9 February  2021 – The Aranjuez city local operator AISA, jointly with Consorcio Regional de Transportes de la Comunidad de Madrid (Madrid Regional mobility services Consortium), has incorporated the innovative Alstom Aptis ebus into its urban vehicles fleet. This new vehicle has started commercial services on the line 2, that runs across the centre of the historical and world heritage city. Aranjuez thus becomes the first municipality in the Community of Madrid (not considering the capital) to incorporate a 100% high capacity electric vehicle into the Regional Mobility Services Consortium. 

During last year tests, the ebus has already demonstrated its adaptability, efficiency and perfect integration, both with the urban environment of the municipality and with the rest of the operator’s fleet.

Thanks to its innovative design, Aptis offers an unparalleled passenger experience. Its berthing system for perfect alignment with the pavement, its low, completely flat floor and wide double doors allow easy movement and convenient boarding for people with reduced mobility and prams. Equipped with large bay windows along its entire length, Aptis offers 25% more glass surface area than a standard bus and a rear seating area with panoramic views of the city. With a length of 12 metres and equipped with 3 doors, Aptis has capacity for close to 100 passengers, including 2 PMR. 

Aptis is 100% electric, so in addition to decarbonising and protecting the environment, it takes care of the architecture and monuments of Aranjuez, an Unesco World Heritage Site. With a range of more than 200 km, the vehicle requested by AISA is designed for charging at night at the depot with a innovative charging system provided by Endesa X.

Aptis was designed to have an optimised total cost. This is possible thanks to reduced maintenance and operating costs and a longer service life compared to standard buses. For local authorities, this low total cost per seat is a great help in their effort to decarbonise urban transport.