Tag: protect

Saab receives Gripen order from Hungary

SAAB AB (Stockholm: SAABb) has today signed a contract with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and received an order for four additional Gripen C fighter aircraft for Hungary.

This order follows an amendment to the contract between FMV and the Hungarian Government signed in December 2001 regarding 14 Gripen C/D fighters for the Hungarian Air Force. The contract amendment for the four additional aircraft was signed by the Hungarian Ministry of Defence and FMV on 23 February 2024. With this new contract amendment, Hungary will operate a total of 18 Gripen C/D aircraft to protect and defend the Hungarian and NATO airspace.

Saab currently has a contract with FMV regarding support for Hungary’s Gripen aircraft, and Saab is ready to provide additional upgrades and support for the Hungarian fighters beyond 2035.

Saab and the Hungarian Ministry of Defence have also signed an MoU regarding development of high-tech industrial areas and fighter aircraft capabilities. The cooperation includes support for the establishment of a Centre of Excellence for VR technologies in Hungary.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including expected delivery dates. Such statements are based on current expectations and projections about our future results, prospects and opportunities and are not guarantees of future performance. Such statements will not be updated unless required by law. Actual results and performance may differ materially from those expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including those discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Lockheed Martin Next Generation Interceptor Completes All Design Reviews At Accelerated Pace

Huntsville, Alabama, August 7, 2023 (PRNewswire) – Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) successfully validated designs for all elements of the nation’s Next Generation Interceptor (NGI) with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA).

Through a series of successful and on-schedule Preliminary Design Reviews (PDRs) of all NGI major subsystems, the company demonstrated it has achieved design maturity and reduced risk for critical technologies. NGI is the future of the MDA’s Ground-Based Missile Defense (GMD) system to protect the U.S. homeland against intercontinental ballistic missile threats from rogue nations.

Lockheed Martin is demonstrating engineering work that has been performed in the integrated digital tool chain to drive faster decision making, enhance security, and enable rapid delivery and agility. This approach emphasizes affordability across the program lifecycle. Lockheed Martin’s NGI solution will increase warfighter capability, providing an improved defensive solution to address the complex battlespace now and in the future.

Lockheed Martin’s NGI program is on track for its next major review, the All Up Round PDR. During this next major review, MDA will assess if the program is ready to move forward in the acquisition process through Knowledge Point number one and ultimately on to the Critical Design Review. The first Lockheed Martin NGI is forecast for delivery to the warfighter as early as FY2027.

For additional information, visit our website:

Delta Partners with Georgia to Host State’s Largest COVID-19 Vaccination Site

According to the Delta Airlines website, the company will be hosting one of four mass COVID-19 vaccination sites in the state of Georgia beginning on Monday, February 22. The airline has picked the Delta Flight Museum as the location for vaccine distribution, with eligible participants being able to receive the vaccine via the drive through lane, or in the Museum itself. Delta is supporting the vaccination efforts in conjunction with its long standing commitment to protect the health and safety of their employees and customers.

Click the link below to view the full story, and check your vaccine eligibility status!

JAL Operates Commercial Flight Using Sustainable Aviation Fuel Produced in Japan

Japan Airlines (JAL, OTC: JAPSY), a recognized Eco-First company by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, reiterated its commitment to further preserve the environment by operating a commercial flight from Tokyo Haneda to Fukuoka airport using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The product was a blend of traditional jet kerosene and SAF produced in Japan.

In October 2018, JAL launched a project to convert cotton clothing into SAF, produced within the country of Japan. During the project, 50 local companies helped collect approximately 250,000 pieces of clothing and with the technical support from Green Earth Institute Co., Ltd. and using a bioprocess technology developed by the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), a domestically produced SAF was successfully created in March 2020.

Date: February 4, 2021
Flight Number: JL319
Route: Tokyo Haneda to Fukuoka (Departure 13:00)
Aircraft Type: Boeing 787-8 (JA849J)

JAL fully recognizes that the airline industry plays an integral role to protect the planet and regards environmental conservation as a vital issue in its Medium Term Management Plan. The carrier will continue striving to achieve key environmental goals and contribute to a greener environment for future generations.

Leonardo Adding Airport Ground Operations Safety Technologies

Leonardo’s U.S. subsidiary Selex ES Inc. launches AeroBOSS solutions to prevent runway incursions and protect global air travelers

AeroBOSS provides a common operating platform enabling command and control of airport operations, maintenance and emergency resources

Leonardo’s U.S. subsidiary, Selex ES Inc., developer of en-route navigation, precision approach and landing, and surveillance systems, recently added airport surface management technologies to their air traffic control solutions.

Marketed under the name AeroBOSS, the technologies offer real-time, collaborative decision-making, flight and ground vehicle tracking, and runway safety systems that allow all surface vehicles to operate safer and more efficiently. AeroBOSS provides an airport-wide common operating platform enabling command and control of airport operations, maintenance, and emergency resources. One of the core AeroBOSS solutions is the AeroBOSS Runway Incursion Warning System (RIWS) that prevents runway accidents by alerting vehicle drivers of hazards before entering the runway area.

There are nearly thirty-one hundred airports in the world with commercial air carrier service, but only a small percentage have runway incursion prevention systems. Selex ES Inc. AeroBOSS technologies, developed for Air Navigation Service Providers and airports is able to improve airport safety efficiently and cost-effectively.

The addition of AeroBOSS solutions to Leonardo’s portfolio comes as the result of collaboration with U.S.-based INDMEX. The timing is critical, as the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization and Flight Safety Foundation have expressed concerns regarding the risks of airport runway incursions as air travel begins to return to normal following the sharp declines due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Boeing Extends Suspension of Puget Sound Production Ops

Boeing is extending the temporary suspension of production operations at all Puget Sound area and Moses Lake sites until further notice. These actions are being taken in light of the company’s continuing focus on the health and safety of employees, current assessment of the spread of COVID-19 in Washington state, the reliability of the supply chain and additional recommendations from government health authorities.

During the suspension, the company will continue to implement additional health and safety measures at its facilities to protect employees. These measures include new visual cues to encourage physical distancing, more frequent and thorough cleaning of work and common areas and staggering shift times to reduce the flow of employees arriving and departing work, among many other improvements.

“The health and safety of our employees, their families and our communities is our shared priority,” said Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and CEO Stan Deal. “We will take this time to continue to listen to our incredible team and assess applicable government direction, the spread of the coronavirus in the community and the reliability of our suppliers to ensure we are ready for a safe and orderly return to operations.”

The volunteers who have been supporting essential site and services work should continue to report to their assigned shifts. Puget Sound area and Moses Lake employees who can work from home should continue to do so.

As the suspension of operations continues, Boeing will monitor government guidance and actions on COVID-19 and associated impact on all company operations. Boeing sites that remain open are being monitored and assessed on a daily basis.

Boeing Statement on Passage of CARES Act

We thank the Administration, especially the President and Secretary Mnuchin, as well as the Senate for working together to take swift bipartisan action to support the American economy, including the 2.5 million jobs and 17,000 suppliers that Boeing, the aerospace industry and the U.S. rely on to maintain our world leadership in commercial, defense and services. The bill’s access to public and private liquidity, including loans and loan guarantees, is critical for airlines, airports, suppliers, and manufacturers to bridge to recovery. 

Boeing’s top priority is to protect our workforce and support our extensive supply chain, and the CARES Act will help provide adequate measures to help address the pandemic. We have also taken a number of measures for affordability and liquidity as we navigate the challenges our industry currently faces, including forgoing pay for our CEO and board chairman, suspending our dividend until further notice, and extending our existing pause of any share repurchasing until further notice.

We appreciate the House taking swift action to support the American people.

JetBlue Provides Operational Update Related To Coronavirus

JetBlue (NASDAQ: JBLU) has issued the following message to its 23,000 crew members.

It has been a very tough few weeks. We are so proud to see once again how the JetBlue culture brings us together during times of crisis. Thank you for continuing to serve our Customers and deliver the JetBlue experience, particularly when your own lives are being disrupted in so many ways.

With safety our #1 value, we continue to take the measures necessary to protect your health. But as it relates to our business, we are not going to sugarcoat it. Demand continues to worsen, and the writing is on the wall that travel will not bounce back quickly.

We’d like to give you some color on what we are seeing. Last year on a typical day in March we took in about $22 million from bookings and ancillary fees. Throughout this March, our sales have fallen sharply and in the last several days we have taken in an average of less than $4 million per day while also issuing over $20 million per day of credits to Customers for canceled bookings. This is a stunning shift, which is being driven by fewer new bookings, much lower fares, and a Customer cancel rate more than 10 times the norm. If you do the math, $4 million per day does not come anywhere close to covering our daily expenses. It is hard to predict how long these conditions will last and how much more challenging the environment may become.

We are not alone. Virtually every major carrier is taking actions that were almost unthinkable a few weeks ago, making huge schedule reductions and parking significant portions of their fleets.

Even though we entered this from a position of strength with a strong balance sheet and cash in the bank, because of the dramatic fall-off in bookings, we need to reduce our spending immediately so that we can continue to fund JetBlue’s operations and ensure your jobs are protected. We have already announced an initial capacity reduction, pay cuts for our officers (VPs and above), voluntary time off programs, re-negotiated Business Partners agreements, and other spending reductions.

We’ve taken swift and decisive actions to protect you, but we must do more and do so quickly to weather this storm.

Reducing our flying to reflect demand 
We are reducing our capacity in the coming months, with a reduction of at least 40% in April and May. We also expect substantial cuts in June and July, and given the unpredictability of this event, we will ground some of our aircraft. We know this is not an easy move – it will impact hours for many frontline Crewmembers, but it is also essential that we reduce capacity in the face of dramatically falling demand.

We will be notifying Customers of their specific cancellations in a phased approach so that we do not overwhelm Customer Support as they continue to receive exponentially more calls than they ever have before.

Reviewing our fleet plan 
One of our most substantial capital expenses is the purchase of new airplanes. In collaboration with Airbus, we are looking at our order book for opportunities to slow deliveries and reduce aircraft pre-delivery payments (PDPs). We will also defer the four previously used airplanes that we announced earlier this year.

Cutting our capital and operational spending 
We will reduce spending wherever we can to preserve our cash, and both of us will be taking a 50% pay reduction during this crisis.

We entered the year with a list of major initiatives to invest in our infrastructure, technology and real estate. As of today, we have paused or stopped more than 75% of these projects and will continue to stand down work wherever we can.

Increasing our cash reserves 
The dramatic loss of revenue in recent days means we will have to start dipping into our cash savings. Although we came into this with about $1.2 billion, our expenses total millions of dollars each day. The good news is we have secured a new liquidity facility – an extra credit line – which allowed us to borrow $1 billion. This is not free money – it’s a band-aid solution that holds us over and we have to pay it back with interest. Even with these cash reserves we, like the rest of the industry, will need significant government support to help us through these losses.

Calling for government intervention 
The governmental warnings and actions taken to manage this health crisis have hit both domestic and international travel hard. We have been coordinating with Airlines for America (A4A) and other U.S. airlines to ensure government leaders understand the threat to our global economy if air travel is not supported. When this pandemic passes – and it will – air travel will play a major role in getting life back to normal and supporting economic recovery. We are going to need significant government help to do that. This is not a position we’d like to be in, but government assistance will help us protect our 23,000 Crewmembers who are our most important priority as we navigate these turbulent times.

From the beginning we have faced many challenges and, against all odds, we have thrived through some incredibly difficult events. Now we are faced with what is by far the biggest challenge our company and our industry has ever seen. While we know this is an incredibly difficult time for all of you as you work to juggle your own concerns around coronavirus, we have come through other challenges in our 20 year history and we can – and will – come through this together.

The next few months won’t be easy, but please know that all the steps we’re taking today are focused on protecting the health and safety of our Crewmembers and Customers and ensuring JetBlue remains a great place for you to work well into the future.