Friedrichshafen, Germany, December 6, 2023 – Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC (London: RR) is to prolong its sponsorship of the Friedrichshafen Wissenswerkstatt e.V. (technology lab) and has committed to continuing funding for another five years. That means that the Wissenswerkstatt Friedrichshafen will benefit from a total of 250,000 euros up to 2028. It offers technology courses for children and teenagers from the age of five to eighteen at two locations in Friedrichshafen.

The courses given in the Wissenswerkstatt are not just designed to impart knowledge, but to highlight the enjoyable side of technology. In a relaxed atmosphere, the participants, working in groups of up to 14 or individually, engage in practical projects such as ‘Voltage from Veg – the Potato Battery’, or ‘The Internal Combustion Engine’s, or ‘Robotics – When Machines Do What I Say’.

One contribution Rolls-Royce Power Systems already made to the Wissenswerkstatt is an mtu Series 1600 engine on which participants learn about how an internal combustion engine is structured and works.

The general members’ meeting of the Wissenswerkstatt voted for Martin Stocker, head of training at Rolls-Royce Power Systems, to take up a seat on the board of the organization, which he will be retaining voluntarily in the future.

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