Planned skydiving landing area marked by pin

Just three weeks after a skydiving plane in Hawaii crashed on take-off killing all 11 aboard, nine people were killed in a Swedish skydiving accident on July 14, 2019. The Skydive Umea AB GippsAero Airvan 8 reportedly lost control and crashed on Storsandskar island, in the Ume River, about 1km south of Umea Airport, Umea,  Sweden. The aircraft was operating a skydiving flight from Umea and had reached the planned jump height of around 13,000ft, when the airplane lost control. The last reported contact with the flight was when the pilot advised that they were starting the jump. The accident happened during daylight hours.

The Gippsland GA8 Airvan is a single-engine light utility aircraft designed and manufactured by Australian company GippsAero. Mahindra Aerospace, an Indian company, acquired a majority shareholding in GippsAero in 2010