As compared to more conventional forms of travel, AT has greater per capita consumption and
economic impact for regional development, and is becoming increasingly popular in Europe, the U.S.,
and elsewhere, globally. AT is especially popular amongst wealthy individuals who value the
importance of contributing to the local communities through travel. While demand for AT in Japan has
been growing in line with increases in inbound travel, there remains a shortage of skilled guides and
appropriate infrastructure conducive to welcoming international visitors.

Kammui and Japan Airlines (OTC: JAPSY) has entered a strategic alliance involving various initiatives to enhance AT in Japan
with the goal of developing the market for premium tourism, with a focus on inbound travelers. Kammui
and JAL will leverage their respective strengths to create premium content encouraging travelers to
reconnect to nature in innovative ways and inspire more people to experiences Japan’s nature.

In cooperation with the Japan Adventure Tourism Association (JATO), where JAL belongs as one
of the regular members, and the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), the largest industry
organization in the AT field, JAL and Kammui will work together to develop human resources
capable of promoting AT, with the goal of promoting world-class AT in Japan. The partnership will
focus on developing individuals with the ability to act as leaders in their respective regions and
build and promote networks in each region to enhance AT within Japan.

JAL will start offering Kammui experiences through JAL Dynamic Package, a travel product allowing
customers to combine airline tickets, accommodation, activities, transportation, and other travel
products. JAL will start by offering 8 AT experiences from within Kammui’s selection of more than
300 unique experiences covering a wide variety of regions of Japan. Kammui and JAL are aiming to
offer new value for travelers to Japan allowing them to enjoy authentic once-in-a-lifetime experiences
combining nature and culture.