Tag: protecting

JetBlue Announces New Tentative Agreement on Negotiations with TWU

NEW YORK, N.Y. (BUSINESS WIRE) – JetBlue (NASDAQ: JBLU) today announced it has reached a new tentative agreement with the Transport Workers Union (TWU) for JetBlue’s inflight crew members.

“We’re pleased to share that the JetBlue and TWU negotiating committees have reached a new tentative agreement,” said Ed Baklor, head of customer care and programs, JetBlue. “Our inflight crewmembers have been on the frontline supporting and protecting JetBlue’s operation and our customers through the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am proud of the TWU and JetBlue teams for recognizing our environment and coming to the table with solutions. We look forward to bringing this contract to a vote with our inflight crewmembers.”

Boeing to Resume Operations in Philadelphia Area

During the scheduled two weeks of suspended operations at the Boeing [NYSE: BA] Philadelphia facility in Ridley Township, the company has been working to restart production with enhanced safety measures. Boeing will resume operations in our production facilities and other areas deemed essential on Monday, April 20. The number one priority is and will continue to be protecting the health and safety of our employees, their families and all of our stakeholders.

Since suspending operations on April 3, Boeing Philadelphia has taken a number of steps:

  • Enhanced cleaning of the entire facility and implementing improved procedures. We’ve posted signage throughout the facility to help keep enhanced hygiene top-of-mind. Hand sanitization stations have been added at entry points to the site.
  • Physical distancing practices reinforced. Shift times will be staggered. Virtual meetings will continue, where possible, to reduce face-to-face interactions. Work areas have been spaced farther apart with visual markers displayed to encourage physical distancing. Cafeteria areas will be adjusted to allow for more physical distancing.
  • Personal mask use. Consistent with recent direction from the state government, employees are required to wear masks or other face coverings in the workplace. Masks will be made available onsite for employees who need one.
  • Temperature screening will be required for all employees daily before coming to work. Screening stations with no-touch thermal scanners will be set up to accommodate workers who need to check their temperature onsite. Employees who are not required to support operations in our production facilities, and who are able to telecommute and work virtually, will continue to do so.

Boeing Philadelphia site leadership will continue to monitor conditions and new information related to COVID-19, including the latest federal and state health guidelines, so we can continuously implement new safeguards and procedures.

Saab to Provide Mid-Life Extension for UK’s Arthur Systems

  • Saab has received an order from the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence for a mid-life extension and support for the Arthur weapon locating system. The order value is 482 million SEK, and was booked in Q4, 2019.

Arthur protects forces and civilians by providing warning of incoming fire and is also used for tasks including counterbattery missions and fire control. The mid-life extension will represent a major programme of obsolescence management by the insertion of modern technology, ensuring that this critical operational counter-fire capability can be sustained on a cost-effective basis through to its extended out-of-service date. 

“Our Arthur systems have contributed to protecting UK forces for more than 15 years. We look forward to continuing to strengthen the UK’s weapon locating capability for years to come,” says Anders Carp, Senior Vice President and Head of Saab’s business area Surveillance.

Deliveries of the mid-life extension will take place between 2022 and 2023. The support contract covers 2020-2026. Saab will carry out the work in Gothenburg, Sweden, with support also taking place at 5th Regiment Royal Artillery’s Marne Barracks in Catterick, UK. Arthur is known in the UK as the Mobile Artillery Monitoring Battlefield (MAMBA) radar.

 “MAMBA has long proven itself as a battle-winning capability, protecting civilians and troops on operations for many years. Our troops in Catterick will work alongside our counterparts at Saab to ensure this life-saving piece of equipment remains in service for the next six years”, says Jeremy Quin MP, the UK’s Minister for Defence Procurement.

The UK received the first Arthur systems from Saab in 2003, and the systems have supported operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.