Andreas Teir, Neste’s Vice President in Renewable Transportation, Nordics.

From his seat on the Perfect Flight, Parsons said: “At Air BP we are committed to working across the industry to meet our collective carbon reduction goals. Today has highlighted what is possible when we all work together and we are proud to have been the supplier of sustainable aviation fuel for this perfect flight. We will continue to look for ways to reduce emissions in our own operations and for our customers.”

Meanwhile, Soltorp commented: We want to continue to fly ‘perfectly’ in the future. To achieve this, it is important that we can access sustainable aviation fuel in sufficient quantities and at the right price. For that we need political initiatives. We intend to continue the development of sustainable flying to make every flight as close to perfect as we possibly can. As a society we need to take action to combat climate change and drastically reduce emissions, aviation must play its part in this. Today, we have demonstrated what can be achieved through more efficient flying without compromising connectivity. It is another positive step forwards.”

Anderson added: “Today, using existing technology and available solutions, we have pushed the boundaries even further. This great achievement wouldn’t have been possible without using an ATR aircraft, as our ATR 72-600 version uses 40 percent less fuel and emits 40 percent less CO2 than a regional jet. We are delighted to have taken up this challenge and demonstrate what is possible, which will hopefully set an example for other communities around the world.”

Teir commented: “Aviation stakeholders in Sweden have adopted a proactive approach to show their commitment to reducing emissions from their operations by promoting the use of renewable jet fuel. Decarbonizing aviation calls for close cooperation between aviation stakeholders combined with a strong willingness to work collaboratively. We are proud of our partnership with Air BP in bringing sustainable jet fuel to Sweden, which sends a strong signal to the international aviation community also.”