Tag: pursue

Southwest Airlines Announces Myrtle Beach, Eugene, and Bellingham 2021 Service Plans

Southwest Airlines Company (NYSE: LUV) today announced an intention to bring the flexibility and value of Southwest Airlines® to three more new airports in 2021. Southwest Airlines Chairman and CEO Gary Kelly today is sharing the following message with the Employees of Southwest:

I’m pleased to share with you all that today we’re announcing our intention to serve three more destinations and continue our focus on putting our aircraft to work to pursue more Customers and much-needed revenue.

And the destinations are (drum roll!) Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Eugene, Oregon; and Bellingham, Washington—three very different and appealing locations to both serve our existing Customers and places where we feel Southwest can make a real difference for local travelers.

We’re looking to start Myrtle Beach service in time for summer vacations and we expect our arrival to appeal to travelers who currently drive to this very popular coastal area in the Southeast. ‘Golf bags fly free’* should be very popular for Myrtle Beach service!

Eugene is about two hours south of Portland, and it’s ripe for the Southwest Effect, our Hospitality, and our flexible policies, with no hidden fees, and low fares.

Southwest service in Bellingham positions us just south of metro Vancouver, British Columbia. Following the reopening of the Canadian border, we expect a return of the value-minded travelers who already drive to this alternative airport to escape high fares and taxes—and that’s very, very typical for Southwest destinations. Southwest provides a great value for them.

Service to both Eugene and Bellingham is something we’ve anticipated in the second half of the year. 

That makes 17 new airports that either we have opened or announced since the pandemic began. And for those that have commenced service, they’re performing very well. In fact, we just shared with the airports serving Steamboat Springs and Telluride that we’re extending our service beyond the winter season to continue serving both through the summer of 2021. 

Colorado Springs, Savannah, and our Long Beach service to Hawaii all start-up this coming Thursday.

That’s a lot of work, a lot of new destinations, and a lot of options for our Customers and so I want to thank all of the Teams that have a hand in continuing to grow the Heart of Southwest while better positioning us to capture more Customers as the travel demand rebounds.

*Golf bags fly free as one of two checked pieces of baggage offered to every Southwest Customer (weight and size limitations apply)

ABX Air Pilots Ratify Amendment to Collective Bargaining Agreement

Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATSG) said today that pilot employees of its ABX Air, Inc. subsidiary have voted in favor of an amendment to their Collective Bargaining Agreement with ABX Air.

ABX Air’s pilots are represented by the Airline Professionals Association of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 1224 (IBT).

“This affirmative vote demonstrates a renewed sense of unity at ABX Air, paving the way for us to work together toward our shared goals of growth and superior customer service,” ABX Air President David Soaper said. “I want to express my appreciation to the leadership and members of Local 1224 for their endorsement of this amended agreement. It represents a crucial step as we pursue future growth opportunities for our airline.”

The amended agreement will become effective January 1, 2021, and amendable six years thereafter. Terms of the amended agreement were not disclosed by ABX Air.

Norwegian Air Gets Guarantee From Norwegian Government

  • Norwegian is pleased to announce that two Nordic banks have obtained credit committee approval to provide a guarantee for the required 10 percent for the first tranche of 300 million Norwegian kroner (NOK). Norwegian will secure the necessary headroom to pursue further guarantees from the Norwegian Government.

Government measures
On Thursday 19 March, the Norwegian Government proposed a guarantee of NOK 6 billion for the Norwegian airline industry, of which up to NOK 3 billion is directed to Norwegian. The guarantee will be up to 90 percent from the Norwegian Government provided that financial institutions contribute with the remaining 10 percent. The guarantee scheme will consist of three tranches with a maximum two years maturity.

Since Thursday evening Norwegian has worked with banks and financial institutions and is pleased to announce that two Nordic banks have obtained credit committee approval to contribute with the 10 percent required in guarantee for Tranche I and to provide the NOK 300 million in financing backed by the guarantee from the Norwegian Government. The Company is working with the banks and the Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency (“GIEK”), who will administrate the guarantee scheme, on the documentation in order to obtain the NOK 300 million in liquidity as soon as possible.

The Company is now working with GIEK and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries to clarify the criteria and terms related to the remaining tranches under the scheme and to obtain further guarantees from financial institutions in order to back such remaining tranches. Norwegian will update the market with its further plan of action and implications for its stakeholders as soon as the criteria and terms have been finalized. The Government guarantee scheme is crucial for the Company as the current state of the capital markets in combination with the challenging times for the airline industry limit the options available. The first NOK 300 million will create necessary headroom to pursue the remaining tranches of the guarantee scheme.

Operational update
Currently, most of the fleet is grounded and Norwegian has reduced its operations to a minimum. The airline will now primarily operate domestically in Norway and Sweden and between the Nordic capitals, in order to deliver on its corporate responsibility of maintaining critical infrastructure so that people and necessary goods and medical supplies can be transported during this unprecedented crisis. The limited schedule will remain in place until further notice. In addition, Norwegian has conducted repatriation flights together with the authorities in order to get citizens of Norway, Denmark and Sweden back home.

In order to reduce cost, Norwegian has temporarily laid off approximately 90 percent of its workforce and will continue to implement additional cost measures going forward.

Interjet Denies That it’s in Technical Bankruptcy


  • The handling of the information published by Bloomberg is irresponsible.
  • The news agency made a misinterpretation of the judicial review filed by Interjet in its legal dispute with the Internal Revenue Service of Mexico.

Mexico City, August 30, 2019.- Interjet categorically denies that it is bankrupt as published by the Bloomberg news site. The news agency made a misinterpretation of the constitutional claim filed by the airline in the dispute that it holds with the Internal Revenue Service of Mexico (SAT).

Bloomberg had access to a file that by law is not supposed to be public. In a judicial dispute, the only persons entitled to consult the records are those authorized by the parties involved in the trial.

At no time, the company has recognized the existence of a technical bankruptcy as this media outlet states.

It should be noted that bankruptcy can only be declared by court order, and cannot be self-imposed by the debtor or any other entity. It’s a legal process through which the insolvency of a company has to be proved. This is not the case of the current situation of Interjet because the company continues paying its debts.

Bankruptcy cannot be declared by a company or by an individual, and this determination corresponds to a court.

Interjet reserves its right to pursue any available legal actions against Bloomberg.