Rolls-Royce sees hydrogen as one of the key elements in a climate-neutral future. Its Power Systems division is already working hard on fuel cell technology, on a hydrogen engine, and on using renewably produced fuels that will soon be able to power existing internal combustion engines more cleanly. Building the hydrogen ecosystem quickly is a challenge – making interdisciplinary, cross-industry dialog a vital component. Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems Division hosted a visit by Dr. Stefan Kaufmann, Green Hydrogen Innovation Officer at Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education & Research, and explained its leading-edge research and development projects.

From Hydrogen to synthetic fuels

Together with industrial companies and universities, Rolls-Royce Power Systems is researching tomorrow’s propulsion and drive solutions in the MethQuest research project. Here, Rolls-Royce engineers are working on gas engine designs aimed at reducing methane emissions harmful to the climate, and on methanol and hydrogen combustion. The knowledge gained can be used in the development of new engines.

Fuel cell demonstrator soon to go into operation

One of these new drive-power technologies is the fuel cell in which hydrogen and oxygen react chemically to produce electricity which powers an electric motor with zero emissions. As early as this autumn/fall, Rolls-Royce will commission an emergency power supply system at its Friedrichshafen facility powered by fuel cells – thereby demonstrating how fuel cells can be used as part of stationary power supply infrastructure.

Rolls-Royce will then take the fuel cell to market in 2025 – initially for power generation applications, and later also as a marine propulsion system.