Tag: parking

Air New Zealand Updates Covid-19 Alert Levels Following New Cases in Auckland

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that New Zealand is going back into lockdown following reports of 3 new Covid-19 cases in the south Auckland area. Following the press release earlier today, Air New Zealand (OTC: ANZLY) is asking that customers traveling to and from Auckland check they are eligible to travel under the new Alert Level 3 restrictions. Customers travelling from Alert Level 2 regions on our services are able to transit through Auckland on their way to other Alert Level 2 regions.

Food and beverage service onboard domestic flights had already been suspended in response to the latest community cases and this suspension will remain in place until further notice. Water is available on request on all flights.

From tomorrow, Air New Zealand’s Auckland lounges and valet parking will close. Due to capacity restrictions under Alert Level 2, the maximum number of people able to access the airline’s lounges in other regions is capped at 100.

While the country is at elevated Alert Levels, Air New Zealand will be taking extra precautions to keep its staff and customers safe. Air New Zealand front line staff and cabin crew will be wearing masks and gloves and customers are required to continue to wear face coverings onboard.

Customers with existing bookings between Monday 15 February and Sunday 21 February who wish to rebook to travel before Sunday 7 March will have any fare difference waived, and customers can call the contact centre to arrange this.

In addition to this, customers who hold a ticket for a domestic flight scheduled to depart up until 30 March 2021 and no longer wish to travel are able to opt in for credit and can do this via the airline’s online booking tool. Customers who are unable to manage their booking online do not need to contact Air New Zealand immediately or prior to their flight’s departure – assistance will be provided at a later date to find an alternative flight option or a credit note can be arranged.

The Air New Zealand contact centre and social media team are currently experiencing very high demand and the airline is grateful to customers for their patience while it works through these changes.

For the latest information, customers can check the Air New Zealand COVID-19 Hub and travel alerts page.

Qantas Shares Near $2 After Morning Drama

Qantas Group shares came perilously close to dropping below $2 on the day the airline announced it was suspending two-thirds of its staff.

Shares plummeted from $2.53 on Wednesday to a low of $2.03 before making a partial recovery to close out the day on $2.14. In December, stocks in Qantas were selling for $7.46.

Virgin Australia had a difficult day itself, with shares closing down 12 per cent to just $0.059.

Earlier in the day, Qantas Group dramatically said it was cancelling all international flights from late March and “standing down” 20,000 employees.

Click the link below to read the full story!

JetBlue Provides Operational Update Related To Coronavirus

JetBlue (NASDAQ: JBLU) has issued the following message to its 23,000 crew members.

It has been a very tough few weeks. We are so proud to see once again how the JetBlue culture brings us together during times of crisis. Thank you for continuing to serve our Customers and deliver the JetBlue experience, particularly when your own lives are being disrupted in so many ways.

With safety our #1 value, we continue to take the measures necessary to protect your health. But as it relates to our business, we are not going to sugarcoat it. Demand continues to worsen, and the writing is on the wall that travel will not bounce back quickly.

We’d like to give you some color on what we are seeing. Last year on a typical day in March we took in about $22 million from bookings and ancillary fees. Throughout this March, our sales have fallen sharply and in the last several days we have taken in an average of less than $4 million per day while also issuing over $20 million per day of credits to Customers for canceled bookings. This is a stunning shift, which is being driven by fewer new bookings, much lower fares, and a Customer cancel rate more than 10 times the norm. If you do the math, $4 million per day does not come anywhere close to covering our daily expenses. It is hard to predict how long these conditions will last and how much more challenging the environment may become.

We are not alone. Virtually every major carrier is taking actions that were almost unthinkable a few weeks ago, making huge schedule reductions and parking significant portions of their fleets.

Even though we entered this from a position of strength with a strong balance sheet and cash in the bank, because of the dramatic fall-off in bookings, we need to reduce our spending immediately so that we can continue to fund JetBlue’s operations and ensure your jobs are protected. We have already announced an initial capacity reduction, pay cuts for our officers (VPs and above), voluntary time off programs, re-negotiated Business Partners agreements, and other spending reductions.

We’ve taken swift and decisive actions to protect you, but we must do more and do so quickly to weather this storm.

Reducing our flying to reflect demand 
We are reducing our capacity in the coming months, with a reduction of at least 40% in April and May. We also expect substantial cuts in June and July, and given the unpredictability of this event, we will ground some of our aircraft. We know this is not an easy move – it will impact hours for many frontline Crewmembers, but it is also essential that we reduce capacity in the face of dramatically falling demand.

We will be notifying Customers of their specific cancellations in a phased approach so that we do not overwhelm Customer Support as they continue to receive exponentially more calls than they ever have before.

Reviewing our fleet plan 
One of our most substantial capital expenses is the purchase of new airplanes. In collaboration with Airbus, we are looking at our order book for opportunities to slow deliveries and reduce aircraft pre-delivery payments (PDPs). We will also defer the four previously used airplanes that we announced earlier this year.

Cutting our capital and operational spending 
We will reduce spending wherever we can to preserve our cash, and both of us will be taking a 50% pay reduction during this crisis.

We entered the year with a list of major initiatives to invest in our infrastructure, technology and real estate. As of today, we have paused or stopped more than 75% of these projects and will continue to stand down work wherever we can.

Increasing our cash reserves 
The dramatic loss of revenue in recent days means we will have to start dipping into our cash savings. Although we came into this with about $1.2 billion, our expenses total millions of dollars each day. The good news is we have secured a new liquidity facility – an extra credit line – which allowed us to borrow $1 billion. This is not free money – it’s a band-aid solution that holds us over and we have to pay it back with interest. Even with these cash reserves we, like the rest of the industry, will need significant government support to help us through these losses.

Calling for government intervention 
The governmental warnings and actions taken to manage this health crisis have hit both domestic and international travel hard. We have been coordinating with Airlines for America (A4A) and other U.S. airlines to ensure government leaders understand the threat to our global economy if air travel is not supported. When this pandemic passes – and it will – air travel will play a major role in getting life back to normal and supporting economic recovery. We are going to need significant government help to do that. This is not a position we’d like to be in, but government assistance will help us protect our 23,000 Crewmembers who are our most important priority as we navigate these turbulent times.

From the beginning we have faced many challenges and, against all odds, we have thrived through some incredibly difficult events. Now we are faced with what is by far the biggest challenge our company and our industry has ever seen. While we know this is an incredibly difficult time for all of you as you work to juggle your own concerns around coronavirus, we have come through other challenges in our 20 year history and we can – and will – come through this together.

The next few months won’t be easy, but please know that all the steps we’re taking today are focused on protecting the health and safety of our Crewmembers and Customers and ensuring JetBlue remains a great place for you to work well into the future.

Los Angeles World Airports Break Ground on New Consolidated Rental Car Facility

Once completed in 2023, the $2 billion transit hub will be the largest facility of its kind in the world with a vehicle leaving every two seconds at peak operations

Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC) Commissioner Bea Hsu, BOAC Commissioner Gabriel Eshaghian, BOAC Vice President Valeria Velasco, BOAC President Sean Burton, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Chief Executive Officer Deborah Flint, Councilmember Joe Buscaino, Mayor Eric Garcetti, Councilmember Mike Bonin, Deputy Mayor Billy Chun, Director of Economic Infrastructure -Office of Mayor Garcetti David Reich, LAWA Chief Operating Officer Justin Erbacci, LAWA Chief Development Officer Bernardo Gogna and LAX ConRAC Partners Project Executive Karl Schaefer.

(Los Angeles, CA) Mayor Eric Garcetti broke ground today on the Consolidated Rent-A-Car (ConRAC) facility at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), which will centralize rental car operations into one convenient location and offer a direct connection to the upcoming Automated People Mover (APM) train. The Mayor was joined at the ceremony by Councilmembers Mike Bonin and Joe Buscaino, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC) President Sean Burton, and Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) CEO Deborah Flint, as well as community and labor leaders.
“We are building the world-class airport travelers need and deserve — and the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility groundbreaking demonstrates how we’re keeping this promise,” said Mayor Garcetti. “Our city is doing so much more than building a parking structure — we are making an investment that will improve the traveling experience, reduce congestion in surrounding neighborhoods, and create middle-class careers for years to come.” 
Since taking office, Mayor Garcetti has led a more than $14 billion transformation of LAX that began in 2009. Mayor Garcetti’s historic infrastructure investments have strengthened working families and the middle class. Under his leadership, unemployment has been cut in half while close to 200,000 new jobs have been created. Construction of the ConRAC is expected to create more than 1,000 jobs.
The 5.3 million square foot ConRAC facility will feature 18,000 parking stalls with 6,600 ready/return spaces, 10,000 idle vehicle storage spaces, and 1,100 rental car employee spaces as well as visitor parking. A Quick-Turn Around facility will also be on-site, allowing for fueling, washing, and light maintenance of rental car vehicles.

Mayor Eric Garcetti provides remarks during the groundbreaking ceremony.

Reducing congestion at LAX — as well as in surrounding communities — is at the heart of the ConRAC project. The consolidated facility will completely remove rental car shuttle traffic from the Central Terminal Area (CTA), which equates to 3,200 shuttle trips per day. The removal of the shuttles will improve traffic on the roadways and free up critical curbside boarding space in the CTA.
“This is a big step toward LAX becoming a world-class airport for travelers and a first-class neighbor to Westchester and Playa del Rey,” said Councilmember Mike Bonin. “Especially once it is connected to the new Automated People Mover, this new Consolidated Rent-A-Car Facility will reduce the number of shuttles and vans navigating the Central Terminal Area and nearby neighborhoods, improving both local traffic and air quality. That is a big win and exciting progress to celebrate.”
“This has been a momentous year for LAX,” said Councilmember Joe Buscaino. “LAX continues to move full steam ahead with its $14 billion investment to create a fully transformed airport of the future. The ConRAC is just one of the many groundbreakings held this year which highlight the efforts LAX is making to improve passenger experience which increases tourism and improves our local economy.”
As the second largest rental car market among domestic airports, the ConRAC will improve and streamline the car rental process at LAX. The facility will be built with an eye to the future and designed to accommodate new and emerging vehicle types such as autonomous vehicles. Additionally, movable concrete barriers will allow for the quick reallocation of space as rental car companies’ market shares shift. 
The ConRAC is an important component of the Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP), which also includes an Automated People Mover train that will connect travelers directly to airport terminals and create new and convenient locations for passenger pick-up and drop-off outside the Central Terminal Area. Once completed in 2023, the APM will connect with L.A. Metro’s light rail system.

Rendering of the ConRAC Facility at night.

“The ConRAC Facility will provide a rental car experience worthy of a world-class airport,” said BOAC President Sean Burton. “This project doesn’t just benefit those renting cars — it benefits the local economy and community through the creation of 1,000 jobs and by relieving vehicle congestion on the roads in and around LAX.”

“We are future-proofing everything we build at LAX,” said Deborah Flint, CEO, LAWA. “Every project under construction or on the drawing board will meet our needs now and be capable of adapting to new technology and demands. The ConRAC Facility is a prime example of how to future-proof so we can protect our investments.”

On October 26, 2018, the Los Angeles City Council approved an approximately $2 billion public-private partnership between LAWA and LAX ConRAC Partners (LAXCP), with LAXCP designing, building, financing, operating, and maintaining the facility for a 28-year period. LAXCP has committed to 30% local hiring, which exceeds local hiring requirements, and together with LAWA is developing opportunities for local small businesses. LAXCP has also agreed to sponsor 100 new, local apprentices and feature all-union labor on the ConRAC facility. 

“Collectively, the LAXCP team has extensive experience designing, building, and operating nearly 30 ConRACs domestically and internationally,” said Karl Schaefer, LAXCP Project Executive. “We are proud to use our shared know how to help LAWA create a top tier experience for the traveling public at LAX while we honor our commitment to provide local hire economic opportunities and environmental sustainability.”

Mayor Garcetti has made sustainability a priority of his administration. The ConRAC facility is designed to reflect Los Angeles’ standing as one of the world’s leading sustainable cities and will include native drought-tolerant landscaping, reclaimed water usage, more than 200 Level 2 electric vehicle chargers, and a solar farm generating over 8,400 megawatt hours annually.

Amtrak Trains Travel to the New York State Fair

  • Provides an easy, relaxing and affordable experience as kids ride for free

NEW YORK – Amtrak has continued its partnership with the New York State Fair to provide direct train service for customers traveling as a more convenient, cost-effective, family friendly and comfortable way to travel to and from the Empire State’s largest annual event between Wednesday, Aug. 21 and Monday, Sept. 2.

Skip tolls, traffic and parking fees, and arrive steps from the fairgrounds via select Empire Service (Trains 281, 283, 284 and 288) and Maple Leaf (Trains 63 and 64) trains, which will make daily stops at the State Fair (in between stops at Rochester and Syracuse stations), adjacent to the Fairgrounds. The Amtrak station code for the New York State Fair is NYF.

Westbound trains originating in New York City stop at the Fair at 1:21 p.m. during the week and 12:56 p.m. on weekends (Train 63), 3:58 p.m. daily (Train 281) and 6:57 p.m. daily (Train 283). Eastbound trains originating from Toronto or Niagara Falls stop at the Fair at 9:33 a.m. (Train 284) and 3:00 p.m. (Train 64), and 5:45 p.m. only on Monday, Sept. 2 (Train 288) en route to Albany and New York City.

In addition to the Fair stop, Amtrak is also offering a “kids ride free” promotion (one free child for each paying adult on the same itinerary) for travel to and from the Fair, which must be booked online at and at least three days in advance of travel with the promo code V153. This sale is valid only during the duration of the Fair and includes one blackout date on Friday, Aug. 30. Other terms and conditions apply.

Tickets are available now at, via the Amtrak mobile app, at station ticket counters or by calling 1-800-USA-RAIL. As always, customers will enjoy plenty of legroom, a generous luggage policy, and scenic routes. Amtrak also offers free Wi-Fi, the freedom to use phones and electronic devices at all times (no “airplane mode”).

Amtrak has been offering train service to the New York State Fair since 2002. The New York State Fair, operated by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, attracts more than one million people during the 13-day celebration of delicious food, eye-opening exhibits, captivating entertainment and great fun. The home of the Great New York State Fair is a 375-acre exhibit and entertainment complex that operates all year.

Bombardier Wins Ten-Year APM Contract in California

  • New agreement continues long-standing relationship with San Francisco International Airport
  • Latest contract highlights Bombardier’s position as industry-leading services provider for automated transit systems

Mobility technology leader Bombardier Transportation announced today that it has signed a new contract with the City and County of San Francisco to provide ten years of operations and maintenance services for the BOMBARDIER INNOVIA APM 100 automated people mover (APM) system at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The contract is valued at $220 million US (193 million euro) and includes an option for an additional five years.

“With this new contract, we will continue to provide San Francisco International Airport with the operations and maintenance services as well as the INNOVIA APM vehicles and signalling technology that bring safe and reliable service to the over seven million passengers who ride the AirTrain system every year,” said Elliot G. (Lee) Sander, President, Americas Division, Bombardier Transportation. “We look forward to supporting the airport as it extends and modernizes the AirTrain system to meet its future mobility requirements.”

Bombardier delivered the airport’s transit system, known as SFO AirTrain, and has been providing operations and maintenance services since it opened in 2003. The AirTrain fleet of 38 INNOVIA APM 100 vehicles serves nine stations along six miles of elevated guideway and connects the airport’s terminals, parking garages, rental car center, and a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station. Under a contract awarded in 2016, Bombardier is providing three additional INNOVIA APM 100 vehicles, a 2,000-foot guideway extension, a new station, and a signalling upgrade.

Bombardier has nearly 50 years of experience in designing, building, operating and maintaining automated transit systems for airports and cities in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Nine of the ten busiest airports in the United States, including SFO, have chosen Bombardier for their automated transit systems.

SFO AirTrain was the world’s first automated transit system to feature the state-of-the-art BOMBARDIER CITYFLO 650 communications-based train control technology. Among other features, this technology allows a high degree of operating flexibility to accommodate peak passenger demands.