Tag: Six

Alpha Trains adds 12 new Stadler EURO9000 locomotives to fleet

Alpha Trains and Stadler Rail AG (Swiss: SRAIL) have signed a contract for the purchase of 12 EURO9000 locomotives. This is the first order of this latest generation of six-axle hybrid multi-system locomotives by Alpha Trains. Scheduled for delivery in 2025 and 2026, these state-of-the-art locomotives will be built at Stadler’s factory in Valencia, Spain.

The project is funded with a total of 15 million Euros by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) as part of the BMDV’s rail funding guideline. The funding guideline is coordinated by NOW GmbH and implemented by Project Management Jülich (PtJ).

The multisystem electric EURO9000 locomotives are also equipped with diesel power units. They enable rail freight operations on AC and DC electrified lines and on non-electrified track sections, even on international routes with mixed traffic. With their advanced traction capabilities and their high-performance, they are ideal for a wide range of freight services and perfectly complement Alpha Trains’ large and diverse portfolio. By investing in efficient and innovative alternative propulsion vehicles, Alpha Trains is helping to reduce diesel consumption and thus improves the sustainability of rail freight.




Stadler to Deliver up to 504 Tram Trains to German Austrian Project Consortium

Stadler has been awarded the largest contract in the company’s history with a total volume of up to four billion euros: it has won an international tender held jointly by six transport companies from Germany and Austria for up to 504 vehicles as part of the VDV Tram-Train project. In addition to vehicle production, the framework agreement also includes a maintenance contract lasting up to 32 years. Part of the framework agreement is a fixed order quantity of 246 CITYLINK vehicles representing a volume of around 1.7 billion euros. There is also an option to order up to 258 more vehicles.

The award of the contract marks the beginning of a long-standing partnership between Stadler and the project consortium, consisting of Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe (VBK), Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft (AVG), Saarbahn Netz, Schiene Oberösterreich, the State of Salzburg and Zweckverband Regional-Stadtbahn Neckar-Alb. Over the next ten years, Stadler will produce 246 CITYLINK vehicles for the six operators. The first four vehicles will be delivered to the Saarbahn in 2024.

All vehicles will be supplied in a three-part design. The length of the vehicles, the number of doors, the boarding and coupling height as well as the configuration of the CITYLINK versions will vary depending on the delivery location and the customer. All the vehicles will have certain features in common: they will be fitted with an HVAC system for the passenger compartments and driver’s cab, and have spacious multi-purpose areas with two wheelchair spaces that can be flexibly configured. The tram-trains will be individually equipped to suit the place of use. For example, the vehicles for the Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft will have a toilet as well as facilities for cycle racks, while Schiene Oberösterreich has opted for luggage racks as an extra feature.

Providing one type of vehicle for six operators is unusual. “On the project team, we spent hours developing a common set of specifications. We defined a standard with up to five further versions to meet the operator- specific requirements such as boarding height, coating and place of use,” explains the overall project manager Thorsten Erlenkötter from Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe.

Singapore Airlines To Showcase The Best Of Singapore To The World

Singapore Airlines Limited (SI: C6L) today launched the Singapore Showcase, an initiative to support and collaborate with leading Singaporean brands to offer unique on ground and in-flight experiences for its global customer base.

Under the initiative, SIA has worked with renowned Singapore-based hawker brands to enhance the Airline’s popular local fare options by presenting their distinctive dishes to customers. As a result, the Airline will be able to offer an even wider range of Singapore’s iconic hawker cuisine on board flights out of Singapore. This is also a celebration of Singapore’s Hawker Culture, which was added to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2021.

The carrier has also partnered local media production and distribution companies to offer more Singaporean content in its KrisWorld in-flight entertainment system. This will result in an even larger selection of Singaporean movies, documentaries, television series, music, and podcasts for our customers, and introduce some of Singapore’s leading talents to the world.

SIA has also worked with Scent by SIX, a Singapore-based artisanal perfume label, to develop a unique signature scent for the airline. This scent includes floral notes from flowers in SIA’s new batik motif. It will be introduced at key customer-facing locations, helping to create a unique sensory experience for passengers during their journey with us which will elevate their overall customer experience.

Boeing Reveals its U.S. Army Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft Design

  • Agile, purpose-built and designed for the Army’s evolving missions

Boeing [NYSE: BA] is offering the U.S. Army an agile, fully integrated, purpose-built system for the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) prototype competition.

Boeing FARA is designed to meet the Army’s current mission needs while evolving as technologies and missions change. The thrust compounded single-main rotor helicopter boasts a six-bladed rotor system, a single engine, tandem seating and a modular, state-of-the-art cockpit with a reconfigurable large area display and autonomous capabilities.

“We’re offering more than a helicopter – we’re offering an affordable and fully integrated system for the Army, the mission and the future. We’ve blended innovation, ingenuity and proven rotorcraft experience with extensive testing and advanced analysis to offer a very compelling solution,” said Mark Cherry, vice president and general manager of Boeing’s Phantom Works.

The fly-by-wire design leverages more than 65 years of rotorcraft experience, proven advanced and additive manufacturing technology, and product commonality driving down risk and costs. The system will provide seamless capability within the Army ecosystem to include Long-Range Precision Fires and air-launched effects.

“We listened to the Army, assessed all alternatives, and optimized our design to provide the right aircraft to meet the requirements,” said Shane Openshaw, Boeing FARA program manager. “We are offering a very reliable, sustainable and flexible aircraft with a focus on safety and the future fight.”

FARA will fill a critical gap in Army aviation for an advanced light attack and reconnaissance capability, previously held by the now-retired Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior.

For more information about Boeing FARA and its features, visit

Norwegian Helicopter Crash Kills All Six On Board

All six people on board an Airbus H125 (AS350B3e) civilian helicopter that crashed in northern Norway on Saturday afternoon have died, the police reported on Sunday. According to reports, the helicopter was operated by the Norwegian company Helitrans. There were five passengers from Norway, all in their early twenties, plus a Swedish pilot. One survivor found at the crash site southwest of Alta later passed away at the hospital.

The crash occurred in Skoddevarre, near Alta, Finnmark. The helicopter was operating local sightseeing flights during the “Høstsprell” local music festival.

Click the link for all the details on the Aviation Safety Network website!