Tag: withdraw

Embraer Cheers Brazilian Government Decision to Review Aeronautic Sector Subsidies

São Paulo, Brazil, February 18, 2021 – Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) welcomes the Brazilian Government’s decisions to withdraw its ongoing World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute with Canada regarding aeronautical subsidies and to launch negotiations on more effective disciplines to regulate government support in the Commercial Aviation segment.

At the WTO, Brazil challenged more than USD 3 billion in illegal subsidies that the Governments of Canada and Quebec provided to Bombardier for the launch, development and production of the C-Series program. These subsidies distorted the conditions of competition in the global market for commercial aircraft, causing serious prejudice to Embraer, in clear violation of WTO rules.

Although Brazil has a strong case, the WTO dispute became ineffective to address the Canadian subsidies and to remedy the distortions generated in the market. After Bombardier exited the Commercial Aviation segment and transferred the C-Series program (now called A220) to Airbus, which has a second assembly line in the United States, the trade dispute against Canada at the WTO is no longer the most effective means to achieve Brazil’s and Embraer’s goal of reestablishing a level playing field in this sector.

Embraer also supports Brazil’s initiative to launch negotiations for more effective disciplines on government support in the commercial aviation segment, as the best way to achieve this goal, as previously seen with the successful experience of the OECD’s Aircraft Sector Understanding (ASU), signed in 2007 to regulate export credits. Ultimately, Embraer believes that commercial aircraft manufacturers should compete against each other based on the merits of their product, not on the amount of funding they receive from their governments.

Mesa Air Group Adds Five Additional CRJ-900 Aircraft to American CPA

Mesa Air Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: MESA) today announced that it is amending its new Capacity Purchase Agreement with American Airlines (NASDAQ: AAL).

The amendment will see Mesa pick up flying at the beginning of 2021 over and above its new CPA levels, increasing to a total of five incremental aircraft by March. American retains the option to withdraw any of these incremental aircraft upon 60 days’ prior notice.

“We appreciate the opportunity to add this additional capacity at the request of American Airlines,” said Brad Rich, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “We remain optimistic about our relationship with American Airlines and are well prepared to respond positively to future opportunities.”

Airbus Offers Subsidy Concession to End U.S. Tariffs

PARIS (Reuters) – Europe’s Airbus <AIR.PA> said on Friday it would increase loan repayments to France and Spain in a “final” bid to reverse U.S. tariffs and jog the United States into settling a 16-year-old dispute over billions of dollars of aircraft subsidies.

The European Union, France and Spain said the move to raise interest rates paid by Airbus on A350 aircraft development loans should settle the row at the World Trade Organization and urged Washington to withdraw tariffs on EU goods.

“In the absence of a settlement, the EU will be ready to fully avail itself of its own sanction rights,” EU Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan said.

The loans are part of a system targeted by the United States in the world’s largest corporate trade dispute, which has also aired condemnation of U.S. support for Boeing <BA>.

The United States last year won WTO authorization to impose tariffs on up to $7.5 billion of EU goods from wine to whisky.

Trade groups are bracing for an escalation of the row in the autumn when the EU is expected to win WTO approval to hit back with its own tariffs over subsidies for Boeing.

Click the link below to read the full story!

Airbus Pulls Out of Canada Fighter Jet Race

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Airbus SE <EADSY> on Friday pulled out of a multibillion-dollar competition to supply Canada with 88 new fighter jets, a decision that boosts the chances of rival Lockheed Martin Corp <LMT>.

The defense arm of Airbus, which indicated last month it might withdraw, cited onerous security requirements and a late decision by Ottawa to loosen the rules for how much bidders would have to invest in Canada.

Airbus and other contenders had already complained the government appeared to be tilting the race in favor of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 plane, which the Royal Canadian Air Force wants. Canada is part of the consortium that developed the plane.

Canada launched the long-delayed competition last month and said it was confident no favoritism had been shown. Ottawa says the contract is worth between C$15 billion ($11.30 billion) and C$19 billion.

Canada’s official opposition Conservative Party, which is seeking to defeat Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an October election, accused the government of gross mismanagement.

Reuters revealed in July that Airbus and Boeing Co <BA.N> had written to Ottawa to say they might pull out.

The firms are unhappy that in late May, the government dropped a demand that bidders must guarantee to give Canadian businesses 100% of the value of the deal in economic benefits.

Such legally watertight commitments, which Boeing, Airbus and Sweden’s Saab AB <SAABb.ST> had already agreed to, contradict rules of the F-35 consortium. Ottawa’s move allowed Lockheed Martin to stay in the competition.

“One of the strongest points of our bid was the fact we were willing to make binding commitments,” said an Airbus source, who requested anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation.

“Once this was loosened up to a point where these commitments were no longer valued in the same way”, the firm decided “that’s just too much”, added the source, who also cited security challenges.

European jets must show they can meet stringent standards required by the United States, which with Canada operates the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

“NORAD security requirements continue to place too significant of a cost on platforms whose manufacture and repair chains sit outside the United States (and) Canada,” Airbus said in a statement.

Canadian Procurement Minister Carla Qualtrough said she respected the Airbus decision, adding Ottawa was determined there should be a level playing field.

“This included adapting the economic benefits approach to ensure the highest level of participation among suppliers,” she said in emailed comments.

Canada has been trying unsuccessfully for almost a decade to purchase replacements for its aging F-18 fighters. The former Conservative administration said in 2010 it would buy 65 F-35 jets but later scrapped the decision, triggering years of delays and reviews.

Trudeau’s Liberals took power in 2015 vowing not to buy the F-35 on the grounds that it was too costly, but have since softened their line.

“Justin Trudeau has spent the past four years delaying and dithering on new fighter jets for Canada only to completely mismanage the competition process,” said Conservative defense spokesman James Bezan.

Lockheed Martin declined to comment while Boeing and Saab did not respond to requests for comment.

($1 = 1.3275 Canadian dollars)

(Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by David Gregorio)

Will United Airlines Back Out of Coliseum Naming Rights Deal?

Rumors are starting to swirl that United Airlines is considering backing out of a $69 million deal to add its name to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

The deal, which was offered to the University of Southern California in 2018, was offered by the Chicago-based airline to call the stadium “The United Airlines Memorial Coliseum.”

The deal, which was offered to the University of Southern California in 2018, was offered by the Chicago-based airline to call the stadium “The United Airlines Memorial Coliseum.”

Once the deal became public knowledge, criticism began to mount that the re-branding could tarnish the image of the stadium that was named in honor of those lost during World War I.

The Coliseum is currently going under a $270 million renovation by the university, which has responded to the airlines concerns by stating that “They are open to accepting the wishes of the veteran community to modify the name change agreement.”

United Airlines has responded to university officials that it has made “a significant commitment to financing this project” in exchange for the naming rights. The airline went on to add that “If USC is not in a position to honor the terms of the agreement, including in particular the name change, United would be amenable to abiding by the wishes of the community, stepping away from this partnership with USC, and mutually terminating the agreement.”

USC has responded that they are “open” to changing the agreement, but did not provide any further details.