Uber rides around Las Vegas turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I booking a hotel for my stay specifically because it offered a free hotel shuttle. I called the hotel upon arrival, only to find that the shuttle had just left the airport. It was not scheduled to return for another hour. Since I was tired from my un-impressive flight in on Frontier, I decided to take a taxi to the hotel. The very short ride cost $22, and upon sliding my credit card in the taxi, I was asked if I wanted to add a 20%, 25%, or 30% tip. I selected the next option down, which was to enter another amount. The hotel also listed that the shuttle provided local transportation, but that was false, as it only served the airport and the strip. I then decided to try and rent a car, which was not in my original plans for the week. After receiving a couple of very high rental car quotes, I remembered that I had downloaded an Uber app on my phone.

Uber rides around Las Vegas

I decided to give my Uber app a click for a ride. I needed to make a stop at Kohl’s and Whole Foods before returning to the hotel, so I clicked for my first pickup. Upon setup of your account, you create a user ID and enter your credit card info into the app. You put your destination in the app when you request the ride, so you are on your way as soon as you get into the car. The car and driver on my first ride were both very nice. After completion of the trip, you receive an email (or text) receipt listing the ride charge. There is no tip involved (according to the app). I took a total of 6 rides during the week, and only 1 driver was of sub par caliber, including his car. After each ride, you get a survey to fill out on your ride experience. The total of the rides came out to less than 1 day of car rental, so the experience was a success in my book. One of the drivers also mentioned that Uber now serves McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, so I will definitely remember that on our next trip to Sin City!

Uber rides

Check it out at www.uber.com