Tag: Stadler

Alpha Trains adds 12 new Stadler EURO9000 locomotives to fleet

Alpha Trains and Stadler Rail AG (Swiss: SRAIL) have signed a contract for the purchase of 12 EURO9000 locomotives. This is the first order of this latest generation of six-axle hybrid multi-system locomotives by Alpha Trains. Scheduled for delivery in 2025 and 2026, these state-of-the-art locomotives will be built at Stadler’s factory in Valencia, Spain.

The project is funded with a total of 15 million Euros by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) as part of the BMDV’s rail funding guideline. The funding guideline is coordinated by NOW GmbH and implemented by Project Management Jülich (PtJ).

The multisystem electric EURO9000 locomotives are also equipped with diesel power units. They enable rail freight operations on AC and DC electrified lines and on non-electrified track sections, even on international routes with mixed traffic. With their advanced traction capabilities and their high-performance, they are ideal for a wide range of freight services and perfectly complement Alpha Trains’ large and diverse portfolio. By investing in efficient and innovative alternative propulsion vehicles, Alpha Trains is helping to reduce diesel consumption and thus improves the sustainability of rail freight.




Stadler wins a contract for green battery powered rail transport in Austria

Austrian Federal Railways (OBB) has awarded Stadler (Swiss: SRAIL) a framework agreement for up to 120 battery- powered trains. The FLIRT Akku vehicles are designed to replace the current diesel fleet and will enable sustainable operation on lines that are only partially electrified. The signing of the framework agreement and the initial order for 16 FLIRT battery is expected to take place in autumn 2023. This contract and the recent successes in the USA, Germany and Italy once again confirm Stadler’s leading position in battery and hydrogen green propulsion technology.

The new trains are FLIRT Akku vehicles – the battery-powered version of Stadler’s best-selling FLIRT model, which has already sold over 2,500 units worldwide. They are intended for use in the eastern region in Austria, where they will replace the current diesel fleet. The FLIRT Akku model allows sustainable rail operation on non-electrified line sections by charging the traction batteries while travelling under an overhead contact line.

Rail transport is the most sustainable mobility solution of all. Shifting passenger and freight transport to rail therefore plays a central role in combating climate change. However, the rail networks in many countries are only partially electrified or not electrified at all – as is the case in Austria. Stadler has consistently expanded its alternative propulsion portfolio in recent years and is currently assisting rail operators worldwide with the decarbonisation of rail transport. Depending on the area of application, Stadler offers its customers tailor-made solutions with battery, hydrogen or even hybrid propulsion.

OBB orders another 35 new double-decker multiple units from Stadler

Austrian Federal Railways (OBB) is once again ordering 35 new KISS double-decker multiple units from Stadler Rail AG (SWISS: SRIAF). In addition to 14 trains for long-distance services, Stadler is also supplying 21 KISS vehicles for local transport. The order is part of the framework agreement signed in 2022 for up to 186 double-decker multiple units. Including the first call-off, 76 vehicles were thus ordered. Thanks to its high degree of innovation and generous space, the KISS has impressed customers in 14 countries.

ÖBB and Stadler are continuing the joint replacement of the Austrian local and long-distance transport fleet. Last year, OBB called off 41 KISS double-decker multiple units from a framework agreement for 186 trains. OBB and Stadler have signed the contract for exercising the next option with a volume of around 600 million euros. This comprises a total of 35 new double-decker multiple units, 14 of which are six-car trains for long- distance services and 21 are four-car KISS vehicles for local transport. The deployment of the new trains is planned in stages from mid-2026.

The KISS double-deck multiple units ordered as part of the first call-off in April 2022 will go into assembly on schedule and are scheduled for service in the eastern region as of 2026. For Stadler, it is a great vote of confidence and proof of the good cooperation that OBB is already calling off such a high number of further trains in this project phase.

Maximum capacity for tomorrow’s rail transport

Since 2010, the KISS has been successfully operating as a local or long-distance train with a high passenger capacity from Western Europe to the Caspian Sea – and soon also in the USA. Since the first delivery, 620 double-deck trains have been sold in 14 countries. Under a wide range of climatic conditions, in climates from Silicon Valley to Azerbaijan, from suburban trains to long-distance transport, the KISS cover hundreds of thousands of kilometers every day. Hardly any other double-decker vehicle concept demonstrates such flexibility.

Stadler wins ATM’s new tram order for Milan, Italy

Stadler and Azienda Transporti Milanesi S.p.A. (ATM) have signed another framework agreement for the supply of up to 50 TRAMLINK trams for the city of Milan. In a first call-off, ATM has ordered 14 high-capacity vehicles that will be financed with the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) fund. The fourteen vehicles will be delivered before 30 June 2026.

The medium-capacity TRAMLINKs are similar to the tramways to be delivered under the framework agreement signed in 2020 and that Stadler is currently manufacturing. They have three modules and are about 25 m long. ATM has already ordered 60 out of the 80 vehicles covered by this framework agreement. The first unit arrived in Milan on 1 December 2022 and, currently, is performing tests on the city’s tram network.

The high-capacity version of the TRAMLINKs is based on the above but features five modules and a length of 35 m. They are bi-directional and have an attractive open interior equipped with two specific areas for wheelchair users. The barrier-free low floor and four doors per side allow passengers to board and alight easily and quickly thus reducing stopping time. In addition, the innovative bogies allow the trams to run smoothly in the narrow curves. This significantly reduces noise to the benefit of passengers and residents.

Particular attention has been paid to the safety of passengers, drivers and pedestrians. The ergonomically designed driver’s cab maximizes the driver’s visibility. Additionally, the TRAMLINK is equipped with an anti- collision device that can intervene when it detects a potential collision situation with pedestrians, cars or other obstacles. No blind spot cameras guarantee the security throughout the whole vehicle. The excellent dynamics as well as the high levels of safety and comfort improve the travel experience.

Court Rules in Favor of SBB for 286 Regional Service Units

In October of 2021, Stadler was awarded the contract for 286 single-deck multiple units. The Federal Administrative Court confirms the award of the contract to Stadler, and has dismissed Alstom’s appeal.

Together with its subsidiaries Thurbo and RegionAlps, SBB is procuring 286 single-deck multiple-unit trains for regional transport. Stadler was awarded the contract for this order. The unsuccessful bidder, Alstom, appealed against this decision to the Federal Administrative Court. The court has now dismissed the appeal. This court decision confirms that SBB complied with the requirements of procurement law and the equal treatment of bidders during the tendering procedure. After signing the contract, Stadler can start building the 286 multiple units for regional transport. 

The legal proceedings initiated by Alstom have an impact on the delivery of the vehicles. The first trains will now not enter service until 2026 instead of December 2025 as originally planned. The new trains will gradually replace the following rolling stock until 2034:

  • at SBB: Domino, Flirt (first generation)
  • at Thurbo: articulated railcars
  • at RegionAlps: Domino and Nina

The newly procured vehicles will help all three railway companies to implement their planned improvements to services as well as the service expansion projects planned by the Confederation and the Cantons.

Stadler to Deliver up to 504 Tram Trains to German Austrian Project Consortium

Stadler has been awarded the largest contract in the company’s history with a total volume of up to four billion euros: it has won an international tender held jointly by six transport companies from Germany and Austria for up to 504 vehicles as part of the VDV Tram-Train project. In addition to vehicle production, the framework agreement also includes a maintenance contract lasting up to 32 years. Part of the framework agreement is a fixed order quantity of 246 CITYLINK vehicles representing a volume of around 1.7 billion euros. There is also an option to order up to 258 more vehicles.

The award of the contract marks the beginning of a long-standing partnership between Stadler and the project consortium, consisting of Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe (VBK), Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft (AVG), Saarbahn Netz, Schiene Oberösterreich, the State of Salzburg and Zweckverband Regional-Stadtbahn Neckar-Alb. Over the next ten years, Stadler will produce 246 CITYLINK vehicles for the six operators. The first four vehicles will be delivered to the Saarbahn in 2024.

All vehicles will be supplied in a three-part design. The length of the vehicles, the number of doors, the boarding and coupling height as well as the configuration of the CITYLINK versions will vary depending on the delivery location and the customer. All the vehicles will have certain features in common: they will be fitted with an HVAC system for the passenger compartments and driver’s cab, and have spacious multi-purpose areas with two wheelchair spaces that can be flexibly configured. The tram-trains will be individually equipped to suit the place of use. For example, the vehicles for the Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft will have a toilet as well as facilities for cycle racks, while Schiene Oberösterreich has opted for luggage racks as an extra feature.

Providing one type of vehicle for six operators is unusual. “On the project team, we spent hours developing a common set of specifications. We defined a standard with up to five further versions to meet the operator- specific requirements such as boarding height, coating and place of use,” explains the overall project manager Thorsten Erlenkötter from Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe.

Stadler Sets Guinness Book of Records with FLIRT Akku Battery Only Train Journey

The three unit FLIRT Akku used for the record journey has been developed by Stadler since 2016 as a local CO2 neutral mobility solution for the climate-friendly operation of unelectrified railway routes. The vehicle was approved by the German Federal Railway Office and introduced to the public for the very first time in 2018. Ever since when the FLIRT Akku test carrier has travelled around 15,000 kilometers in battery only operation, before setting the world record for a regional train journey in battery-only mode without additional charge now.

Climate friendly bestseller FLIRT

The first Fast Light Intercity and Regional Train was developed in 2002 at the request of the Swiss Federal Railways SBB for the Zug city railway. Ever since the unit was put into service, the FLIRT has turned into an international bestseller with over 2,000 vehicles sold. These vehicles are being operated in 20 countries in virtually all climate zones, from the equator to the polar circle, with 528 of them operating in Germany alone. The single-decker regional and intercity multiple unit convinces with its flexibility in the process. The trains are configured for normal and broad gauge tracks, with top speeds of 160 to 200 km/h. Thus, the FLIRT can be customized to any individual client requirements in terms of its drive technology, number of seats, passenger flow and interior design. The lightweight aluminum construction and common components help to keep the operating, energy and maintenance costs low. Besides electric, diesel or bi-modal drives, the FLIRT is also available with climate-friendly battery and hydrogen propulsion.

With the FLIRT Akku train sets, Stadler has developed a so called BEMU (battery-electric multiple unit) that will run as both a classic EMU (electric multiple unit) under overhead contact cable or battery-operated on un-electrified routes. This makes it optimal for partly electrified routes that currently still need to be served with diesel trains. Stadler had already won the first green technology tender in Germany and sold 55 FLIRT Akkus to NAH.SH, the Schleswig-Holstein Local Transport Association in 2019. In November 2021, another order for 44 vehicles followed from Deutsche Bahn Regio. In addition Stadler is also building the first hydrogen-powered FLIRT for the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) in the USA.

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Stadler and Siemens Mobility Win Contract to Modernize and Upgrade Lisbon Metro

The consortium of Stadler and Siemens Mobility have won a €114.5 million contract to provide the Lisbon Metro with a state of the art signaling system and a new fleet of modern trains. Stadler will supply 14 three-car metro trains, while Siemens Mobility will install its Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) system Trainguard MT on the Blue, Yellow and Green lines, and will upgrade the existing equipment. This will include installing its on-board CBTC technology across 70 trains of the existing fleet, as well as on the 14 new Stadler trains.

The contract includes technical training for operation and maintenance, as well as preventive and corrective maintenance of all equipment for the first three years, and the supply of spares and consumables for preventive maintenance for a further two years. The supply period agreed is 77 months, with provisional acceptance planned for 2027.

Stadler will design the vehicles using a modular methodology to better facilitate maintenance. Its stainless- steel car body ensures the vehicles are lightweight and strong. Three double doors per side and carriage will enable passengers to get on and off quickly and easily.

The 14 three-car trains will initially be fitted with CBTC GoA2 but will have the ability to be upgraded to GoA4, so the service can be fully automated in future. Trains will be powered by third rail at 750 V. The 49.6m long and 2.78m wide vehicles will have 90 seats arranged longitudinally, two places for wheelchair users, and

standing capacity for 450 people (6p/m2). The new rolling stock will increase comfort and accessibility for passengers, as well as provide enhanced communications, safety, and video surveillance systems.

Siemens Mobility CBTC signaling technology provides real-time data on vehicle position and speed conditions operating in moving block principle, allowing system operators to safely increase the number of vehicles on a rail line. This results in greater frequency of train arrivals and allows more passengers to be accommodated on the system. This is the most extensively deployed automatic train control system in the world and is currently being used in Singapore, Turkey, Brazil, Spain, and China.

Stadler Assessment of the First 100 Days of New Berlin and Brandenburg S-Bahn Trains

Berlin’s new S-Bahn trains are a hundred days old, yet already proving highly reliable. The new 483/484 series has passed its baptism of fire and also proved itself during the spell of cold winter weather in February: The trains successfully defied snow, ice, and wind.

The first train punctually entered service at 0.01 a.m. on New Year’s. Since then, the ten pre- series trains have been running on Line S47 (Spindlersfeld – Hermannstraße) and have replaced the old 485 series trains.

With the new trains, S-Bahn Berlin not only offers its passengers greater comfort, but also provides more capacity for our customers. When all the 21 two-car units and 85 four-car units ordered from Siemens Mobility and Stadler have been delivered by the end of 2023, a total of 106 new quarter trains will be in operation.

Beginning this summer, the first series trains will be delivered and join the 483/484 fleet once they have been accepted.

Stadler Wins Tender to Deliver 59 Trains to Spanish State-Owned Rail Operator RENFE

The Spanish state-owned rail operator RENFE has awarded Stadler a contract to deliver 59 commuter trains, which also includes the spare parts and maintenance for 15 years. This award is one of the batches in the bidding for the high-capacity trains tendered by the Spanish operator. Stadler proposes to maximize the capacity by using double-deck coaches with a scalable length from 100 to 120 meters and from 160 to 240 meters. The Iberian-gauge trains will operate on 3 kV DC overhead lines reaching a maximum speed of 140 km/h. They will provide the commuter service in the largest Spanish cities.

This is the first time that RENFE will order trains from Stadler. The new trains shall be developed and produced in Stadler’s plant in Valencia. The contract envisages an option for 44 additional units as well as their maintenance.

Iñigo Parra, CEO Stadler Valencia, said: “We’re excited about the decision from RENFE and their trust in Stadler. We were chosen to provide trains in our factory in Spain for the Spanish commuter service – this makes us proud.”

Stadler Cal Train rendering of the double decker coaches