Hamburger Hochbahn, one of the largest public transport operators in Germany, issued a  tender this year for the supply of 530 twelve and eighteen metre-long (articulated) electric  buses. In August, three candidate manufacturers were selected, one of these being the CAF  Group subsidiary. The framework agreement establishes tranche orders for the vehicles over  the next 5 years until completing the delivery of the aforementioned total of 530 vehicles.  

Solaris received its first firm order for units under the framework agreement, specifically 5 12- metre and 5 18-metre e-buses, which will be delivered to Hamburg in October 2021.  

The two selected electric models, the Urbino 12 and the Urbino 18 belong to Solaris’ range of  emission-free and extremely low-noise vehicles. Both vehicles will be equipped with Solaris  High Energy + high-capacity batteries, integrated axle drive motors and also featuring plug-in  charging devices for availability ranges of up to several hundred kilometres on a single charge.  

The vehicles will also be equipped with temperature pre-conditioning to guarantee optimal  vehicle temperatures during battery charging, as well as a variety of solutions to promote  safety, such as a blind spot monitor system that warns the driver when pedestrians or cyclists  are in the vicinity of the vehicle. In terms of capacity, the Solaris Urbino 12 model can carry up  to 70 passengers whilst the articulated vehicles offer 107 passenger places, guaranteeing  maximum driver and passenger comfort during service.

Hamburger Hochbahn AG Innovationslinie 19.02.2015 Fotograf: Marc-Oliver Schulz 0170-3108004 Hamburger Hochbahn AG Innovationslinie 19.02.2015 Fotograf: Marc-Oliver Schulz 0170-3108004